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Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Imagine a world where every curl and coil is celebrated, and searching for the perfect hair care product becomes a journey of love, discovery, and legacy. This is the world Briana Davis, CEO of Ooume, envisioned as she embarked on a deeply personal quest to craft gentle, natural hair care solutions for children with curly hair. The genesis of Ooume was not just an idea but a maternal call to action, inspired by the delicate curls of her son, Amir, and the lack of suitable products on the market.

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Briana faced the challenge of nurturing Amir’s sensitive curls, which were combatted by the harshness of adult products and the inefficacy of baby shampoos. Her journey is a testament to the power of maternal intuition and the extraordinary lengths a mother will go to protect and care for her child. During a moment of shared vulnerability during bath time with Amir, she was led to a pivotal epiphany, setting them on a path that would forever alter their lives.

Named after Amir’s curious cooing, which translates to ‘great’ in Japanese, Ooume is emblematic of more than a brand. It represents a legacy, echoing the homemade hair concoctions of Briana’s great-grandmother. It is a labor of love dedicated to offering non-toxic, nurturing products for every child’s curls. 

In an industry often overlooking the uniqueness of curly hair, Ooume shines as a beacon of hope and innovation. As a Black-owned curly hair care brand specifically for kids, Ooume transcends the ordinary business model, embodying a mission fueled by Briana’s personal experiences, dedication, and an in-depth understanding of the nuanced needs of curly-haired children and their families. During our conversation, we explored the depths of Ooume’s foundation, from its inspirational beginnings to the challenges faced and the aspirations for its future.

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Join us in exploring Ooume’s mission, where we unveil Briana Davis’s resilience, passion, and unwavering determination. Through this narrative, we invite you to discover a story richly interwoven with love, legacy, and curls, culminating in the creation of something profoundly remarkable.

Product Ideation and Development

What key factors did you consider when developing Ooume’s initial product lineup, and how did you ensure it met the specific needs of curly-haired babies and their parents?

When developing Ooume’s initial product lineup, several key factors guided my decisions to ensure they met the specific needs of curly-haired babies and their parents. Firstly, I prioritized using clean ingredients. I firmly believe our babies deserve the best from the start, free from harsh chemicals or toxins. Additionally, I wanted the products to be gentle on the eyes. As someone who has experienced the discomfort of shampoo or conditioner getting into their eyes, I know firsthand how unpleasant it can be. So, I ensured that Ooume’s products would not cause any stinging or irritation if they accidentally came into contact with the eyes.

Another crucial consideration was fragrance. I discovered through research that synthetic fragrances in many baby products can contribute to issues like eczema and overall skin irritation. To address this, I opted to make Ooume’s products fragrance-free to minimize the risk of skin sensitivities or reactions. Hydration was also a primary focus, as I recognized that traditional baby shampoos often strip hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and prone to damage. So, I formulated Ooume’s products to provide a gentle cleanse and ample hydration, which is particularly vital for babies with curly hair.

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Moreover, I was committed to ensuring that Ooume’s products were vegan. As someone who follows a mostly vegetarian diet and often opts for vegan alternatives, I understand the importance of choosing products that align with personal values and beliefs. By opting for vegan ingredients, I aimed to create products that were not only effective but also ethically sourced and cruelty-free.

Lastly, I prioritized non-toxic formulations. Pregnancy can bring about changes in skin sensitivity, and I wanted Ooume’s products to cater to the most sensitive skin types. During pregnancy and after pregnancy, my body started to develop body acne and other skin issues, and I could no longer use body products that I once did. Sensitive skin-friendly products were key for me to avoid skin issues. By selecting natural, nature-based ingredients for Ooume, we aim to provide a safe and gentle option for babies and parents alike without compromising efficacy.

The Journey from Concept to Launch

Launching a brand is no small feat. Can you walk us through the journey from the moment you realized the gap in the market to the official launch of Ooume? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

The journey from concept to launch of Ooume has been both exhilarating and challenging. It all began when I noticed a glaring gap in the market for hydrating products designed specifically for babies with textured hair. As a mom, I struggled to find products that hydrated my son’s curls without leaving them dry and frizzy. This realization sparked the idea for Ooume.

One of the primary challenges I faced was securing funding for the brand. As a full-time entrepreneur, I had to rely on my resources to kickstart Ooume. There were moments when finances were extremely tight that caused me to change my son’s & my lifestyle just so we could make ends meet while also trying to fund Ooume. Nonetheless, I remained steadfast in my belief that this vision would come to fruition. Through perseverance and faith, I kept moving and stayed active in my pursuit of this brand, and when I did, I was blessed with the necessary funds to move forward with the launch.

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Another hurdle was establishing Ooume’s visual identity. I encountered difficulty finding diverse imagery that resonated with the brand’s message of “Curls & Love.” Unable to find suitable inspiration on platforms of Black motherhood, curls, and products, I took matters into my own hands and conducted a photoshoot with my son and me, capturing the essence of the brand through our bond.

Additionally, sourcing packaging materials proved to be a complex endeavor. I encountered logistical challenges with suppliers, such as having to stay up past 2 AM many nights due to time differences and navigating through various packaging options to find the perfect solution. I went through countless samples to achieve the perfect bottle for Ooume.

Image Source: @weareooume

Perfecting the formula was perhaps the most arduous task. I dedicated countless hours to research, experimentation, and refinement to develop formulations that met my high effectiveness and safety standards. My first formulation took me almost 5 hours, and it was only 4 ounces. I flunked and flunked some more.

But I would always write down how I could do better the next time and wake up the next day to achieve just that. Once I felt like I had the perfect formula, I allowed friends, family, and people on social media followers to help me finalize Ooume’s products before our official launch.

Community Engagement and Feedback

How has community feedback influenced Ooume’s product development and brand philosophy? Can you share any memorable stories or feedback from parents who have used your products?

Community feedback has played a pivotal role in shaping Ooume’s product development and brand philosophy. Throughout the development process, I actively engaged with over 20 moms who graciously volunteered to try Ooume’s products. Initially, I shared my journey with Ooume on social media, inviting moms to share their babies’ hair concerns and offering them the opportunity to try our products in exchange for feedback.

The response was overwhelming, with moms reaching out to me to express their interest in Ooume and their eagerness to address their babies’ hair care needs. I requested that each mom complete a survey to provide detailed feedback on their experiences with Ooume, including their current hair care routines, concerns, and thoughts on our products.

Image Source: @weareooume

One particularly memorable story came from a mom who shared that her son had eczema and would frequently scratch his scalp. She noticed a significant improvement after using Ooume on his coils – her son stopped scratching, and his scalp became visibly healthier. The hydrating properties of Ooume’s products provided relief and hydration to her son’s coils, bringing comfort and joy to both mom and baby.

Another heartwarming testimonial came from a mom who loved the transformation of her son’s hair after using Ooume. She was delighted to see his curls becoming more defined and vibrant, compared to other baby products that would make his ends completely straight without additional oils or products in the days following wash day. These testimonials reaffirmed Ooume’s mission to provide gentle, effective, and hydrating hair care solutions for babies with textured hair, and they serve as a source of inspiration as we continue to innovate and grow.

Educational Initiatives and Support

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Education seems to be a core pillar of Ooume. How does the brand plan to support and educate parents on caring for their children’s curly hair beyond just providing products?

Education is indeed a fundamental aspect of Ooume’s mission. Beyond providing products, we are committed to empowering parents with the knowledge and resources to care for their children’s curly hair effectively and confidently. Our educational initiatives extend beyond hair care to encompass broader topics such as ingredient awareness, natural hair care tips, and self-love advocacy.

One of our primary objectives is to raise awareness about potentially harmful ingredients commonly found in hair care products. Through educational content on our website, social media platforms, and future live workshops, we aim to educate parents about toxic ingredients and empower them to make informed choices for their families’ well-being.

In addition to online resources, we plan to host natural hair workshops in our local community and collaborate with adoption agencies to guide on caring for natural curls and coils. These workshops will serve as interactive learning experiences where parents can receive hands-on instruction and personalized advice from experts in the field.

Image Source: @weareooume

Furthermore, we recognize that many parents may struggle with their own natural hair care routines, which can impact their ability to care for their children’s hair effectively. To address this, we will offer workshops and social media live series focused on natural hair styling techniques, hair care practices, and the importance of using clean ingredients. By equipping parents with practical skills and knowledge, we aim to foster a positive and supportive community where everyone feels empowered to embrace their natural hair.

In line with our commitment to supporting parents during the postpartum period, we are in the process of launching a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources and support for new parents. This initiative will focus on navigating maternity leave, accessing postpartum resources, and promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Our private mom group chat also offers a safe and inclusive space for mothers to connect, share experiences, and seek guidance on various aspects of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Through this community-driven platform, we hope to foster meaningful connections and provide valuable support to moms at every stage of their journey.

Navigating the Beauty Industry as a Black-Owned Business

The buying power of Black consumers is significant, yet the beauty industry often overlooks their needs. How does Ooume aim to address this gap, and what challenges have you faced as a Black-owned business in this space?

Ooume is committed to addressing the gap in the beauty industry by prioritizing Black consumers’ needs and preferences. We understand the importance of representation and inclusivity in the beauty space, and we strive to amplify the voices of our community through active engagement and listening.

Our approach to addressing this gap is simple yet powerful: we prioritize customer feedback and actively seek input from our community on their hair care needs and preferences. By listening attentively to our customers and incorporating their feedback into our product development process, we ensure that our offerings truly meet the diverse needs of Black consumers.

Image Source: @weareooume

Additionally, we prioritize authentic representation in our marketing and branding efforts, ensuring our imagery reflects our community’s natural beauty and diversity. By showcasing a range of hair textures, skin tones, and identities, we aim to celebrate the beauty of Black hair in all its forms and empower individuals to embrace their natural selves.

Navigating the competitive landscape of the beauty industry as a Black-owned business presents its own set of hurdles. Limited access to resources, funding, and visibility opportunities has posed significant challenges and made it difficult to compete on a level playing field. My efforts are making a meaningful impact, as evidenced by the attention we’ve received from larger, non-Black-owned beauty brands in the industry. 

Future Plans and Expansions

What are your future plans for Ooume? Are there new products or initiatives we can look forward to?

I am incredibly excited about Ooume’s future! One of my key priorities is expanding our distribution channels, and I am thrilled to announce that we’ve been invited to sell on Amazon. This will allow us to reach even more families and provide them with our gentle, natural hair care products. Additionally, we’re planning to introduce several new products to our baby care line so that we can continue to meet the evolving needs of our community. 

Looking ahead, we’re passionate about expanding into adult and kids’ hair care, focusing on providing the best products for curly and coily wash and styling days. As part of our long-term vision, I aspire to establish partnerships with retail giants like Ulta Beauty and participate in beauty accelerators to further enhance our knowledge and expertise in navigating the beauty industry. I can’t wait to continue this journey and bring our customers even more innovative and inclusive products!

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

What advice would you give to other aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those looking to create impactful, community-focused brands?

I advise aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those aiming to create impactful, community-focused brands, to persevere. Building a strong community around your brand is paramount. Transparency and relatability are key; share your journey openly with your audience and cultivate genuine connections. 

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

In today’s business landscape, traditional sales tactics are no longer as effective as they once were. Instead, focus on nurturing a community of engaged supporters who resonate with your brand’s mission and values. Most importantly, pursue something you’re truly passionate about and enjoy. For me, creating hair care products is not just a business venture; it’s a source of tranquility and fulfillment. When you’re passionate about what you do, it shines through in your work and resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

Personal Reflections and Achievements

Empowering Moms with Ooume: Love, Discovery, and Legacy

Looking back on your journey so far, what are you most proud of achieving with Ooume, and what lessons have you learned along the way?

Looking back on my journey with Ooume, my proudest achievement is undoubtedly the act of launching the brand itself. There were countless moments when I felt overwhelmed and ready to give up, especially during the challenging process of finalizing packaging details and working on formulas my community would love. 

At times, the stress became so intense that I experienced insomnia and persistent headaches. However, I persevered because I knew that once I launched, I would no longer have to endure the hardships of the pre-launch phase. Since the launch, things have certainly become easier in some respects, but new challenges have also emerged. 

Nevertheless, I approach these challenges with a different energy and perspective, knowing I have already overcome significant obstacles to bring Ooume to life. It’s all worth it in the end.


Reflecting on Briana Davis’s journey with Ooume reveals a powerful narrative of resilience, innovation, and maternal love. Her drive to provide gentle, natural solutions for kids with curly hair has filled a significant market gap and highlighted the importance of inclusivity and understanding in product development.

Through challenges and triumphs, Briana’s story exemplifies the profound impact of pursuing a passion and the transformative power of a community-focused approach. Ooume’s future looks bright, promising to extend its reach and continue to celebrate the uniqueness of every curl and coil. 

Briana’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs underscores the value of perseverance, passion, and building a brand with heart. Ooume is more than a brand; it’s a movement toward embracing natural beauty and fostering a supportive community for parents and children alike.

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui

The Paris Olympics have been a stage for showcasing athletic prowess and the vibrant diversity of hairstyles. Athletes from around the globe are expressing their heritage, personality, and pride through their unique hairstyles.

Each hairstyle tells a story, adding a splash of color and culture to the world’s biggest sporting event. Representing natural hair at the Olympics is important, as it celebrates diversity and encourages acceptance and appreciation of all hair types internationally.

The Importance of Natural Hair Representation at the Olympics

Natural hair representation at the Olympics is more than just a fashion statement. It signifies the breaking of barriers and the celebration of cultural identity. For many athletes, wearing their natural hair is a form of self-expression and a nod to their heritage. It also inspires young people worldwide to embrace their natural beauty.

The visibility of natural hair on such a prominent stage sends a powerful message that all hair types are beautiful and should be celebrated. This representation is vital for several reasons:

1. Cultural Pride

Many athletes use their hairstyles to honor their cultural backgrounds. By showcasing traditional hairstyles, they connect with their heritage and share their culture with a global audience.

2. Breaking Stereotypes

Historically, natural hair, especially among Black athletes, has been subject to discrimination and stereotyping. Seeing athletes proudly wearing their natural hair challenges these stereotypes and promotes a more inclusive perception of beauty.

3. Inspiration and Empowerment

Young people watching the Olympics see athletes who look like them and wear their hair naturally. This visibility can boost self-esteem and encourage them to embrace their natural hair, knowing it is celebrated on the world stage.

4. Diversity and Inclusion

The Olympics celebrate global diversity. The various hairstyles represented in the games highlight the richness of different cultures and promote inclusion, showing that beauty and athleticism come in many forms.

Now, let’s look at 15 athletes going for gold with their stunning hairstyles in Paris.

1. Sha’Carri Richardson: Track and Field, USA 

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @itsshacarri / Instagram

Sha’Carri, the electrifying sprinter representing the USA, showcases long, flowing hair extensions that cascade down her back. Her hairstyle is a bold expression of confidence and individuality, celebrating her unique identity on the world’s biggest stage.

2. Noah Lyles: Track and Field, USA

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @nojo18 / Instagram

Noah showcases intricately braided cornrows adorned with beads, adding a touch of tradition and style to his athletic look. His hairstyle makes a strong impression on the global stage.

3. Imani – Lara Lansiquot: Track and Field, Great Britain

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @imanilara / Instagram

Imani-Lara, the sprinter representing Great Britain, wears her hair in a sleek, low ponytail that combines elegance with athletic functionality. Her hairstyle enhances her streamlined look and reflects her poised and powerful presence on the track.

4. Emmanouil Karalis: Pole Vault, Greece

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @manolo / Instagram

Emmanouil flaunts a striking hairstyle featuring sleek, tight braids with shaved sides. This hairstyle is functional for his sport and accentuates his unique style, adding a sharp and dynamic edge to his overall athletic appearance.

5. Romane Dicko: Judo, France

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @romane_dicko / Instagram

Romane Dicko is sporting vibrant, tri-colored red, white, and blue braids that showcase her national pride. Her bold hairstyle adds a striking visual element and reflects her strong and confident personality, making a statement both on and off the mat.

6. Rebeca Andrade: Gymnastics, Brazil

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @Getty Images / Instagram. Photo: @rebecarandrade & @cazetv_oficial / Instagram

Rebeca Andrade’s hair is in a sophisticated braided high bun, perfectly complementing her grace and athletic prowess. Her hairstyle is practical for her dynamic routines and reflects her poised and confident presence on the world stage.

7. Trinity Rodman: Soccer, USA

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @washingtonspirit / Instagram. Photo of: @trinity_rodman / Instagram

Trinity is wearing vibrant, braided pink hair extensions that are both eye-catching and practical for her energetic play. Her colorful braids reflect her dynamic personality and add a unique flair to her on-field presence.

8. Winfred Yavi: Track and Field, Bahrain

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @worldathletics / Instagram. Photo of: @winfred_yavi_oly / Instagram

Winfred Yavi’s hair is styled in neat cornrows, providing both practicality and style for her demanding track events. This sleek hairstyle ensures minimal distraction during intense competition and adds an elegant touch to her powerful performances on the track.

9. Simone Biles: Gymnastics, USA

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @gettyimages, @squirephoto@stefan.matzke@naomibakerphoto / Instagram. Photo of: @simonebiles /Instagram

Simone Biles is wearing her hair in a practical high bun with two braids at the top for added flair, perfectly suited for her dynamic routines. Her confident response to comments about her hair underscores her resilience and pride, turning a moment of criticism into a powerful statement of self-acceptance and strength, much like her stellar performance, which earned her three gold medals and one silver.

10. Wenyen Gabriel: Basketball, South Sudan

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @wenyengabriel / Instagram

Wenyen is wearing thick, practical, and expressive banded coils. His distinctive hairstyle enhances his unique look on the court and celebrates his cultural heritage, adding to his dynamic presence in the sport.

11. Rasheeda Ajibade: Soccer, Nigeria

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @rasheedatt10 / Instagram

Rasheeda is sporting a bold, vibrant blue short haircut that stands out on the field. Her striking hairstyle highlights her unique personality and reflects her fearless and dynamic approach to the game.

12. Amandha Sylves: Volleyball, Italy

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @Huron Daily Tribune / website. Photographer: Alessandra Tarantino/AP. Photo of: @amandasylves / Instagram

Amandha’s long silver braids, styled into a high ponytail, create a striking look that combines flair with practicality for her athletic performance.

13. Selesitino Ravutaumada: Rugby, Fiji

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui

Image Source: @selebucho / Instagram

Selesitino showcases long, free-flowing locs held back by a headband, adding both style and practicality to his game.

14. Akoko Komlanvi: Rowing, Togo

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @thenewsmarket / website

Akoko is wearing her hair in neat, short locs that are both practical and stylish for rowing. Her hairstyle reflects her cultural heritage and provides a functional yet distinctive look as she competes internationally.

15. Mohamed Elneny: Soccer, Egypt

Olympic Winning Hairstyles That Made Us Say Oui Oui
Image Source: @fifaworldcup & @elennym / Instagram

Mohamed rocks medium-length, free-form locs that add a distinctive and dynamic element to his on-field appearance. His hairstyle is both practical and expressive, allowing for ease of movement.

Wrapping Up

As the Paris Olympics unfold, the athletes’ unique hairstyles have become powerful symbols of identity and self-expression, resonating far beyond the field of competition. These styles do more than complement athletic performance—they tell stories of heritage, individuality, and pride. 
By embracing and showcasing their natural hair on such a global stage, these athletes are breaking barriers and inspiring a new generation to celebrate their beauty and cultural roots. In doing so, they are redefining the standards of beauty and diversity, making an indelible impact on the world of sports and beyond.

25 Braiders That Stand on Business

In honor of National Braiders Day on August 8, we celebrate 25 exceptional braiders who have mastered their craft and made significant contributions to the hair care community. National Braiders Day, established by the Braid Love Movement in 2017, is a time to reflect on the cultural significance of hair braiding, advocate for the recognition and respect braiders deserve, and educate others on the deep-rooted history and artistry of braiding. 

These talented professionals have showcased unparalleled expertise and creativity, transforming braided hairstyles into a revered form of self-expression and cultural identity. Each braider featured in this article has made a notable impact, inspiring and elevating the art of braiding within their communities and beyond.

1. Kendra Garvey

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Photo Credit: photographer / @robertector / Instagram. Image of: @therealmaryjblige / Instagram. Image Source: @kendragarvey / Instagram

Kendra Garvey is a renowned Celebrity Braider and Hairstylist who has earned her place in the spotlight as a two-time Emmy Nominee. Her exceptional talent has graced the likes of Mary J. Blige, Kerry Washington, and Beyonce, showcasing her ability to create stunning, iconic, braided styles. Kendra’s work continues to set the bar for excellence in the industry, making her a sought-after expert in her craft.

2. Shani Crowe

Reel Source: @crowezilla / Instagram

Shani Crowe is an interdisciplinary artist from Chicago’s South Side, celebrated for her intricate corn-rowed hairstyles and large photographic portraits. With a BFA from Howard University, her work centers on cultural coiffure, adornment, and beauty rituals of the African diaspora, fostering connectivity through her art. Shani’s work has been featured at prestigious venues such as The Broad in Los Angeles and on Saturday Night Live in collaboration with Solange Knowles.

1. Ancestral Strands

Reel Source: @ancestralstrands / Instagram

Tamara Albertini, the visionary behind Ancestral Strands Braid Studio, is a Holistic Master Braider, Herbalist, and African Esthetics expert based in New York. For over 20 years, she has nurtured and healed hundreds of clients through her holistic hair braiding services, which connect deeply with African lineage and textured hair roots. Tamara’s work has graced celebrities like Simone Missick and has been featured in Essence magazine, Essence Fest, Afropunk, and Shea Moisture events.

3. Juhmai Lumpkin

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @jahmonit / Instagram

Jahmai Lumpkin is a celebrated hair stylist famous for her trendy braids, seen on celebrities such as Rita Ora, Nia Long, and Keri Hilson. Known for crafting intricate designs like crowns and hearts, her artistry has been showcased in publications including InStyle Magazine, LA Weekly, and the New York Times Fashion Section. Her work at Goo Salon and successful collaborations, such as the Braid Bar at the Melody Ehsani Shop, underscore her significant influence and creativity in the braiding industry.

4. Zateesha Barbour

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @zateeshahairstylist / Instagram

Zateesha Barbour, a London-based Session Hair Stylist with over a decade of experience, is acclaimed for her contemporary approach to traditional hair styling across all textures. A fervent advocate for inclusivity, she has built a loyal following and styled celebrities like Naomi Campbell, Jorja Smith, and Ellie Goulding. Her innovative techniques and dedication to diversity have distinguished her as a prominent figure in the industry.

6. Nikki Nelms

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @nikkinelms / Instagram

Nikki Nelms, a master hairstylist, boasts an impressive client list featuring Janelle Monáe, Zoe Kravitz, Serena Williams, and Kelly Rowland. Renowned for her creative and versatile styles, Nikki gained significant attention for her beach-inspired look for Solange. Her expertise and innovative techniques have solidified her reputation as a top stylist to the stars.

  1. Lacy Redway
25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @lacyredway / Instagram

Lacy Redway is a New York-based hairstylist who saw her career take off after studying at The Aveda Institute in Manhattan. Her mastery of all hair textures and magnetic personality have attracted a prestigious clientele, including Tessa Thompson, Anne Hathaway, and Priyanka Chopra. Lacy’s remarkable talent and dedication have established her as a highly sought-after stylist in the industry.

8. Shelby Swain

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @shelbeniecedidthat / Instagram

Shelby Swain, known as the “Beyoncé of Baby Hair,” is a celebrity hairstylist renowned for her innovative creations with longtime client Lizzo, such as bejeweled edges on RuPaul’s Drag Race and a wood-grain hair hat for the BET Awards. Her work has been pivotal in redefining beauty standards around Black hair and challenging mainstream culture’s appropriation of Black beauty styles.

9. Joy Matashi

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @joydarlinginnit / Instagram. Photo Credit: @florian.joahn / Instagram

Joy Matashi, an architect and artist, brings her West African Modernist heritage into the 21st century by exploring the architecture and geometry of hairstyles. Based between London and Abuja, Nigeria, her cross-disciplinary practice treats hair as “small architecture,” using the head as a foundation. Inspired by iconic Nigerian structures, Joy’s innovative approach showcases the strength and versatility of black hair as both an artistic and architectural medium.

10. Kione Grandison

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @kione_g / Instagram. Hair collaboration between @amazingafi_. Photo credit: @benifundr

Kione Grandison, a London-based multidisciplinary artist, explores identity through her mixed Jamaican heritage. She focuses on braiding within the Black beauty industry, Jamaican music, dancehall culture, and traditional African adornment. Combining visual art with ethnography, she delves into contemporary and historic cultures.

11. Susan Oludele

25 Braiders That Stand on Business

Image Source: / website

Susan Oludele, known as Hair By Susy, has been a trailblazing hair artist since 2011, transforming the industry with her innovative braids, twists, and protective styles. Based in New York and expanding to Los Angeles, she has styled celebrities like Solange Knowles and crafted iconic looks such as Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” cornrows. Celebrated for turning braids into wearable art, Susan’s work features bold shapes and vibrant colors, each design infused with spiritual and intentional elements.

12. Kim Kimble

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @kimblehaircare / Instagram. Collab with @BarbieStyle

Kim Kimble is a top celebrity hairstylist and natural hair educator known for styling stars like Mary J. Blige, Halle Berry, and Rihanna. She was famous for her braiding skills and created iconic looks such as Halle Berry’s blonde styles in B.A.P.S., Brandy’s Moesha styles, and Cinderella braids. Inspired by cultural icons, her innovative designs have garnered industry acclaim. Her exceptional talent was honored with a Barbie featuring long goddess locs with charms, symbolizing her journey and dedication to bold, trendsetting styles.

13. Xia Charles

Reel Source: @braided__ / Instagram

Xia Charles, a Trinidad and Tobago-born braider, is acclaimed for her innovative contributions to the hair industry. Her Brooklyn salon, Braided New York, is famous for its artistic, Instagram-worthy braids. Xia’s notable work includes the iconic 30-foot braids for Beyoncé’s Black Is King and pristine cornrows for Cardi B. Viewing each braid as a piece of art, Xia takes joy in bringing her creative visions to life.

14. Chuck Amos

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @chuckielovehair / Instagram. Photo by: @mikeruizone / Instagram.

Chuck Amos, a hair legend, has styled the tresses of celebrities like Alicia Keys, Tracee Ellis Ross, Vanessa Williams, Lisa Bonet, Viola Davis, and Iman. Known for his iconic work, he styled Brandy’s hair for her first two albums from 1994 to 1999, solidifying his status in the industry.

15. Soichi Inagaki

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @soichiinagaki / Instagram. Photo by: @MarknMarkn

Soichi Inagaki is the creative force behind many of FKA Twigs’ most iconic looks, including her bold braids and exaggerated baby hairs. His eclectic style sensibility has resulted in some of her most memorable hairstyles, establishing Soichi as a visionary stylist in the industry.

16. Melek Ustunluk

Reel Source: @mimisbraids / Instagram

Melek Ustunluk, a braiding maestro, is celebrated for her work with artists like Wale and Travis Scott. She runs a successful beauty shop and has styled high-profile clients such as Travis Scott and Allen “Cornrow King” Iverson. Beyond her impressive clientele, Melek is known for her steadfast support of fellow braiders nationwide, fostering a strong community within the industry.

17. Stasha Harris

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @magicfingersstudio / Instagram

Stasha Harris, an award-winning licensed NYS Natural Hair Instructor, has transformed from a salon braider to a global beauty entrepreneur. With over 22 years of experience, she has traveled the world as an educator and brand ambassador, featured in Oprah Magazine, Lifestyle, and Sophisticate’s Black Hair. Stasha is now the Creative Director and host of Cosmopolitan Magazine’s “The Braid Up” and “Battle of the Braids,” highlighting the talents of fellow stylists.

18. Marcia Hamilton

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @marciahamiltonhair / Instagram

Marcia Hamilton is an Emmy-nominated hairstylist celebrated for blending classic beauty with modern trends. After moving to Los Angeles, she gained recognition by collaborating with top celebrity stylists and creating unique looks for stars like Brandy, Eve, Kelly Rowland, Serena Williams, Pink, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Taraji P. Henson. Mentored by industry legends Orlando Pita, Guido Palau, and Teddy Charles, Marcia has contributed to fashion shows for designers such as Oscar De La Renta, Tom Ford, and Marc Jacobs, using these experiences to craft iconic and innovative styles.

19. Brie Marie

Reel Source: @thebrimarieway / Instagram

When South Florida stylist Bri Marie crafted the Nike swoosh-shaped braid for Drake at the Nike Maxim Award Show in September 2022, it stole the spotlight. Her braiding career took off in 2019 when rapper Riff Raff’s PR team discovered her on Instagram. Since then, her intricate and artistic braids have attracted an exclusive clientele, including celebrities like James Harden, Rich Homie Quan, and Swae Lee,

20. Dominique Foreman

Reel Source: @moona_thehairstylist / Instagram

Licensed cosmetologist Dominique Foreman has been in the hair business for over 10 years, earning numerous qualifications and certificates. She is known for her faux locs, boho, and goddess braids. As an uprising star, she was voted among the best hair braiders in the country and proudly represents the state of Connecticut.

21. Dr. Kari Williams

Reel Source: @dr.kariwill / Instagram

Dr. Kari Williams, founder of Mahogany Revolution, is a renowned celebrity stylist known for her creation of the popular Goddess Locs style. Her impressive client list includes stars like Ciara, Meagan Good, Tyra Banks, Willow Smith, and Ayesha Curry. As an expert in her craft, Dr. Kari Williams is dedicated to training other stylists in the art and mastery of Goddess Locs, further solidifying her influence in the industry.

22. Felecia Leatherwood

Reel Source: @felecialeatherwood / Instagram

Felicia Leatherwood, another renowned celebrity stylist, has worked with some of our favorites, including Issa Rae, Ava DuVernay, Nicole Ari Parker, Simone Missick, Skai Jackson, Teyonah Parris, and Lenny Kravitz. In addition to her star-studded clientele, Felicia is the creator of “The Detangler Brush,” a must-have tool for natural hair care. Known for her versatility, she excels in styles such as crochets, cornrows, box braids, faux locs, and Marley twists, making her a true master of her craft.

23. Kamara Brown

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @rawwintuition / Instagram

Kamara Brown is a talented artist renowned for her diverse skills and the high praise she receives from her clients. She got her big break when she was introduced to singer and songwriter Jhene Aiko to create the faux loc style worn in the music video for “The Pressure.” Kamara excels in a wide range of styles, including passion twists, box braids, cornrows, Havana twists, crochet, faux locs, Marley twists, goddess locs, and Senegalese twists, showcasing her versatility and artistry in each creation.

24. Mariah Leilani

25 Braiders That Stand on Business
Image Source: @yayadidmyhair / Instagram

Mariah Leilani, a rising star in Los Angeles’ styling community, has made a name for herself working with celebrities like Cardi B, Brandy, and Ella Mai. Starting her career by styling hair for friends and family in Compton, she has swiftly ascended to become a sought-after talent known for her exceptional skills and artistic flair.

25. Reese Young

Reel Source: @braids.amillion / Instagram

Uprising star Mericia (Reese) Young, a native of Jacksonville, FL, transformed her childhood hobby of braiding into a thriving business. After attending Stanton College Prep and studying at both UNF and FSU, Reese took a bold step in 2017 to leave the corporate world and launch Braids Amillion LLC. Her dedication and talent have earned her a growing reputation across Florida, Georgia, and California, with over 1,000 clients served in just six years, making her a rising star in the braiding community.

Conclusion: How to Support and Celebrate National Braiders Day

As we celebrate National Braiders Day, let’s recognize and appreciate the incredible talent and hard work of these 25 braiders who continue to set high standards in the industry. You can support this day by visiting a professional braider, learning about the rich history of hair braiding, and advocating for reduced regulatory hurdles that braiders face. 

By doing so, we honor the cultural significance of braiding and ensure that these talented individuals receive the respect and opportunities they deserve. Here’s to these remarkable braiders’ continued success and lasting impact on our community and culture.

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair

In recent years, the sight of TV anchors confidently wearing their natural hair on air has become a powerful symbol of authenticity and representation. For many journalists, embracing their natural texture has been challenging, often requiring them to push back against longstanding industry norms that favored uniformity over individuality.

Image Source: @blackwomentv

This shift towards showcasing natural hair celebrates diversity and inspires viewers to embrace their own unique textures. In this article, we highlight 13 trailblazing TV anchors who proudly sport their natural styles, each embodying a blend of professionalism and personal flair that sets a new standard in broadcast journalism.

1. Aj Walker at CBS 12

Reel Source: @ajwalkernews / Instagram

Aj Walker is an Emmy-award-winning Journalist and documentary filmmaker who brings the news to Michigan with poise and grace. In this clip, she showcases long, sleek box braids, a protective style that exudes professionalism and highlights the versatility and beauty of natural hair. 

2. Latoyia Edwards at NBC10 Boston

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @edwardslatoyia  / Instagram

Boston is brimming with braids, energy, and charisma thanks to NBC news anchor Latoyia Edwards. Edwards sports intricate micro braids styled with a blend of natural and highlighted strands, adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to the small screen. 

3. Amaka Ubaka at WHDH7

Reel Source: @amakaubakatv / Instagram

Amaka Ubaka is all about showing up and showing out with bold outfits and even more beautiful locs that are front and center for the channel 7 news team in Boston. Her free-flowing faux locs, offer a natural yet striking appearance that combines both practicality and style. 

4. Akilah Davis at ABC 11

Reel Source: @davisabc11 / Instagram

Akilah is loud and proud about sporting her sister locks in the windy city of Chicago. She’s been able to openly discuss her transition into sister locks on camera through CROWN Day segments. Her chic sister lock bob exudes sophistication and style while maintaining the cultural significance of natural hair. 

5. Kwani Lunis at NBC10

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @kwanialunis / Instagram

If there is one thing Kwani is going to do, it’s serve face, smiles, and big energy for Boston. Lunis is giving length and volume with her natural coils, creating a bold, dynamic look that perfectly complements her energetic presence on screen. Her choice of natural coils underscores the beauty and strength of embracing one’s natural texture in a professional setting.

6. Whitney Miller at WCPO 9 News

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @whitneyontv / Instagram

The NaturallyCurly team was just in New Orleans, so we commend Whitney Miller for her ability to fiercely rock her natural hair in the humidity. In this clip, Miller is wearing her hair in a high bun adorned with box braids, creating a practical and stylish look. The high bun keeps her braids neatly out of the way while adding a touch of elegance.

7. Tashara Parker at WFAA News 8 

Reel Source: @tasharaparker / Instagram

Tashara Parker is a Texas journalist who has never been one to shy away from iconic hair moments. Park sports a high ponytail of blonde faux locs, combining a playful and chic aesthetic with professional poise. The high ponytail showcases the length and texture of her locs and adds a vibrant and contemporary touch to her on-air presence.

8. Audrina Sinclair at CBS News

Reel Source: @audrinaontv / TikTok

The Windy City strikes again with another powerful news anchor putting her natural hair first. Audrina Sinclair proudly wears her natural hair in voluminous, defined curls, radiating confidence and authenticity. Her choice to embrace her natural texture on air highlights the beauty of curly hair and sets a powerful example of self-acceptance and diversity in the media industry.

9. Janai Norman at ABC News

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @janai.norman  / Instagram

What better to start your day than with Good Morning America news anchor Janai Norman? She often wears her natural hair in chic, curly hair, showcasing a sophisticated style and true to her roots. Her carefully defined curls frame her face beautifully, emphasizing the elegance and professionalism of natural hair in the broadcasting world.

10. Sia Nyorko at Cleveland 19

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @tvnewslady / Instagram

Say hello to Ohio newscaster Sia Nyorko, who is the queen of rocking a beautifully coiffed afro. Nyorko, proudly wears a full, voluminous afro, making a bold statement of cultural pride and individuality. Her natural afro commands attention and is a powerful symbol of embracing one’s heritage and the beauty of natural hair in professional settings.

11. Amanda VanAllen at PHL17

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @amandaphl17 / Instagram

We love to see richly moisturized coily hair, and Philadelphia news anchor Amanda VanAllen proudly showcases them. VanAllen wears her natural hair in defined, short-length curls that frame her face beautifully. Her curls add a touch of softness and approachability to her on-air presence.

12. Romney Smith at NBC NY

Trailblazers in Broadcast: Celebrating TV Anchors Who Wear Their Natural Hair
Image Source: @romneysmith / Instagram

The concrete jungle has nothing on Romney Smith’s defined curls. Smith embraces her natural hair with well-defined, bouncy curls that perfectly frame her face. Her beautiful curls exude confidence and warmth, reinforcing the message of authenticity and diversity in the media industry.

13. Joy Taylor, Fuse TV

Image Source: @joytaylortalks

Joy Taylor is a powerhouse journalist who is not afraid to tackle hard topics in entertainment, sports, or advocating for women’s rights. Taylor’s hair beautifully cascades from micro braids at the base of her scalp, which she can easily manipulate into a series of updos and protective looks.

Embracing Authenticity: The Impact of TV Anchors Wearing Natural Hair on Air

The increasing visibility of TV anchors wearing their natural hair on air marks a significant shift in the broadcasting landscape. These 12 trailblazers have helped redefine professional aesthetics and championed a broader acceptance and celebration of natural hair in media. Their choices resonate beyond the screen, inspiring countless viewers to embrace their own unique textures with pride. 

By confidently showcasing their natural styles, these anchors enhance their on-screen presence and foster a culture of diversity and inclusion. Their impact goes beyond their hairstyles, sending a powerful message about self-acceptance and the beauty of individuality in professional settings.

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, but figuring out what to do with your hair while you’re away from home shouldn’t add stress to your adventure. 

Whether you’re heading to the beach, exploring a new city, or embarking on a weekend getaway, we’ve got you covered with 25 quick and easy braided hairstyles perfect for any travel occasion. 

These styles are designed to be low-maintenance yet chic, suitable for various hair textures. Get ready to look fabulous without spending hours on your hair!

1. Braided Bun

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

Braided buns bring back 90s vibes, combining the simplicity of braids with the classic bun. This style keeps hair neat, stylish, and secure, making it perfect for all-day adventures during your travels.

2. Classic Dutch Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @twistsnmoree_   / Instagram

These classic Dutch braids start at the front and go all the way to the back, providing a secure and stylish look. Perfect for high-energy activities, they keep your hair neatly out of your face while traveling.

3. Multi-Braid Cascading Style

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This multi-braid cascading style is perfect for straight hair and offers an elegant look. It’s a simple way to add texture and sophistication to your travel hairstyle without spending too much time.

4. Double Reverse French Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @zoellamby / Instagram

These double reverse French braids are perfect for coily hair textures, providing a sleek and tidy look. This simple and easy style keeps hair secure and protected, making it an ideal choice for travel.

5. Jumbo Braids with Zigzag Part

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @thehairandbeautycorner / Instagram

These jumbo braids are a striking and easy style for travel, made even more unique by the zigzag parting. The distinct part gives this classic look a modern twist, ensuring your hair stands out while staying secure and low-maintenance.

6. Fishtail Braided Ponytail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @hairmev  / Instagram

This fishtail braided ponytail is perfect for coily textures, offering a sleek and stylish look. It’s a super quick and easy style to do. It will keep your hair neat and secure while adding a touch of sophistication to your travel ensemble.

7. Pull-Through Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @annestensvoll / Instagram

This pull-through braid is an excellent option for straight hair textures, offering a thick-haired look. It’s easy to achieve and provides a polished, sophisticated appearance that is perfect for any travel destination.

8. Reverse Double Braided French Pigtails

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @tresemmeuk / Instagram

These double-braided hairstyles are perfect for curly hair, providing a cute and practical style for travel. The braids keep the hair secure while allowing the curls to flow freely at the ends. This quick and easy hairstyle is ideal for maintaining your natural texture while ensuring a polished look.

9. Front Braided High Ponytail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @ jasmeannnn / Instagram

If you don’t want your whole hair braided and just want to dip into braids, why not braid the front of your hair to keep it out of your face? This quick and easy style can be put together in just five minutes, giving you a chic look that lets your curly hair flow freely while keeping your front strands neatly braided.

10. Double Dutch Braid with Ponytail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This double Dutch braid style, ideal for wavy and straight textures, combines practicality with elegance. The braids meet in a single ponytail, keeping your hair secure and stylish. 

11. Side Braid with Loose Waves

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @the_sharp_collective  / Instagram

This side braid style is perfect for wavy hair, offering a chic and effortless look. The braid on one side keeps hair out of your face while allowing the rest to flow freely in loose waves. 

12. Half-Up Cornrow Braids with Curly Ponytail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This half-up braided style is perfect for curly hair. It combines the neatness of braids with the natural volume of a curly half updo. The braids keep the top section secure while the curls flow freely, creating a stylish look.

13. Double Braided Crown with Loose Waves

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This simple yet elegant double-braided crown is perfect for wavy hair. The braids at the front add a touch of sophistication while keeping hair out of your face, and the loose waves provide a relaxed and natural look. 

14. Side Cornrow Braids with High Puff

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @amazingnaturalhair / Photo Credit: @curlyedgy / @jesscurlsz / Instagram

This style combines side cornrow braids with a high puff, perfect for curly hair. It’s quick and easy to achieve, keeping hair secure while showcasing your curls.

15. Four-Sided Braided Style

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This four-sided braided style is perfect for wavy textures and offers a unique, edgy look. The braids on the sides and top add structure and detail, while the loose waves provide a soft contrast. 

16. Double Cornrow and Braids with Bun

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @_simplystasia / Instagram

This double cornrow braids style, ending in a bun, is perfect for coily textures. The cornrows keep hair secure and neat, while the bun adds a touch of elegance. This style offers great longevity, making it ideal for travel as it can last several days without much maintenance.

17. Half Up Half Down with Space Buns & Cornrow Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @pretty_plaits_hair_design / Instagram

This half-up, half-down space buns style with cornrow braids is perfect for curly and coily textures. It’s quick to pull off, keeping your hair neat and out of your face while allowing your natural texture to shine.

18. Beaded Front Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @fine_melanin_ / Photo credit: @jordanherseyy / Instagram

These beaded front braids are perfect for long curly hair. Quick and easy to accomplish, this style keeps hair out of your face while adding a playful and decorative touch with beads.

19. Side Crown Braid

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: Pinterest

This side crown braid is perfect for wavy textures. It adds a touch of elegance while keeping hair off your face. The braid wraps around the side of your head, blending seamlessly into your waves for a natural and romantic look. 

20. Side Braided Mohawk

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: / Website

This side-braided mohawk is perfect for wavy hair, offering an edgy and stylish look. 

21. Braided Crown Updo

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @latesthair / Photo Credit: @kerstinpielage / Instagram

This braided crown updo is perfect for straight textures, offering an elegant and polished look. This style is perfect for those super humid days when you don’t want any hairs touching your face or neck.

22. Bubble Ponytail with Front Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @the_braid_bar / Instagram

This bubble ponytail with two simple braids up front is perfect for curly and coily textures. It offers a fun and unique twist that’s ideal for travel.

23. Double-Front Braids

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @the_braid_bar / Pinterest

These double-front braids are perfect for straight or wavy textures, offering a trendy touch and making it ideal for travel.

24. High Ponytail with Braided Detail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @stylzbynellz / Instagram

This high ponytail with braided detail and unique part is perfect for any hair texture. It’s a quick and easy style that adds a chic twist to a classic ponytail.

25. Side Cornrow Braids with Beaded Detail

25 Quick Braided Styles for Short-Term Traveling
Image Source: @annabraid_  / Photo Credit: @regina_belavista / Instagram

This cornrow braids style with beaded detail is perfect for coily textures, providing a neat and stylish look while adding a fun and decorative touch.


No matter where your travels take you, these styles will ensure you look fabulous with minimal effort. They are designed to keep your hair secure, stylish, and low-maintenance, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip. Try these quick and easy braided hairstyles to find your perfect travel look. Happy travels and happy styling!

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

The anticipation for Amazon Prime Day is like gearing up for the ultimate haircare shopping spree! This annual event, scheduled for July 16 – 17, is a limited-time opportunity to snag incredible deals on all your favorite hair products

Amazon’s early Prime Day sales are the perfect excuse to revamp your hair regimen, especially since prices start at just $4. It’s your chance to try some products you’ve always wanted to try or snatch up your faves.

Whether you’re looking to replenish your shampoo stash, find the perfect styling gel, or discover new products for your hair care routine, Amazon Prime Day has something for everyone.

From deep conditioners to styling tools, we’ve curated a list of over 30 must-have items. Get ready to fill your cart with these amazing haircare deals!

Best Early Prime Day 2024 Hair Care Deals, By Category

Whether you’re in the mood to browse or have a specific item in mind, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve organized our guide into clear categories to make your search easier.

  • Prime Day Cleanser Deals
  • Prime Day Conditioner Deals
  • Prime Day Stylers Deals
  • Prime Day Treatment Deals
  • Prime Day Tools Deals
  • Prime Day Men’s Hair Care Deals
  • Prime Day Kids Hair Care Deals


Now is the perfect time to refresh your haircare routine with some of the best early Prime Day deals on top-notch cleansers. Whether you need to maintain your color, stimulate hair growth, or simply keep your locks clean and healthy, Amazon has you covered with amazing discounts on these high-quality products.

1. Milk Shake Colour Care Shampoo

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Keep your color vibrant and your hair hydrated with this specially formulated shampoo, which is perfect for maintaining your color-treated hair. $17.50 was $25.

2. Lee Stafford Grow Strong & Long Activation Shampoo

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Strengthen and protect your hair with this daily stimulating shampoo, designed to combat thinning, hair loss, and breakage. Packed with protein and hair-loving ingredients, it encourages stronger, longer growth without weighing down fine hair. $16.99, take 30% off.

3. Kitsch Rice Water Shampoo Bar for Hair Growth 

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Infused with rice water protein, this shampoo bar balances your hair’s pH for a silky, healthy-looking mane. Its gentle formula cleanses, moisturizes, and nourishes your hair. $11.19, was $19.99.

3. dpHue ACV Hair Rinse

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Remove impurities without stripping natural oils, leaving your scalp and hair clean and soft. ACV helps soothe scalp dryness and irritation, while lavender extract and aloe vera add softness and conditioning. $29.60, was $37.

5. Tea Tree Mint Shampoo and Conditioner

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Everyone needs something to fight those flakes. This dandruff-fighting duo, infused with tea tree oil and natural essential oils, soothes dry, flaky scalp, eliminates dandruff, and stimulates new hair growth. $24.98, was $34.95.

6. Cake Beauty Curl Friend Set

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Enhance your natural curls with this trio. The Curl Girl Shampoo cleanses and hydrates, the Curl Next Door Conditioner nourishes bouncy, shiny curls, and the Curl Friend Cream wraps each curl in silky moisture for definition and gloss. It is infused with sunflower seed, argan, avocado, soybean oil, and shea butter for healthier, smoother curls. $20.85, was $25.08.


Elevate your haircare routine with these fantastic early Prime Day deals on conditioners. Whether you’re looking to restore moisture, strengthen your strands, or simply maintain healthy hair, these conditioners have got you covered with impressive discounts.

7. Marc Anthony Tru Professional Coconut & Shea Nourishing Leave-In Conditioner

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Enriched with biotin, extra virgin coconut oil, and shea butter, this leave-in conditioner restores moisture to dry, damaged hair, reducing frizz, split ends, and breakage for silky-smooth results. $8.09, was $18.29.

8. RENPURE Coconut & Vitamin E Moisturize and Replenish Leave-In Conditioner

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This leave-in conditioner smooths and hydrates hair for a touchably soft feel, perfect for refreshing curls or replenishing straight hair with its nourishing formula. $7.48, was $11.

9. DAE Signature Conditioner

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Repairs and strengthens damaged hair, enhancing shine, elasticity, and smoothness. Suitable for all hair types, including straight, wavy, curly, fine, medium, thick, and colored hair. $22.40, was $28.

10. Briogeo Don’t Despair Repair Hair Mask

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This mask is a curly hair favorite. It balances protein and moisture to strengthen and repair dry, damaged hair. It has been scientifically proven to double hair strength after three uses and prevent future breakage after two. $29.25, was $39.


Take your hair styling game to the next level with these unbeatable early Prime Day deals on top stylers. From defining curls to prepping blowouts, these products will help you achieve your best hair days with ease and style.

 11. Milk Shake Whipped Cream Leave-in Foam

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This no-rinse leave-in conditioner and hair moisturizer is perfect for all hair types. It maintains optimum moisture balance, leaving hair soft, shiny, and full of vitality. Formulated with milk protein, it conditions and restructures hair, providing softness and manageability without weighing it down. $22.80, was $24.

12. Dae Cactus Fruit 3-in-1 Styling Cream

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This multitasking formula smooths styled hair, preps shiny blowouts, and defines natural curls. Infused with desert-derived extracts, it adds polish and shine while hydrating botanicals moisturize hair and tame frizz, addressing concerns like frizz, shine, and curl definition. $27, was $30.

13. The Doux CRAZYSEXYCURL Honey Setting Foam

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Achieve the juiciest curls with this setting foam powered by super-charged honey, aloe, bamboo, and silk amino acids. It smooths the hair’s cuticle, boosts shine, seals in moisture, and fights frizz, making it your new holy grail for curly hair! $12.99, was $15.99

14. Mielle Organics Honey & Ginger Styling Gel 

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Encourage healthier, stronger hair with this styling gel, featuring honey, ginger, aloe extract, and babassu oil. It combines natural antioxidants with certified organic ingredients to nourish and hydrate your hair. $12, was $15.


Revitalize your hair with these early Prime Day deals on top treatments. From detoxifying scrubs to hydrating masks, these products will help you achieve healthier, stronger hair.

15. Fekkai Apple Cider Detox Scrub

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Turn buildup into balanced hair with this creamy scalp exfoliating scrub. After one use, it removes 95% of visible buildup and stimulates hair follicles. This pre-shampoo treatment purifies and soothes with sustainably sourced Apple Cider Vinegar, leaving the scalp balanced and healthy without stripping it. $14; was $15.35.

16. Arvazallia Hydrating Argan Oil Hair Mask

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This mask deeply hydrates and moisturizes dry, damaged hair, leaving it soft, silky, and easier to manage. It repairs and restores weak, overprocessed hair, improving texture, elasticity, and shine. It is infused with argan oil for essential vitamins and nutrients and is suitable for all hair types. $12.95, was $16.99.

17. Schwarzkopf Keratin Color Permanent Hair Dye Cream

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

If you want to try a new color, now’s your chance. The 3-step Bond Enforcing System strengthens hair, leaving it 5X stronger. This professional-inspired hair dye leaves hair soft and renewed, maintaining curl pattern and natural texture. The anti-fade formula delivers a long-lasting, vibrant color for up to 10 weeks (based on four shampoos per week). $11.75, take 30% off.

 18. Hair Treatment Serum

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Simplify your hair care routine with these easy-to-use serum capsules. Apply the serum after washing your hair, then style or dry as desired—no rinse needed. $8.99, was $34.94.


19. Slopehill Professional Ionic Hair Dryer

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

With a high-speed motor of up to 18,000 rpm, this hair dryer delivers strong wind for fast drying, even for thick, wavy hair. Its compact design makes it lightweight and portable.  $33.99, was $69.99.

20. Scalp Revival Stimulating Therapy Scalp Massager

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This easy-to-use scalp massager brush improves scalp circulation and overall health, perfect for promoting a healthy scalp. $9, was $18.

21. Crave Naturals FLEX DMC Detangling Brush

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Effortlessly tackles tangles on all hair types, wet or dry, for quicker wash days. With five flexible layers that mold to your scalp, it’s perfect for tender-headed individuals, delivering great results in half the time and effort. $4.99, was $7.99.

22.  IVARYSS Satin Scrunchies

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Made from premium satin, these scrunchies offer a silky texture that’s soft and comfortable. With excellent elasticity, they stretch without bending or damaging your hair, holding it gently and securely. $6.99, was $7.99.

23.  Hicober Microfiber Hair Towel

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This super-absorbent, breathable microfiber towel quickly dries your hair without needing a hairdryer, reducing heat damage and keeping your hair healthy. $12, was $15.99.

24. Continuous Spray Bottle for Hair 

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This 2-pack of 10.1 oz continuous spray bottles uses powerful pre-compression technology to produce a fine mist with a single pull of the trigger, perfect for evenly misting your hair. $8.99, was $9.99.

25. Mulberry Silk Sleep Cap

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day
Amazon Prime Day

Curly hair needs protection from breakage and frizz while locking in natural oils, and this Mulberry Silk Sleep Cap is exactly what you need. Made from the softest 22 Momme 100% Grade 6A Mulberry Silk, this nightcap offers comfort, luster, and durability, gently caring for your delicate hair while you sleep. $28.04, was $32.99.

26. Hair Scissors

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Every curly-haired individual needs a great pair of shears for trimming ends. These hair-cutting scissors, made from Japanese stainless steel and hand-sharpened for razor-sharp precision, make clean cuts, trims, and layers easy without damaging or splitting hair ends. $12.79, was $15.99.


27. Got2B Ultra Glued Invincible Styling Gel

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Enjoy crazy holds with this non-sticky, no-flake formula, perfect for creating bold vertical hairstyles. $14.99, take 20% off.

28. Cantu for Men Cream Pomade Flex Hold

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Specifically formulated for men with wavy, curly, and coarse hair, this pomade offers a strong hold without stiffness or residue. It prevents breakage, is free from sulfates, parabens, and mineral oils, and deeply moisturizes with shea butter and coconut oil.  $4.97, was $8.99.

29. Cantu Men’s Hair Care 3-piece Set

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This set includes a 3-in-1 Shampoo, Conditioner & Body Wash, Leave-In Conditioner, and Cream Pomade is specifically formulated for men with wavy, curly, and coarse hair. It hydrates hair and body and is infused with caffeine and hemp seed oil for stronger, thicker hair and improves scalp health. $24.43, was $27.99.

30. Necessaire The Scalp Serum Duo

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Men need scalp care, too, and this daily restorative treatment promotes thicker, fuller, healthier hair. It is infused with a 5% Biomimetic Peptide Blend to support hair growth and minimize thinning. It also includes 1% Hyaluronic Acid for instant hydration and 1% green tea extract for itch and flake relief. $134, take 20% off.


31. Cantu Care for Kids Styling Custard

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This styling custard conditions hair while providing control for hard-to-hold styles. It defines curls and twists, adding shine and manageability. $4.28, was $6.64.

32. SoCozy Hair Mousse for Kids

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Lightweight and conditioning, this mousse provides natural-looking control for curls. Key ingredients include panthenol, hydrolyzed proteins, and keratin. $7.99, was $9.99.

33. Aveeno Kids Hydrating Detangling Spray

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Infused with oat extract, this spray quickly and gently detangles kids’ hair, leaving it soft and manageable. Its tear-free formula hydrates and improves hair manageability, making combing and styling easier. $7.58, was $11.46.

34. Johnson’s Baby Curl Defining Tear-Free Kids’ Leave-in Conditioner 

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

Gently smooth frizzy hair and define your child’s curls and waves for 24 hours with this leave-in conditioner. Designed to be milder than adult products. $6.21, was $8.45.

35. Proudly Defining Detangler & Refresher

Discover Must-Have Haircare Deals on Amazon Prime Day

This lightweight formula softens, hydrates, and detangles kids’ and babies’ textured hair. It is enriched with jojoba milk, squalane, and coconut for moisture, rosemary extract and glycerin to nourish the scalp, marshmallow root for slip and detangling, and fennel seed to strengthen and prevent breakage. $12.99, up to 30% off.


These unbeatable early Prime Day deals make it the perfect time to elevate your hair care arsenal. Whether you’re looking to maintain vibrant color, stimulate hair growth, fight frizz, or define your curly hair, there’s something for everyone. 

From essential cleansers and nourishing conditioners to powerful treatments and innovative styling tools, these deals offer the perfect opportunity to try new products or stock up on your favorites. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers—happy shopping!

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Hair oils have long been cherished for their ability to transform and maintain hair vitality. They blend essential fatty acids and nutrients that nourish the hair shaft and enhance shine. However, not all oils are created equal. Their effectiveness depends significantly on their chemical composition and the specific needs of different hair types. 

By understanding the unique characteristics of each hair type, individuals can choose the most suitable oils to achieve optimal hair health and beauty. Here, we recommend the best hair oils for straight, wavy, curly, and coily hair types, ensuring everyone can benefit from nature’s best.

Understanding Hair Oils

Hair oils serve multiple purposes, such as preserving moisture, protecting the cuticles, and lubricating the hair shaft. Oils with shorter carbon chains can penetrate the hair more effectively, offering superior conditioning. 

The outcome largely hinges on individual hair characteristics, such as the hair shaft diameter, porosity, and natural sebum production. Moderation is key; too much oil can make hair appear greasy and dull.

Type 1: Straight Hair

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils
Image Source: @jayne_edosalon

Straight hair tends to be more oily, as the natural oils from the scalp can easily travel down the hair shaft. Therefore, choosing lightweight oils with high unsaturated fatty acid content is important to ensure the hair won’t be weighed down.

How Oils Function with Straight Hair Type

Chemical Composition: For straight hair, oils with a lower molecular weight, such as jojoba or grapeseed oil, are ideal as they can penetrate the hair shaft more effectively than oils with a higher molecular weight.

Moisture Retention: These lightweight oils create a water-resistant layer on the surface of the hair and scalp, which helps prevent moisture loss and keeps the hair hydrated.

Protection: They protect the cuticles, reduce frizz, and lubricate the hair shaft, minimizing breakage and maintaining its smooth and sleek appearance.

Recommended Oils:

1. Argan Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Argan oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, making it a lightweight oil that provides shine and smoothness without making the hair greasy. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave a heavy residue.

2. Sunflower Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Sunflower oil is light and non-greasy, ideal for straight hair. It is packed with antioxidants and vitamin E, which help strengthen the hair and protect it from environmental damage.

3. Grapeseed Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Grapeseed oil is lightweight and rich in vitamin E, making it perfect for adding shine and protection without weighing down straight hair.

Type 2: Wavy Hair

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils
Image Source: @laialdarwich

Wavy hair has a slightly higher degree of curvature than straight hair. Lightweight oils are ideal for maintaining a natural look and bouncy curls so the hair won’t be weighed down. Unlike heavier alternatives that contain multiple oils and butter, lightweight products made with natural oils and ingredients should be used in small quantities to avoid weighing the hair down.

How Oils Function with Wavy Hair Type

Chemical Composition: Oils like jojoba and sunflower are lightweight and ideal for wavy hair.

Moisture Retention: These oils help retain moisture, keeping the hair hydrated and frizz-free.

Protection: They protect the hair shaft, reducing frizz and adding shine while maintaining a lightweight feel that doesn’t make the hair heavy.

Recommended Oils:

1. Sunflower Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Sunflower oil is lightweight and rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, which nourish the hair and scalp. It adds shine and helps control frizz.

2. Olive Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Olive oil helps improve the elasticity of wavy hair. It provides a protective barrier that locks in moisture and prevents dryness.

3. Jojoba Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Jojoba oil mimics the scalp’s natural oils, helping to balance oil production while providing hydration and reducing frizz.

Type 3: Curly Hair

A person with curly hair

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Image Source: @_falamana / Instagram

Curly hair often needs more moisture and protection to maintain shape and prevent frizz. Lightweight oils with low molecular weight are particularly important for curly hair types, as they can penetrate the hair shaft more effectively than oils with a higher molecular weight. 

How Oils Function with Curly Hair Type

Chemical Composition: Oils such as olive and avocado are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and have a relatively polar nature, which allows them to penetrate the hair fiber effectively.

Moisture Retention: These oils provide deep moisturization and conditioning, helping to prevent dryness and frizz.

Protection: These oils can help supplement sebum, as curly hair struggles to allow its natural oils to pass down and nourish the hair strands, thus providing essential moisture and protection. They also help protect the cuticles, enhance curl definition, reduce breakage, and add shine, ensuring that curls remain healthy and vibrant.

Recommended Oils:

1. Olive Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Olive oil is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants like tocopherols. It penetrates the hair fiber effectively, helping hair retain moisture.

2. Coconut Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Coconut oil is excellent for hair conditioning and treatment. It penetrates deeply, preserving and safeguarding hair’s mechanical strength, particularly when exposed to chemical treatments. However, due to its heavy nature, it is not necessarily ideal for use as a finishing product.

3. Avocado Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Avocado oil is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and has a polar nature, making it highly effective for deep moisturizing and conditioning hair.

Type 4: Coily Hair

A person smiling with curly hair

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Image Source: @ohwendyoh / Instagram

Natural coily hair is significantly curly, fragile, and dry. Because it has a small diameter, detangling and styling can be more challenging. Oils, especially those high in saturated fatty acids, can be directly applied to provide much-needed nourishment for coily textures.

How Oils Function with Coily Hair Type

Chemical Composition: Oils rich in saturated fatty acids are ideal for coily hair, providing extra moisturization and conditioning.

Moisture Retention: These oils create a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss, keeping the hair hydrated.

Protection: They protect the cuticles, reduce frizz, and simplify combing and styling.

Recommended Oils:

1. Castor Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Castor oil is unique among natural oils for its ricinoleic acid content, which has a distinct chemical structure featuring a hydroxy group attached to the carbon chain. This gives the oil a polar nature and a somewhat sticky texture. Due to its polar qualities and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, castor oil effectively retains hair’s moisture levels.

2. Argan Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Argan oil is rich in oleic acid and vitamin E, which help hair retain moisture. It also enhances shine for coily hair, softens the hair, and reduces breakage. When hair lacks sufficient moisture, it can become dry, easily tangled, or exhibit weak, dull curls. Argan oil is excellent for remedying these problems by providing necessary lubrication and enhancing shine.

3. Baobab Oil

The Texture Guide to Essentials Oils

Baobab oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids, making it excellent for deeply strengthening coily hair.


Choosing the right hair oil can significantly improve the health and appearance of your hair. By understanding your hair type and its specific needs, you can select the most suitable oils to nourish, protect, and enhance its natural beauty. 

Whether you have straight, wavy, curly, or coily hair, the right oil can help retain the moisture, shine, and strength your hair needs to thrive. Embrace the power of nature’s best oils to achieve healthy hair.

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

Taking down protective styles like braids, twists, and locs can be a tedious process, but it’s also an important step in maintaining the health and integrity of your hair. When done correctly, it preserves the benefits of your protective style, preventing damage and breakage. However, rushing through this process can lead to significant hair woes.

Proper preparation and patience are vital to avoid unnecessary breakage and maintain hair health. Whether transitioning to a new style or simply giving your hair a breather, having the right tools on hand can make all the difference. You can turn this potentially dreary task into a manageable routine with the right equipment.

Here, we’ll explore ten indispensable tools to help you remove your protective styles efficiently, ensuring your hair remains strong, healthy, and ready for whatever comes next.

1. Rat-Tail Comb

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

A rat-tail comb is a must-have tool for removing protective styles. The long, pointed tail helps you gently unravel the braids, while the fine-toothed side is perfect for separating strands and removing lint or debris. Start at the end of your braid and work your way up, taking your time to avoid breakage. This tool is especially useful for precision work and removing stubborn knots without damaging hair.

2. Tangle Teezer

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

A detangling brush is helpful for following up after using a rat-tail comb. To do this, use a fine-tooth comb to gently loosen any lint collected at the base of the braids. Once the lint is removed, switch to the detangling brush to gently remove shed hair and detangle strands. 

This minimizes breakage and makes the process more manageable. Always work from the ends to the roots.

3. Extra Wide-Tooth Comb

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

An extra wide-tooth comb is essential for detangling after you’ve removed the bulk of your protective style. Its wide teeth can glide through your hair without causing breakage. Paired with a detangling product that offers ample slip, this comb makes detangling a breeze. 

4. The Original Unbraider II

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

The UnBraider is a revolutionary tool designed to remove multiple braids simultaneously by simply brushing through the hair. It features a soft ergonomic handle, a comb on one side, and a small brush on the other. This tool is particularly effective for micro, knotless, box braids, individuals, and cornrows, making the takedown process quicker and more efficient.

5. Unbraiding Glove

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

Using tools like the Unbraider, a premium safety glove, can protect your hands from the comb’s sharp teeth. Made from high-quality ripstop nylon, it offers protection and comfort, ensuring a safe and comfortable braid removal process. This glove enhances your grip and reduces the risk of injury during the takedown.

6. The Braid Releaser

Reel Source: @thebraidreleaswer / Instagram

The Braid Releaser is another innovative tool designed to prevent hair breakage during takedown. It allows for pain-free detangling and unraveling, saving time and promoting hair growth and retention. The double-sided design accommodates all braid sizes and styles, making it a versatile addition to your hair care toolkit.

7. Jamaican Mango & Lime Easy Braid Takedown

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

Simplify the process of taking down braids with Jamaican Mango & Lime Easy Braid Takedown. This formula nourishes and softens hair, making removal gentle and stress-free. Its blend of moisturizing elements ensures optimal health and vitality, facilitating a pain-free removal process while contributing to overall hair strength and resilience.

8. Got2b Glued Flash Glue Remover

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

If your braids were installed with glue, you’ll need an adhesive remover like Got2b Glued Flash Glue Remover to do the job. This remover effectively breaks down adhesives, allowing you to safely and easily remove the added hair without causing damage. Always consult with your hairstylist about the products used during installation.

9. Olive Oil

10 Essential Tools for Safely Taking Down Your Protective Styles

Olive oil is another indispensable and natural tool for safely removing adhesive from hair. It effectively breaks down sticky textures and provides the necessary slip to facilitate takedown. Apply generously and allow the oil to sit for a few minutes before gently combing out the adhesive.

10. Murray’s Spray Unlock

Reel Credit: @the.ebonyjay / TikTok

Murray’s Spray Unlock is perfect for quickly and safely removing braids and weaves without damaging hair. This medicated formula helps fight dry scalps and fragile hair and conditions natural and synthetic hair. Use it before detangling to make the process smoother and to maintain the health of your scalp and hair.


Taking down protective styles requires patience and the tools to ensure your hair remains healthy and strong. Incorporating these ten tools into your hair care routine can make the takedown process easier, faster, and less damaging. 
Always moisturize and condition your hair throughout the process, and take your time to avoid unnecessary breakage. With the right approach and tools, you can enjoy the benefits of protective styles without compromising your hair’s health.

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved

Ponytails are a timeless hairstyle beloved for their simplicity and versatility. As moms, we’re always looking for hairstyles that are not only cute but also practical—easy enough to whip up during a busy morning yet stylish enough to make our little girls feel special all day.

In this roundup, we’ve curated 24 mom-approved ponytail styles for their ease, style, and adaptability to all kids’ hair textures. Whether you’re looking for a quick everyday look or something more elaborate for special events, these ponytail styles will add fun and flair to your little one’s look.

1. Geometric Pattern Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @ponpon_sisters / Instagram

This hairstyle features a playful array of partings that create a geometric pattern. Each section is neatly secured with colorful elastic bands leading into two ponytails. It is accessorized with bright floral clips and a whimsical crocodile clip, perfectly complementing the smooth texture of the hair.

2. Starlit Braid and Wavy Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @chloeysdooftheday / Instagram

This hairstyle showcases a sleek side braid that elegantly transitions into a voluminous wavy ponytail, tied with a vibrant pink scrunchie, adding a touch of playfulness perfect for any occasion.

3. Curly Puff Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This charming hairstyle features a crown of neat braids that converge into a playful, voluminous, curly puff ponytail adorned with a cheerful yellow bow, perfect for showcasing the natural texture of coily hair.

4. Sleek High Ponytail
Reel Source: Pinterest

This hairstyle features a sleek high ponytail with luscious curls cascading down one side, complemented by delicate baby hair styled in artistic swirls along the forehead, creating a glamorous and polished look. 

5. Elegant Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This hairstyle features a beautifully crafted crown that wraps around the head, seamlessly flowing into a playful ponytail with curled ends. It is perfect for straight hair textures seeking a blend of sophistication and charm.

6. Golden Accents Tiered Bubble Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This hairstyle presents a unique and striking tiered bubble ponytail, each segment bound with ornate golden bands and culminating in a textured bun atop the head. It showcases an elegant and sophisticated look that highlights curly hair.

7. Creative Criss-Cross Bubble Braids

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This hairstyle artfully combines criss-cross braiding at the crown with dual bubble ponytails, each segment secured with sleek bands, to create a playful and dynamic look that is as whimsical as it is stylish. It is perfect for showcasing the smooth texture of straight hair.

8. Ribbon-Tied Braid Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This elegant hairstyle features a smooth braid that cascades down into a low ponytail, adorned with charming white ribbons at intervals. It creates a delicate and festive look for straight and wavy hair textures.

9. Chic Bubble Ponytail with Scrunchie Accent

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @chloeysdooftheday / Instagram

This stylish hairstyle features a series of neatly tied bubbles forming a ponytail; each section is cinched with small bands to add texture. It is finished with a vibrant orange scrunchie, enhancing the sleekness of straight hair with a playful flair.

10. Playful Cornrows with Beaded Ponytails

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This delightful hairstyle showcases intricate cornrows in a stunning design, leading into two ponytails secured at the crown with vibrant beads. Additional pink and purple beads adorn the tails, adding a colorful, playful touch perfect for coily hair textures, making it a mom-approved choice for both style and practicality.

11. Vibrant Spiral Wrapped Ponytails

Reel Source: @Pinterest

This eye-catching hairstyle for coily hair features two long ponytails tightly wrapped in multi-colored spiral thread. The ponytails are sleek at the base, allowing the vivid colors of the wraps to take center stage, making it a perfect, fun option.

12. Triple Braided Charm Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @kidshairbyri / Instagram

This enchanting pony hairstyle for coily hair features three neatly braided sections. Each braid is carefully crafted to highlight the texture of coily hair. This style is mom-approved for its neatness and ease of maintenance and loved by little ones for its stylish flair.

13. Cascading Braided Ponytail with Red Accents

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @roses_pretty_plaits / Instagram

This sophisticated hairstyle features multiple braids from the crown intricately woven into a single, flowing ponytail segmented by bright red bands. It is perfect for straight or wavy hair textures and blends elegance and playful charm.

14. Ribbon-Wrapped Criss-Cross Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @roses_pretty_plaits / Instagram

This lovely hairstyle combines criss-cross braiding across the back with a smooth, flowing ponytail accented by a striking red ribbon bow. It beautifully incorporates bangs that frame the face, enhancing the elegance of the look. This style is perfect for straight or wavy hair, blending neatness and festive flair.

15. Majestic Triple Twist Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @iamawog / Instagram

This striking hairstyle features three large twists that merge into a voluminous single ponytail, accentuated with a bold blue bow at the crown and a vibrant blue flower clip at the end. 

16. Intricate Side-Swept Braided Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @minimidi87 / Instagram

This elegant hairstyle showcases an intricate pattern of side-swept braids that gracefully converge into a single ponytail, secured with vibrant orange bands. Perfect for straight or wavy hair textures.

17. Heart Part Long Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @maejor_jiayaa / Instagram

This hairstyle captivates with a unique heart-shaped part at the crown, leading into a sleek, long ponytail that cascades down beautifully. It’s a creative and lovely style that adds a whimsical touch to the classic ponytail, making it perfect for special occasions or everyday wear where a little extra charm is desired.

18. Playful Neon-Accented Braided Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @braidingbeautyb / Instagram

This charming hairstyle features a beautiful pattern starting from the front and sweeping across the head, seamlessly flowing into a long, neat, large braided ponytail. Highlighted with bright neon elastics that add a fun pop of color, this style is perfect for straight and wavy hair textures, offering practicality and a playful twist. It’s ideal for longer hair, ensuring it stays managed while showcasing its length.

19. Classic Low Braided Ponytail

Reel Source: @Pinterest

The classic low-braided ponytail is a timeless style that starts with hair neatly gathered at the nape and braided down in a traditional three-strand method. Secured with a small elastic, often concealed by hair for a polished finish, it’s perfect for any occasion. It provides a simple yet elegant look for straight, wavy, or lightly curly hair textures.

20. Twisted Edge Pony Hairstyle

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: / Website. Video Source: @Mindy McKnight / YouTube

This beautiful hairstyle showcases a skillfully crafted twisted edge that begins at the front and seamlessly integrates into a classic, tight braid. The braid is thick and meticulously arranged and ends in a neat, fish-braided double ponytail. 

21. Radiant Circular Braids Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This stunning hairstyle features intricate circular braids that converge into a high ponytail adorned with chic white and clear beads. The design showcases precise craftsmanship and adds a dimensional, artistic flair to the classic ponytail, making it an eye-catching choice for any occasion.

22. Triple Sleek Ponytails 

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This hairstyle features a precise center part, creating two high ponytails at the front and a sleek low ponytail at the back. This unique triple ponytail look beautifully highlights the straight hair’s smoothness and length, offering a chic and practical style.

23. Elegant Side Pattern into Low Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: Pinterest

This sophisticated hairstyle features a sleek low ponytail complemented by an intricate pattern along the sides, adding a touch of detail and texture.

24. Heart-Braided Bubble Ponytail

24 Ponytail Styles For Girls That are Mom-Approved
Image Source: @polished.n.pretty / Instagram

This adorable hairstyle features two braids that form a heart shape at the back of the head, seamlessly transitioning into a pull-through ponytail. Small pink elastics accentuate the style, adding a playful and sweet touch perfect for straight hair textures.


Ponytails are a beloved classic, known for their versatility and ability to keep hair neatly tucked away while offering endless creative possibilities. These 24 mom-approved styles show that practicality and style can go hand in hand, combining ease of creation with fashionable results. Explore these delightful options to find the perfect ponytail to brighten your kid’s hair!

How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer

Braided styles are a summer favorite, offering a perfect mix of style and practicality. Whether you’re rocking box braids, cornrows, or locs, the right products can make all the difference. Maintaining braids goes beyond aesthetics—it’s about preserving the health of your hair and scalp. The products you choose can significantly impact the longevity and look of your braids. 

This guide will explain how different products can impact your braided styles, helping you make informed choices for a fabulous and hassle-free summer braid experience. Let’s dive into the best practices for maintaining beautiful braids while keeping your hair and scalp in top condition.


How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer
Image Source: @thechicnatural / Instagram

Locs are a long-lasting protective style often considered permanent. Initially, they require high maintenance, including regular retwisting, moisturizing, and diligent care. Successful loc care hinges on patience, proper moisturization, and consistent upkeep.

Products to Use

How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer
  • Hydrating Mist: Locs can easily become dry, so using a hydrating mist daily will keep them moisturized. Look for mists containing natural ingredients like aloe vera and rose water, which hydrate without causing buildup. The Locsanity Daily Moisturizing Refreshing Spray for Locs is a great option, as it provides essential moisture and refreshes your locs with natural ingredients.
  • Light Oils (e.g., jojoba, argan): The health of your locs starts with your scalp. Your locs are unlikely to thrive if your scalp isn’t in good condition. Moisturization involves adding and retaining water molecules in the hair and scalp. Natural oils and butter help preserve this moisture by minimizing water evaporation from the hair shaft and scalp. Regularly massage oil into the scalp will help soothe it and prevent significant moisture loss. Apply sparingly to avoid buildup, focusing on the scalp.
  • Residue-Free Shampoo:  Keeping your locs and scalp clean without leaving behind residue is important. Shampoos not specifically formulated for locs can leave buildup, leading to mildew and other issues. Opt for a gentle, residue-free shampoo with soothing ingredients like argan oil or peppermint to maintain scalp health. The Rastta Locs Shampoo Bar is an excellent choice, as it deep cleanses with a pH level that nourishes hair and provides a gentle cleanse to lift product debris without stripping locs. To avoid trapping the product, lather the shampoo bar in your hands and apply the lather to your hair rather than rubbing the bar directly on your locs.

Products to Avoid

  • Wax (including beeswax): Wax is detrimental to locs because it is very hard to wash away, especially from within the locs. Over time, the wax builds up, making the locs unnaturally heavy, leading to breakage and thinning as the hair grows longer. Wax also prevents moisture from penetrating the hair shaft, causing dryness.
  • Heavy Creams and Butter: These products are often too heavy and thick, leading to buildup and making locs feel greasy and weighed down. They can also slow down the loc’ing process.
  • Gel with Alcohol: Gels containing alcohol can dry out the hair and scalp, causing flaking and potential breakage. They also make the hair unnaturally stiff, leading to breakage over time.

Box Braids

How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer
Image Source: @salemmitchell / Instagram

Box braids are one of the most popular protective styles for natural hair. They eliminate the need for daily combing or styling and protect hair from extreme weather conditions. However, improper maintenance can lead to dryness, excessive shedding, and hair breakage. Caring for your box braids correctly is essential to keeping hair healthy and strong.

Products to Use

How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer
  • Braiding Mousse/Foam: An alcohol-free mousse or foam is ideal because it’s lightweight, keeps hair in place, and extends the life of your protective style. You’ll also want to opt for a water-based formula to reduce buildup, like Aunt Jackie’s Ready, Set, Hold! Braid Setting Foam
  • Scalp Spray:  When fighting the flakes, use a good scalp spray like Design Essentials Scalp & Skin Care Detoxifying Tonic with Eucalyptus & Lemon. Infused with eucalyptus and lemon, this tonic reduces the effects of fungus and dandruff and cleanses to remove dirt particles without needing water or shampoo. The natural purification from eucalyptus and lemon soothes and stimulates, creating a healthy environment for healthy hair growth.
  • Light Hair Oil: To keep your braids shiny without weighing them down, use a light oil like almond or grapeseed oil a few times weekly. These oils are excellent for adding shine and preventing dryness throughout the duration of your style.

Products to Avoid

  • Heavy Thick Conditioners: While conditioning is essential, it can cause buildup at the roots and along the braids, leaving them cloggy and more prone to attracting dust and dirt.
  • Sticky Styling Products: Sticky Products, like grease and petroleum jelly, can attract dirt, making your hair look dirty quickly. 
  • Avoid Heavy Oils: Heavy oils can clog hair follicles, causing damage and counteracting their intended benefits.


Reel Source: @braidedbynicks  / Instagram

Cornrows are a fantastic, low-maintenance protective style that guards against moisture loss and breakage, making them ideal for any hair texture. Whether you opt for simple straight-back cornrows, intricate patterns, or styles like cornrow lemonade braids and beaded looks, proper care is essential for maintaining their longevity and health benefits. While cornrows protect against daily stressors, they can have drawbacks if not cared for properly. 

Products to Use

How Your Products Can Make or Break Your Braided Styles This Summer
  • Satin bonnet: As the weeks pass, your cornrows will naturally loosen due to regrowth. However, this doesn’t mean you must give up the hairstyle. The best way to maintain cornrows is by minimizing unnecessary friction, especially while you sleep. Friction occurs when your hair rubs against your pillow, causing your braids to fray and loosen faster. To prevent this, wear a silk scarf or a satin sleep cap, like the Donna Black Satin Sleep Cap, to protect your cornrows and keep them looking neat for longer.
  • Edge Control: A good edge control gel is essential for achieving a polished look with cornrows. It helps blend braiding hair with natural hair, part hair neatly, and smooth edges. One common issue with edge control gels is flaking, which can ruin the appearance of the style. However, The Doux Swag Goo Gel stands out as it doesn’t flake and avoids becoming so hard that it damages or dries out hair. 
  • Cleansers: To extend the life of a protective style, it’s important to keep your hair hydrated to prevent dryness. Regular washes are essential for maintaining a clean scalp and moisturized hair. Start with a clarifying shampoo like Design Essentials Almond & Avocado Clarifying Shampoo. Unlike some creamy shampoos that can leave a residue if not rinsed properly, this shampoo has a clear, thinner consistency and a clarifying formula that effectively breaks down scalp buildup.

Products to Avoid

  • Heavy Creams: These can lead to buildup, making your cornrows look greasy and feel heavy. Opt for lightweight creams that absorb quickly into the hair and scalp.
  • Non-Moisturizing Gels: Gels that lack moisturizing properties can cause flaking and dryness. Always choose gels that provide hydration to avoid these issues.


Maintaining braided styles like box braids, cornrows, and locs requires the right products to keep your hair healthy and your style long-lasting. Each braid type has unique needs, and using suitable products can prevent issues like dryness, buildup, and breakage.

By choosing the right products and tailoring your hair care routine, you can enjoy beautiful, healthy braids all summer. Keep your hair hydrated, clean, and protected, and your braids will look great while maintaining the overall health of your hair and scalp.

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop

The bob haircut is a timeless trend experiencing a fresh revival, adapting beautifully across all hair textures. This season, we’re seeing the classic bob transform with exciting and innovative styles like the playful micro bob, the clean-cut blunt bob, and the retro-chic French bob. Each version offers something unique, bringing new life to this iconic cut by enhancing the natural beauty of coily, curly, wavy, straight hair.

The micro bob is daringly short, ending well above the jawline, perfect for those looking to make a bold and chic statement. The blunt bob features clean, sharp lines that create a sleek, uniform look, ideal for showcasing the precision of straight hair. Meanwhile, the French bob, often paired with a fringe, exudes whimsical vintage charm, typically cut at cheekbone length to evoke a laid-back yet sophisticated Parisian style.

With its resurgence, the bob is being embraced for its ability to showcase individual personality through precision styling and custom tailoring. The bob accentuates natural volume and textured hair, adding movement and flair that make each strand pop. Straight-haired individuals can enjoy the sleek, polished look of a blunt bob, which frames the face with striking simplicity.

The bob’s enduring popularity lies in its empowering versatility. It can be adapted to any style preference, from understated elegance to bold, statement-making chops. This makes the bob a haircut and a canvas for personal expression. As we explore various bob cuts, it’s clear why this style continues to dominate hair trends—it offers everyone a chance to reinvent their look with flair and sophistication.

1. Tousled Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This bob haircut features tousled curls with a playful, natural texture, framing the face with a charmingly carefree and youthful look.

2. Side-Parted Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This bob haircut features soft, luscious spirals gently cascading to one side, creating an elegant, side-parted silhouette.

3. Textured Bob

Reel Source: @charmise / Instagram

This textured bob with blonde highlights combines choppy layers, creating a lively, dimensional, edgy, and chic look.

4. Rounded Curly Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This bob haircut showcases beautifully defined, loose curls that add volume and a sense of playfulness, perfectly framing the face with a rounded silhouette.

5. Sleek Blunt Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This blunt bob features a sharp, even cut just below the chin, with sleek, straight strands that create a polished and sophisticated look. The strands accentuate the jawline and frame the face elegantly.

6. Bob with Bangs

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This bob haircut features sculpted curls paired with playful, wispy bangs, creating a stylish, face-framing look that combines charm with a touch of Parisian flair.

7. Sleek Bob with Side-Swooped Bangs

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: @beyond.fierce / Instagram

This bob haircut elegantly combines straight, silky locks with dramatic side-swooped bangs, offering a polished and sophisticated look.

8. Layered Bob with Wispy Ends

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: / Instagram

This bob haircut features abundant layers that create volume and movement, coupled with delicate, wispy ends that soften the overall look.

9. Modern Angled Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: @anarabyanalerida / Instagram

This chic bob features a smooth, sleek texture with a subtle angle, gently tapering from the back to the front. It provides a contemporary and refined look that elegantly frames the face.

10. Lush Textured Curly Bob

30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
Image Source: Pinterest

This bob haircut boasts lush, textured curls that flow freely, creating a beautifully messy and voluminous look that frames the face with a natural, expressive style.

11. Voluminous Curled Bob

    Reel Source: @voiceofhair / Instagram

    This short bob cut features rich, voluminous curls achieved with either pin curls or a large curling iron barrel. It offers a glamorous, textured look that beautifully enhances the hair’s natural highlights and depth.

    12. Modern Tousled Layered Bob

      Reel Source: @kisasackadin / Instagram

      This bob haircut features a short, layered style with a tousled finish that gives it a modern and relaxed look. The subtle, uneven layers add texture and volume, while the light feathering around the face creates a soft, flattering frame.

      13. Retro-Inspired Curly Bob with Side Part

      30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
      Image Source: Pinterest

      With its triangular silhouette, deep side part, and prominent fringe, this bob adds texture and springy coils and frames the face with a dynamic, retro flair.

      14. Classic Hollywood Wave Bob

        Reel Source: @pin_up_curl / Instagram

        This vintage bob features soft curls from rollers, enhanced with a side part and delicate finger waves, creating a timeless, old Hollywood glamour look.

        15. Tapered Coily Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: @cultivatedtresses / Instagram

        This tapered bob on coily hair showcases well-defined coils that frame the face with sophistication and texture. 

        16. Chic Blunt Bob with Full Bangs

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: @kisasackadin / Instagram

        This sleek, classic blunt bob cut features a straight, even length with full, eyebrow-grazing bangs that frame the face for a contemporary and polished look.

        17. Playful Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This bob haircut features lively, defined curls that create a playful look. It perfectly frames the face with natural texture and bounce.

        18. Short Angled Wavy Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This bob haircut features a sharp, angled cut with soft, tousled waves.

        19. Shaggy Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This shaggy bob haircut features a natural, voluminous shape with well-defined, springy curls that create a textured and playful look, adding depth and movement to the hair.

        20. Sassy Wavy Bob with Highlights

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This bob haircut features bouncy, voluminous waves enhanced with blonde highlights, creating a vibrant and dynamic look that adds depth and dimension to the hair.

        21. Rounded Voluminous Wavy Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This voluminous bob showcases tousled waves enhanced with blonde highlights, creating a textured and dynamic look full of depth and movement.

        22. Curly Pixie Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This short pixie bob haircut features wavy curls, blending the elegance of a bob with the playful charm of a pixie cut.

        23. Edgy Asymmetrical Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: @meagangood / Instagram

        This asymmetrical bob haircut on Megan Good features defined, bouncy curls that create a striking, voluminous look. One side is longer than the other for a modern and edgy twist.

        24. Vintage Glam Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: @sohpiaroe / Instagram / Photo: @jess_farran

        This vintage-inspired bob features tight, defined curls with a classic silhouette, complemented by short bangs that add a touch of retro glamour and sophistication.

        25. Minimalist Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This minimalist bob features soft, defined curls that hug the nape of the neck, creating a clean and elegant silhouette with a natural, understated charm.

        26. French Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This French curly bob features soft, natural curls that fall just above the shoulders. Paired with a wispy fringe, it creates a chic, effortlessly stylish look that embodies Parisian elegance.

        27. Micro Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This micro bob features textured, wispy layers cut just above the jawline and complemented by soft, face-framing pieces that add a modern, edgy touch.

        28. Edgy Short Choppy Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This short choppy bob, cut between ear length and just below the chin, features uneven layers that create a textured, edgy look with playful, tousled curls for added volume and movement.

        29. Chic Short Curly Bob

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This short curly bob features tight curls that create a voluminous, rounded shape. Its softly tapered silhouette beautifully frames the face.

        30. Short-Stacked Bob with Highlights

        30 Bob Cuts to Inspire Your Big Chop
        Image Source: Pinterest

        This short, stacked bob features tight curls with subtle blonde highlights, creating a voluminous and dynamic look. The tapered shape is complemented by longer tendrils at the front, enhancing the natural texture and adding depth and dimension.


        The bob haircut continues to reign supreme as a versatile and timeless style that adapts beautifully to all hair textures and preferences. From sleek and sophisticated blunt cuts to playful curly variations, a bob suits every personality and look.

        Whether you’re drawn to the edgy charm of a short choppy bob, the elegant silhouette of a tapered coily bob, or the retro glamour of a vintage-inspired bob, these styles offer endless possibilities for personal expression. Embrace the bob haircut’s resurgence this season and find the perfect cut highlighting your unique beauty and flair.

                              Styles 4 Kidz Brings Hair Care With Heart to Blended Families

                              In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Naturally Curly’s “Key Moment” series is spotlighting innovative non-profits like Styles 4 Kidz. Under the visionary leadership of Tamekia, Styles 4 Kidz has become a cornerstone in creating nurturing online environments that support the unique needs of foster, biracial, and transracial adoptive families. 

                              Through education and advocacy, the organization not only addresses the practical aspects of haircare education but also bolsters the mental wellness of these communities. Our recent conversation with Tamekia offers an in-depth look at how Styles 4 Kidz is making significant strides in fostering inclusivity and understanding, shaping a brighter future for families wrestling with the complexities of multiracial identity.

                              The Genesis of Styles 4 Kidz

                              The seeds of Styles 4 Kidz were sown in 2010 when its founder, Tamekia, encountered a pivotal moment while leading a hair braiding class on a mission trip in Poland. “One of my students, who had always dreamed of having beautiful braids, inspired me,” Tamekia recalls. The phrase “Kids and hair” resonated deeply, setting the course for her future endeavors.

                              Upon returning to the United States, fate intervened through Mary, a transracial adoptive mother struggling with her daughters’ hair care needs. Tamekia’s expertise met and exceeded Mary’s expectations, leading to word-of-mouth recommendations highlighting a significant community support gap. This interaction sparked Tamekia’s realization of the broader needs of similar families.

                              “This issue made me realize the growing need for a safe, supportive space where families like Mary’s could learn proper hair care without judgment. I was motivated to focus on haircare education for the foster, biracial, and transracial adoptive community because of the lack of resources and education available to teach parents how to navigate the day-to-day details of caring for their kid’s textured hair and create a place and space where multiracial and adoptive families, as well as kids in foster care, can embrace their natural, ethnic hair with confidence!” Tamekia explains.

                              Driven by this vision, Tamekia dedicated herself to fostering a community where education in hair care is intertwined with empowerment and acceptance, crafting a haven where every family feels supported, and every child can celebrate their natural beauty.

                              Creating a Welcoming and Safe Space

                              Image Source: @styles4kidz

                              At Styles 4 Kidz, the approach to creating a welcoming and safe environment is unique and essential for children and families navigating diverse identities.

                              “We create a safe and welcoming space by remaining neutral in our opinions and judgments of how families navigate the complexities of their kid’s day-to-day care,” Tamekia details.

                              This approach acknowledges that each child’s needs are distinct, and respecting each family’s diverse boundaries and cultures is paramount—especially in a context that diverges from traditional hair care practices in the Black community.

                              The organization educates parents about their children’s specific hair care needs and imbues them with a deeper understanding of the cultural significance behind these practices.

                              “This motivates them to want to keep their children in an environment with people who look like them and where they can connect with their culture,” Tamekia adds.

                              Through this empowerment and education, Styles 4 Kidz nurtures a supportive learning environment beyond hair care, fostering a sense of community and identity among its families.

                              Adapting to Meet Diverse Family Needs

                              A person and person standing next to a child

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                              Photo credit: Styles 4 Kidz

                              The organization has adapted its educational resources to be accessible and relevant to the diverse needs of foster families, biracial families, and transracial adoptive families. Recognizing the shifting dynamics of modern education, the organization made a significant pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                              “COVID inspired us to take all our training and resources and put them online,” Tamekia shares. This transition was not just about moving content to a digital format but tailoring it to address the specific challenges these families face, particularly in understanding and caring for their children’s textured hair.

                              The organization listens closely to families’ feedback, adapting its resources to better suit their needs. “We teach the parents from the perspective of their lenses, colored with a bit of Black culture—online over Zoom across every state,” explains Tamekia. This approach has expanded their reach within the United States and allowed them to connect with families internationally, in countries like Canada, the UK, and South Africa.

                              By enhancing its website with additional resources and tools, Styles 4 Kidz ensures that learning about hair care is accessible to parents everywhere, easing the journey for those new to the nuances of textured hair. This commitment to accessibility and relevance is crucial in empowering parents to care for their children’s hair confidently, fostering a sense of competence and pride across diverse family structures.

                              Tailoring Solutions to Overcome Haircare Challenges

                              Image Source: @styles4kidznfp

                              Building on this foundation of respect and empowerment, Styles 4 Kidz has also tailored its educational resources to meet the specific requirements of its diverse clientele. Understanding that each family’s haircare needs are unique—from recognizing different hair types to selecting the appropriate products and mastering their use—Styles 4 Kidz is committed to providing targeted support.

                              Recognizing that accessibility to specialized haircare education can often be a barrier, Styles 4 Kidz has innovated to bridge this gap. “We launched an online training platform specifically designed to meet parents’ needs—explained simply—in a way that increases their knowledge and confidence in their ability to learn and grow in their ability to manage their kids’ hair,” Tamekia explains.

                              This platform is not just a repository of information but a dynamic educational tool that adapts to the evolving landscape of family needs. It ensures that parents have the support and knowledge to care for their children’s hair with assurance and expertise.

                              Enhancing Well-Being Through Haircare Education

                              Styles 4 Kidz Brings Hair Care With Heart to Blended Families
                              Image Source: @styles4kidznfp

                              The focused educational initiatives at Styles 4 Kidz have a profound effect on the mental health and self-esteem of the children they reach, particularly those in foster care and adoption scenarios. Understanding and managing hair can significantly influence a child’s self-perception and overall mental wellness.

                              “The role proper haircare plays in a child’s mental health and self-esteem is huge!” Tamekia exclaims. She explains the deep connection between appearance and self-esteem: “How we look impacts how we feel, and if we are not confident in our appearance, it affects how we feel about ourselves and how we project who we are into the world.” Tamekia highlights that the ability to choose and maintain hairstyles is not merely a matter of aesthetics but a crucial form of self-expression that can affirm a child’s identity.

                              In the context of foster care and adoption, where children often face numerous challenges and traumas, being denied the opportunity to express themselves through their hair can exacerbate feelings of alienation and distress. “When we are not allowed to choose hairstyles that boost how we feel about ourselves—especially in these contexts—mental health suffers,” Tamekia notes, underscoring the potentially severe consequences, including suicidal thoughts and behaviors aimed at self-harm.

                              By providing education that respects and enhances their ability to make informed choices about hair care, Styles 4 Kidz equips children and their families with the necessary skills and contributes significantly to building their confidence and fostering a healthier self-image.

                              Community Engagement and Transformative Impact

                              Styles 4 Kidz Brings Hair Care With Heart to Blended Families
                              Image Source: @styles4kidznp

                              Styles 4 Kidz’s impact extends beyond individual haircare education. Through transformative stories and robust online engagement, the organization’s educational content resonates deeply within the community. The positive reception of its content online is a testament to the organization’s vital role in the lives of many families.

                              “There is so much support for Styles 4 Kidz from many supporters,” Tamekia acknowledges, noting that the response hasn’t been universally positive. “However, in the Black community, there are some mixed responses about teaching White people about Black hair secrets and some mixed feelings about transracial adoption and foster care altogether. For me, it’s all about the kids. Our Black children are living in communities that are predominantly White and feel isolated and alone.

                              Teaching foster and adoptive parents the proper hair care is one way we can show up for the Black children growing up in communities where they lack racial mirrors and a connection to their own Black culture.”

                              Tamekia also shares a heartwarming account from a transracial adoptive mom, illustrating Rita, the mother of Nia, a twelve-year-old Ethiopian girl raised in a predominantly White community, expresses deep gratitude: “The stylists are true role models, not just for Nia, but for me. Nia has been a client since she was seven years old. Now twelve, she walks into the salon and tells Latisha exactly what style she wants, knowing she will be treated with respect and kindness. And she always walks out with her head held high and a big smile. Thank you for providing a community we are proud to be a part of!”

                              These narratives underscore the crucial support Styles 4 Kidz offers. It fosters skill, knowledge, confidence, and community connectivity, enabling children like Nia to embrace their identity and flourish.

                              A child with flowers in her hair and a group of people

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                              Photo credit: Styles 4 Kidz

                              Expanding Reach Through Digital Innovation

                              Building on these impactful stories, Styles 4 Kidz has leveraged the rise of digital platforms to extend its reach further and enhance its educational efforts. This strategic utilization of online platforms has enabled the organization to extend its educational outreach and foster community engagement far beyond traditional physical boundaries.

                              “Styles 4 Kidz developed an online platform that creates content specific to the audience served,” Tamekia details.

                              This digital approach allows parents to continuously refresh and expand their knowledge, whether building on lessons learned in previous workshops or engaging with the material for the first time from remote locations.

                              “This platform enables parents to learn all they can from afar by hearing these classes taught from a very elementary perspective where they can truly learn and grow,” she explains.

                              The online training is designed to meet the specific needs of each family, ensuring they receive the most relevant and effective education without the need to sift through less pertinent information on the internet. “We are pointing our parents to the online training, our community groups, and all our programs through social media posts to keep families engaged,” Tamekia adds, highlighting the proactive steps taken to maintain connectivity and support within their community. This digital engagement not only enhances accessibility but also builds a network of support crucial for the empowerment and success of the families Styles 4 Kidz serves.

                              Incorporating Cultural Sensitivity

                              A group of people standing together outside

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                              Photo credit: Styles 4 Kidz

                              This commitment to education is deeply intertwined with the need for cultural sensitivity, which Styles 4 Kidz prioritizes in all its workshops and training sessions. By ensuring that parents and caregivers can effectively support their child’s haircare needs, the organization fosters a deeper understanding and respect among diverse families.

                              Tamekia explains the organization’s method: “We observe the parents and caregivers and follow their lead. They are often apprehensive about how they and their children will be perceived, so we focus on breaking down cultural barriers through honest and transparent communication, free from judgment.” This strategy enhances learning and builds a supportive environment where empathy and curiosity flourish. “Everyone can thrive in an environment where learning from each other is encouraged, and lack of offense, no matter what is shared, is key.”

                              She also notes the importance of adaptability in their approach: “At times, there must be loving correction on both sides, but the perspective of shared learning empowers all involved to be present and available for the children, who are the true beneficiaries of our programs.” This balance of guidance and sensitivity makes Styles 4 Kidz’s approach both effective and transformative.

                              Charting the Future: Expansion and Outreach 

                              As Styles 4 Kidz looks to the future, the organization is set on broadening the scope of its impact to enhance mental health and well-being for children and families across more diverse communities. With plans to extend educational programs beyond their current locations, Styles 4 Kidz is poised for significant growth.

                              “Over the next few years, we plan to expand our educational programs into other states,” Tamekia explains. “We are actively training a network of passionate and committed trainers to conduct our workshops.” She invites those interested in contributing to their mission to reach out. “Stylists interested in volunteering or joining our work can contact us by filling out the interest form or emailing us at for an online interview. The next class is scheduled for 2025.”

                              Tamekia emphasizes the critical role of community support in their expansion efforts. “Your support is crucial in spreading the word about our mission, which brings the gift of mental health to parents and children in adoption and foster care,” she states.

                              Tamekia views every volunteer and staff member as a vital contributor to its mission, underscoring that its involvement can profoundly affect the lives of the families it serves. “We are an invaluable resource to parents and caregivers and a lifeline for kids who face daily challenges in feeling accepted for who they are. Your contribution can significantly impact their lives, helping them to feel valued and understood.”

                              Empowering the Next Generation

                              A group of girls standing on a sidewalk

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                              Photo credit: Styles 4 Kidz

                              In a society where the unique challenges of foster, biracial, and transracial adoptive families often go unnoticed, Styles 4 Kidz emerges as a pillar of hope and empowerment.

                              Guided by Tamekia’s visionary leadership, the organization has revolutionized haircare education and fostered a profound sense of community and belonging. With its blend of online and in-person resources, Styles 4 Kidz ensures that these families never face the complexities of haircare alone.

                              As the organization broadens its reach and continues refining its programs, its influence extends beyond mere haircare instruction. Styles 4 Kidz is instrumental in building confidence, strengthening mental health, and validating children’s identities, helping them feel appreciated and celebrated for their natural beauty. This endeavor is more than educational—it’s transformative, providing children and their families with the tools to thrive and embrace their appearance with pride and confidence.

                              This unwavering commitment to boosting self-esteem and promoting inclusivity enhances individual families’ lives and fosters a greater societal recognition of diversity. Looking ahead, the path of Styles 4 Kidz is not solely about hair—it embodies healing, acceptance, and the empowerment of future generations to challenge and redefine beauty norms.

                              With continued support from the community and planned expansions, Styles 4 Kidz is set to profoundly impact many more lives globally, ensuring that the beauty of diversity is acknowledged and celebrated.

                              Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Transformative Journey of Mimi’s Braiding Bar

                              Mimi’s journey to becoming a cornerstone in the natural hair care industry began in an unexpected sanctuary—the basement of her parents’ home. Here, a youthful hobby evolved into a vibrant career deeply rooted in her cultural heritage. Like many women facing unique challenges, Mimi used hair braiding as an anchor during turbulent times and a bridge to a larger purpose. “I was the black sheep of my family, always in trouble,” Mimi recalls. Hair braiding wasn’t just a pastime; it became her way out, a path to something bigger.

                              From these humble beginnings, Mimi’s Braiding Bar has become more than a hair salon. Over the past decade, Mimi has leveraged her passion and skill to create a dynamic online community that echoes the inclusivity and safety of the physical space she first fashioned in her parents’ basement. 

                              Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Transformative Journey of Mimi’s Braiding Bar

                              Today, Mimi’s Braiding Bar is recognized for its creativity and style and as a vital safe space that welcomes people of all ages, genders, and races. This transformation from a small basement setup to a prominent name in natural hair care illustrates Mimi’s profound impact on the industry and her community.

                              The Genesis of Mimi’s Braiding Bar

                              Reel Source: @mimisbraidingbar / Instagram

                              “Mimi’s Braiding Bar originated in the basement of my parent’s home over 10 years ago. I braided for fun for the most part,” Mimi shares. Her journey wasn’t without its hurdles, however. Labeled as a “troubled teen,” Mimi’s parents sent her to Ghana to connect with her roots, a trip that profoundly impacted her outlook. 

                              Returning, she decided to channel her energies into something positive—braiding. “I started doing hair more, and it became my passion. It also kept me out of trouble,” she explains. Recognizing the power of digital platforms, Mimi extended her reach online, creating an inclusive space that mirrored her shop’s respect and professionalism.

                              The Role of Protective Styles in Mental Health

                              Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Transformative Journey of Mimi’s Braiding Bar
                              Image Source: @thelifeof.chi

                              Building on the strong foundation of her physical shop, Mimi has used her platform to emphasize the benefits of protective styles, which play a significant role in her clients’ mental well-being. 

                              Protective styles save time and allow you more energy and time to focus on self-care, new experiences, and promote hair growth, Mimi notes.

                              These styles do more than maintain hair health; they empower her clients to experiment with their looks safely. This ability to transform one’s appearance, even temporarily, enhances self-perception and boosts confidence, key aspects that contribute to an individual’s overall mental health.

                              Fostering Community Engagement Online

                              Extending the impact of her salon into the digital realm, Mimi actively fosters a vibrant online community. “I do this by sharing relatable stories, creating educational content, and most importantly, engaging with followers and tailoring my content to their concerns and needs,” Mimi states. 

                              This personalized approach makes her followers feel heard and valued and solidifies the Braiding Bar’s role as a community cornerstone. Through these online interactions, Mimi continues to build a supportive network that mirrors the nurturing environment of her physical shop.

                              Educational Impact and Empowerment

                              Reel Source: @mimisbraidingbar / Instagram

                              Leveraging her online platform, Mimi deepens her commitment to the community through education. She offers classes and seminars that empower her community with knowledge and skills. 

                              “I use my platform to educate clients on their options for hair care and styling,” she explains, emphasizing the significance of equipping individuals, especially young girls and women, with the tools to care for their hair independently. This educational initiative is a natural progression from her engagement efforts, ensuring that her community feels supported, well-informed, and self-sufficient.

                              Supporting Mental Health Initiatives

                              Turning our discussion towards mental health, particularly in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month, I asked Mimi how she tailors her activities to enhance the psychological well-being of her community. Mimi explained that her approach is thoughtful and innovative, reflecting her deep commitment to supporting her client’s mental health.

                              “In general, I have a place in the shop dedicated to clients who are just not themselves,” she describes. Her shop offers silent appointments and plays inspirational music from 8 AM to 12 PM to create a calming environment, effectively acknowledging and sensitively addressing her clients’ mental health needs. This adaptation showcases her dedication to fostering a supportive atmosphere transcending mere hair care.

                              Challenges and Rewards in Maintaining an Inclusive Space

                              Reel Source: @mimisbraidingbar / Instagram

                              Maintaining a safe online environment is challenging, but Mimi’s commitment to positivity and education helps her navigate these waters. “We try to keep our platform clean and free of bullying and harassment,” she asserts. This commitment has cultivated a community where kindness reigns supreme, uplifting every interaction within the space.

                              Community Response and Impactful Stories

                              Image Source: @mimisbraidingbar

                              Following our discussion on mental health initiatives, I explored Mimi’s difficulties and successes in maintaining an inclusive online and physical environment. Maintaining a safe and welcoming online space comes with challenges, but Mimi’s steadfast commitment to positivity and educational outreach has been pivotal. 

                              We try to keep our platform clean and free of bullying and harassment, she asserts.

                              This proactive approach has helped cultivate a community where kindness prevails, ensuring that every interaction within Mimi’s Braiding Bar uplifts and supports, thus reinforcing the integrity of the safe space she has created.

                              Vision for the Future

                              Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Transformative Journey of Mimi’s Braiding Bar
                              Image Source: @timawhimaa

                              Building on her solid foundation, Mimi looks to the future with a vision centered on expanding her influence, particularly through mentoring troubled teens.

                              “I am now looking to mentor troubled teens. I wish I had someone I could talk to without being judged,” she reflects thoughtfully. Her plans include forging partnerships with local high schools to offer support and guidance, aiming to extend the nurturing environment of her shop to serve the broader needs of her community.

                              Mimi’s Braiding Bar is more than just a hair salon; it represents a movement—a testament to the transformative power of creating a safe, inclusive space in the beauty industry. Through her dedication, Mimi continues to weave a tapestry of empowerment, education, and emotional support, demonstrating that every strand of hair—and every individual—has a valuable story worth telling.


                              Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Transformative Journey of Mimi’s Braiding Bar
                              Image Source: @mannequinskin

                              Mimi’s Braiding Bar is more than a hair salon; it’s a testament to the transformative power of turning personal challenges into empowering opportunities. From its modest beginnings in a basement to becoming a cornerstone in the natural hair care industry, Mimi’s establishment is where beauty and wellness intersect, where each braid woven tells a story of resilience, and every style crafted speaks of strength.

                              Through her dedication to inclusivity, mental health awareness, and community engagement, Mimi has created a space that transcends traditional beauty services. Her initiatives in education and creating a supportive online environment have fostered a community where individuals feel valued and empowered. Mimi’s future plans to mentor troubled teens and extend her supportive reach into local schools underscore her commitment to nurturing the next generation.

                              Reflecting on the journey and looking to the future, Mimi states, “This isn’t just a business; it’s a movement. It’s about showing that from little things, big things grow.” Mimi’s Braiding Bar is a dynamic example of how dedication, community, and personal growth can intertwine to create something truly impactful.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP

                              Braiding is more than just a hairstyle; it is a craft deeply rooted in history and culture, celebrated for its beauty, functionality, and significance across various societies. The rise of braid education reflects a broader cultural appreciation and desire to uphold these traditional hairstyling methods while infusing them with modern creativity. This renaissance has brought braiding to the forefront of hair fashion and opened opportunities for individuals to embrace and innovate within this artistic domain. 

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @everything.enyi

                              The expansion of braid education, primarily through accessible online platforms and specialized workshops, has democratized the ability to learn and master braiding, ensuring that this valuable skill is preserved and passed down through generations. By enrolling in braiding classes, beginners are not just learning to style hair; they are keeping alive a rich heritage and participating in a vibrant, ongoing cultural dialogue. 

                              Below, we explore 18 diverse braiding courses offered by stylists, salons, and braiding specialists. We have chosen each course to highlight essential techniques, course details, and their ideal suitability for those beginning their braiding journey.

                              1. Braids by Kayba – Atlanta, GA

                              Reel Source: @braidsbykayba / Instagram

                              Kayba offers a variety of braiding courses tailored for different audiences and skill levels. Each course provides essential techniques, tools, and supportive learning environments, making them ideal for beginners. Here’s a concise overview:

                              Braid Camp Adult:

                              Cost and Length: $425 for a two-day, five-hour workshop.

                              Highlights: Geared towards teens, this workshop covers a variety of styles, including knotless, feed-in, and stitch braids, along with essential business skills. It comes with a braider’s kit, mannequin head, work binder, and more, providing a comprehensive package for those looking to dive deep into braiding.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @braidsbykayba

                              Adult Group Classes:

                              Cost and Length: $175 for a 2-hour session.

                              Highlights: These classes focus on basic braids, plaits, and cornrows and are perfect for adults beginning their braiding journey. Participants receive a braider’s kKit and mannequin head in a group setting, fostering a friendly learning atmosphere.

                              1:1 Class:

                              Cost and Length: $275 for a personalized two-hour session.

                              Highlights: This one-on-one class offers tailored instruction in braids, plaits, cornrows, and a comprehensive braider’s kit with a mannequin head. It’s ideal for those who wish to practice specific techniques or just style hair.

                              Virtual Class:

                              Cost and Length: $325 for a 2-hour session accessible anywhere.

                              Highlights: Offering foundational braiding techniques, this class includes a braider’s kit shipped to participants. It’s an excellent option for beginners who prefer the flexibility of learning from home with the benefit of hands-on experience.

                              2. The Braid Bar – Los Angeles, CA

                              Video Source: @braidbar / vimeo

                              The Braid Bar in Los Angeles, CA, is a place for everyone interested in braiding. They offer a variety of classes for beginners and advanced students, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and comfortable. Led by Twy, these courses provide a practical, hands-on learning environment equipped with all the necessary tools.

                              Braid Academy Orientation:

                              Cost and Length: $285 for a 2-hour one-on-one session, $195 for a group session, or $150 for a Zoom session.

                              Highlights: Ideal for beginners, this session introduces the basics of braiding, including hair preparation techniques like pre-stretching and sectioning. It also covers fundamental braiding skills such as parting and sectioning hair. Participants receive a braider’s kit with a mannequin head (for class use), a digital handbook, and other essential tools. This course provides a strong foundation in braiding, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

                              3. Braid Fanatic Salon – Lake Worth Beach, FL

                              Reel Source: @braidfanaticsalon / Instagram

                              Braid Fanatic Salon in Lakeworth, FL, presents a masterclass designed for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced braiders or those simply looking to enhance their understanding of hair care for themselves or their children.

                              Masterclass (In-Person):

                              Cost and Length: $499 for 1 hour.

                              Highlights: This intensive session covers the art of knotless braiding, selecting quality products, perfecting parting techniques, and adding hair for left-handed individuals. It’s an excellent choice for quick, comprehensive learning tailored to new and experienced braiders.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @braid_fanatic11

                              Virtual Braiding Course:

                              Cost and Duration: $399; duration varies.

                              Highlights: This flexible online course is perfect for learning essential braiding techniques and hair care tips at your own pace from home.

                              Both courses at Braid Fanatic Salon provide foundational to advanced braiding insights, making them ideal for anyone looking to quickly grasp or refine their braiding skills through practical, hands-on instruction.

                              4. Mercedes / Aurora, Illinois

                              Reel Source: @mercedesstyles101 / TikTok

                              Mercedes, a master braider based in Aurora, IL, brings over 20 years of industry experience to her craft. She continuously educates herself and keeps up with the latest trends. In 2021, Mercedes further solidified her credentials by becoming a certified and licensed hair braider.

                              Group Class (In-Person):

                              Cost and Length: $350 for a 60-minute session.

                              Highlights: This group class is an excellent opportunity for enthusiasts to learn from a seasoned professional who teaches fundamental and advanced braiding techniques and incorporates the latest styles and trends into her instruction. Ideal for those looking to enhance their skills in a dynamic group setting, the session is designed to provide valuable insights and hands-on experience from a renowned braider. 

                              5. The Braid Fairy – Charleston, SC

                              Reel Source: @thebraidfairy / TikTok

                              Nakita Manigault-Jones has transitioned from teaching to pursuing her passion for helping individuals grow and maintain healthy hair. Her unique approach focuses on personalized development and care techniques.

                              One-on-One Braiding Class:

                              Cost and Length: $275 for a session scheduled upon booking.

                              Highlights: This personalized one-on-one class is ideal for aspiring braiders, professionals looking to refine their skills, or parents aiming to effectively manage their children’s hair. The class is tailored to each student’s needs and skill improvement areas, ensuring focused and practical learning. The class includes a kit featuring Nakita’s preferred braiding tools for beginners, providing a solid foundation for anyone starting their braiding journey.

                              6. Yadi Black Creations– Philadelphia, PA

                              Reel Source: @yadiblackcreations / TikTok

                              Yadi, a licensed cosmetologist with over 20 years of braiding experience, offers specialized training in knotless braiding through her “Knotless 1 on 1 with YadiBlack” course.

                              Knotless 1 on 1 with YadiBlack:

                              Cost and Length: $250 for a 3-hour session.

                              Highlights: This one-on-one training session is perfect for anyone looking to master the technique of knotless braiding, making it ideal for new and experienced braiders who want to refine their skills in this popular braiding style.

                              7. Houston Braids – Houston, TX

                              Reel Source: @houston_braids / Instagram

                              Donae Madison, a licensed professional braider and Certified Hair Loss Practitioner with over 17 years of experience, owns two hair braiding salons in Houston, TX—Braids by Nae and Queendom Hair Studio. Recently, she launched the Houston Braids Training Center, a new venture aimed at revolutionizing braiding education. This center combines a deep respect for the cultural significance of braiding with innovative teaching methods, offering a comprehensive learning experience for enthusiasts at all levels.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP

                              Braid Boss Houston:

                              Cost and Length: $325 for a one-day intensive course.

                              Highlights: This course is designed for a dynamic learning experience where beginners to braiding can quickly become proficient. Techniques covered include cornrows, knotless braids, feed-in/stitch, and box braids. Note that the class is fast-paced, but small class sizes ensure personalized attention, making it possible for most beginners to master each technique within the day. Prior knowledge of under-hand plaiting is beneficial but optional. For those seeking more extensive training, a week-long course is also available. This setting is perfect for anyone eager to dive deep into braiding and emerge as a skilled ‘Braid Boss.’

                              8. Braids by Unique – Garland, Texas

                              Reel Source: @braidsbyunique_ / Instagram

                              Braids by Unique provides a range of classes designed to cater to various braiding needs and skill levels, from beginners to those looking to refine specific techniques. Each class offers a focused, hands-on approach to learning.

                              1-on-1 Cornrow Braiding Class:

                              Cost and Length: $150 for 2 hours.

                              Highlights: Ideal for those new to braiding. This class offers a perfect starting point for mastering the basics of cornrow braiding.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP

                              One-on-One Braiding Class:

                              Cost and Length: $350 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: This personalized session allows for an in-depth focus on stitch braiding, beginner cornrows, plaits, or knotless braids. 

                              $99 Braid Class:

                              Cost and Length: $99 for 2 hours.

                              Highlights: Open to everyone aged 7 and older, this class chooses between learning cornrows, stitch braids, and knotless braids. This class is conducted via Zoom or FaceTime and is excellent for those seeking an accessible introductory braiding experience.

                              9. Art Moon Studio – San Diego, CA

                              Image Source: @artmoonstudio / Instagram

                              Art Moon Studio offers a virtual braiding course designed for learners who prefer to study at their own pace. This course is focused on mastering various braiding styles through comprehensive online instruction.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @artmoonstudio / Instagram

                              Virtual Braiding Course:

                              Cost and Length: $429, including nine in-depth videos.

                              Highlights: This course is ideal for anyone looking to master braiding with detailed, self-guided video tutorials. Covering multiple types of braids, the course provides learners with step-by-step instructions to perfect their braiding skills. The virtual format allows for flexible learning, enabling students to revisit lessons as needed and progress according to their own schedules. This setup is perfect for beginners and experienced braiders looking to enhance their technique from the comfort of their homes.

                              10. She Braids It All – St. Paul, MN

                              Reel Source @shebraidsitall / Instagram

                              She Braids It All offers an extensive one-week braiding class for learners of all ages and skill levels, from complete beginners to experienced braiders seeking to broaden their repertoire. The class is taught by a professional braider with seven years of experience in the industry.

                              One-Week Braiding Class:

                              Cost and Length: $1400 for 2 hours daily over one week.

                              Highlights: This comprehensive course is structured to cover a wide range of braiding styles and techniques. Starting with the basics, the class gradually moves into more advanced styles, including knotless braids, box braids, and cornrows. Each day is dedicated to a different technique, ensuring thorough understanding and skill development. 

                              11. The Bossie Experience – Seattle, WA

                              How to Share With Just Friends

                              How to share with just friends.

                              Posted by Facebook on Friday, December 5, 2014
                              Reel Source: @harmonyjustice / Facebook

                              Harmony Justice, owner of The Bossi Experience, offers specialized braiding courses for kids and adults at her studio. These hands-on courses are tailored to the specific needs of each age group.

                              Bossi Kidz Braiding Course:

                              Cost and Length: $400 for 4 hours.

                              Highlights: This one-on-one braiding course is designed for children and teens eager to learn braiding. It’s a fantastic opportunity for young learners to gain confidence in their braiding skills in a supportive and engaging environment.

                              Bossi’s Beginner Course for Adults:

                              Cost and Length: $450 for 4 hours.

                              Highlights: Aimed at adults, this course covers essential braiding techniques, including basic scalp, knotless, and box braids. Participants will also learn clean parting and techniques tailored to their individual style. This course is perfect for beginners looking to develop a solid foundation in braiding and customize their skills to suit personal or professional needs.

                              12. Ms. GG Stylez– Broward, FL

                              Reel Source @msggstylez / Instagram

                              Ms. GG Stylez, a licensed hairstylist in Broward, FL, offers a comprehensive braiding class for beginners. This class is designed to teach the fundamentals of braiding to those with little to no experience or those aspiring to become professional braiders.

                              Braiding Classes for Beginners:

                              Cost and Length: $600. The duration is not specified but detailed, as it is hands-on and thorough.

                              Highlights: This class is perfect for beginners and covers various techniques and skills. Participants will learn how to do box braids and cornrows, with and without weave, and how to execute feed-in braids. Ms. GG Stylez will also teach her specific techniques for extending braids to desired lengths, creating precision parts, and selecting the right products. Additional lessons include the tucking method, proper hair preparation, determining the correct amount of hair to use, and important practices in sanitation and sterilizing. 

                              13. Keyana Roberts – Chandler, AZ

                              Reel Source: @queens_touch28 / Instagram

                              Keyana Glass offers comprehensive braiding classes for beginners, both in-person and virtually, catering to those looking to master basic braiding techniques.

                              1-1 Beginners Braiding Class (In-Person):

                              Cost and Length: $175 for 2 hours.

                              Highlights: This class is ideal for beginners and covers essential braiding skills, including braids/plaits and cornrows. Designed for individuals wanting to style their hair or quickly style their children’s hair, the class includes a braider’s kit with a mannequin head for practice. It’s a perfect introduction for those new to braiding, offering hands-on learning.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @blacksuccesslife_

                              Virtual 1-1 Beginners Braiding Class:

                              Cost and Length: $225 for 2 hours.

                              Highlights: Like the in-person class, this virtual option teaches braiding basics, including braids/plaits and cornrows. The class, tailored for convenience, includes a braider’s kit shipped to participants and is conducted over Google Meet. This format is suited for those who prefer to learn from home while still receiving personalized instruction and hands-on practice with provided materials.

                              14. Prestige Styles – Worcester, MA

                              Reel Source: @prestige_hairslays / Instagram

                              Prestige Styles offers a focused one-on-one braiding class designed to teach the foundational skills necessary for braiding. The class specifically targets those who are new to the craft or looking to improve their basic techniques.

                              One-on-One Braiding Class for Braids:

                              Cost and Length: $250 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: This class introduces various braiding styles, including box braids and knotless braids, emphasizing learning how to properly part hair and add extensions (note: adding extensions is only covered if the participant already knows the basic braiding techniques). Participants will receive a braids starter kit and a comprehensive product list to assist them in their learning process. The course is intended to lay down the fundamental aspects of braiding. While it aims to equip students with essential skills, it also sets realistic expectations that mastering braiding may require further education beyond this initial class.

                              This class is perfect for anyone looking to start their journey in braiding with a thorough understanding of the basics, provided in a personalized and supportive learning environment.

                              15. Naturally TB – Lake Charles, LA

                              Reel Source: @naturally_tb / Instagram

                              Aironna, a licensed stylist, braider, and salon owner in Lake Charles, LA, has been active in the industry since 2013. She offers a comprehensive 2-Day Beginner Course on stitch braiding, perfect for newcomers or those seeking to refine their skills under expert guidance.

                              1 Stitch Braid Tour: 2-Day Beginner Course (In-Person):

                              Cost and Length: $500 for 4 hours across two days.

                              Highlights: Participants will learn the fundamental aspects of braiding, including hand placement, parting and molding hair, three different stitch braiding techniques, how to incorporate feed-in hair, and how to apply finishing touches to their styles. The class is designed to provide a solid foundation in stitch braiding, with hands-on training from a licensed professional in a supportive and educational setting. This beginner course is an excellent investment for those looking to start or advance their braiding skills, providing thorough training in specific techniques essential for creating polished and professional-looking braids.

                              16. Braided by Christy – Hattiesburg, MS

                              Reel Source: @braidedbychristy / Instagram

                              Braided by Christy offers a comprehensive array of braiding classes, both in-person and virtual, designed to cater to different braiding techniques and styles. These classes are structured as one-on-one sessions to ensure personalized instruction.

                              All in One Class:

                              Cost and Length: $850 for 6 hours.

                              Highlights: This extensive in-person class covers knotless, box, and stitch braids. Participants learn about product and tool usage, how to add in hair, proper techniques for cutting and dipping, and more. Ideal for those looking to master multiple braiding styles in a single session.

                              Knotless & Box Braid Class:

                              Cost and Length: $550 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: Focused on two popular styles, this in-person class teaches the essentials of knotless and box braids, providing hands-on experience in these specific techniques.

                              Feed In/Stitch Class:

                              Cost and Length: $550 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: This in-person session dives into feed-in and stitch braids, emphasizing detailed braiding techniques for those styles.

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @janaea.laura

                              Soft Locs Class:

                              Cost and Length: $600 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: Dedicated to the technique of soft locs, this class provides in-depth instruction on creating this increasingly popular style.

                              Virtual Stitch Braid Class:

                              Cost and Length: $250 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: This virtual class focuses on completing a head of 5-6 stitch braids, covering everything from product choice to hand placement and final touches.

                              Virtual Knotless Class:

                              Cost and Length: $300 for 4 hours.

                              Highlights: Conducted online, this session covers the essentials of creating knotless braids, providing a detailed virtual learning experience.

                              Virtual Soft Loc Class:

                              Cost and Length: $300 for 3 hours.

                              Highlights: Also offered virtually, this class teaches the specifics of making soft locs, which is ideal for learners who prefer remote instruction.

                              17. Sweeting’s Cosmetology & Braiding Institute – Nashville, TN

                              18 Braiding Classes for Beginners to Enroll in ASAP
                              Image Source: @sweetings_hairworld / Instagram

                              Sweeting’s Cosmetology Braiding Institute in Nashville, Tennessee, offers comprehensive training tailored to excel in the natural hair salon industry. With an emphasis on hands-on experience, the institute provides two distinct courses to enhance skills and certify new professionals.

                              Natural Hair Styling Course:

                              Cost: $3,000

                              Highlights: This extensive course is for those aiming to master natural hair styling comprehensively. It culminates in a Braider Certification, priced at an additional $300. Upon completing the course, students have the unique opportunity to work at the on-site Sweeting’s Natural Hair Salon in Nashville, Tennessee, which allows them to apply their newly acquired skills in a professional setting immediately.

                              Braiding Bootcamp:

                              Cost: $1,000

                              Highlights: Ideal for those seeking a quick and focused learning path, the Braiding Bootcamp covers essential braiding styles such as feed-in braids, butterfly/faux locs, box braids, and knotless braids. This course is perfect for students aiming to earn a certificate and quickly learn multiple popular braiding techniques.

                              Both programs at Sweeting’s Cosmetology Braiding Institute are structured to provide top-tier education and practical skills in the natural hair styling industry, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to excel in professional environments.

                              18. The Braiding Lab – Birmingham, AL

                              Image Source: @nay_thebraidologist / TikTok

                              The Braiding Lab, located in Birmingham, AL, and operated by Auset Williams and NayNay Boyd, presents an in-depth Starter Loc Masterclass specifically designed for those interested in learning the foundational skills necessary to start locs professionally.

                              Starter Loc Masterclass:

                              Cost and Length: $480 for 4 hours.

                              Highlights: This masterclass focuses on the essential techniques of starting locs, guided by the expertise of NayNay Boyd. Participants will gain hands-on experience in initiating locs properly, ensuring they are set up for success in this specialized hair styling area.

                              This class is ideal for individuals who specialize in loc services. It gives them a solid foundation and expert guidance to master the craft.

                              Conclusion: Celebrating the Craft and Culture of Braiding

                              In conclusion, braiding embodies a rich tapestry of styles, each carrying significant cultural and historical value. The courses highlighted here showcase various braiding techniques, from the meticulous art of locs to the precision of stitch braids and the versatility of feed-in and knotless braids.

                              These educational opportunities allow beginners and seasoned stylists to enhance their skills and push the boundaries of hair artistry. Enrolling in these courses actively engages individuals with the broader cultural narratives embedded in each braiding style. This vibrant legacy of braiding continues to thrive, fueled by a community dedicated to preserving and innovating this unique form of craftsmanship.

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              April is Black Maternal Health Month and International Black Women’s Month, a time when the spotlight shines on health and the nurturing aspects of motherhood, including hair care. This period is crucial for new mothers as they adjust to changes in their bodies and lifestyles, notably changes in hair health.

                              Hair Health for New Moms

                              Postpartum hair loss, commonly experienced by new mothers, involves significant shedding and changes in hair texture due to hormonal fluctuations after childbirth. This shedding is temporary and typically linked to falling estrogen levels, which can be alarming but is usually resolved within a year.

                              Image Source: @rie_undefined

                              Mothers must adapt their hair care routines during this adjustment phase to maintain aesthetics and promote scalp health. While new moms navigate the complexities of postpartum hair loss and adjust their hair care routines accordingly, it’s equally important to consider the distinct needs of their babies. Just as hormonal changes impact a mother’s hair health, a baby’s hair and skin also require special attention to ensure they remain healthy and irritation-free.

                              Considerations for Baby Hair Care

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy
                              Image Source: @nyla_lelilani_

                              Baby hair and skin are far more sensitive than adults, requiring gentle care to avoid irritation. Their delicate skin loses moisture more rapidly and has lower lipid levels, and it benefits from mild and moisture-retentive hair care products.

                              Parents should choose baby shampoos and conditioners free of harsh chemicals and strong surfactants, such as sulfates and cationic surfactants, which can irritate a baby’s delicate skin and disrupt its skin barrier. Here’s how to select the right products and establish a gentle hair-washing routine:

                              • Product Selection: Opt for non-ionic surfactants that provide effective cleaning with low irritation risk.
                              • Hair Washing Routine: Washing a baby’s hair two to three times a week with shampoos rich in natural oils and emollients is sufficient to maintain hygiene and moisture without causing dryness or buildup.
                              • Natural Conditioning: We recommend using natural oils and butters for infants instead of traditional conditioners. These natural products gently moisturize, detangle, and protect baby hair by creating a fine, protective coating.

                              Integrating Baby and Mom Hair Care

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy
                              Image Source: @whatsupchanel

                              For new moms, managing postpartum hair involves using sulfate-free shampoos to avoid stripping natural oils and choosing lightweight but hydrating conditioners. Embracing loose, protective hairstyles can also help manage new textures and minimize hair stress. This integrative approach ensures that both mom and baby benefit from products that nourish without overwhelming their delicate structures, thereby maintaining healthy, well-managed hair during this transformative time.

                              As we navigate the needs of both mom and baby, selecting products that effectively cater to both is essential and reassuring. This careful selection helps ensure that both mother and child receive the optimal benefits without compromising safety or efficacy. Given new moms’ unique challenges during the postpartum period, choosing the right products is key to restoring and maintaining healthy hair.

                              Top Mommy + Me Hair Care Products

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy
                              Image Source: @comeseehairef

                              When selecting the best hair care products for moms and their little ones, you should consider several key factors that ensure safety, effectiveness, and overall satisfaction. We chose the products featured in this roundup based on their safe ingredients, efficacy, and strong brand reputation.

                              Each product is designed with delicate baby skin and hair in mind while also catering to mothers’ specific hair care needs. Selecting products that combat hair loss and promote overall hair health and recovery is essential when addressing postpartum hair care. These products use natural, nourishing ingredients to soothe the scalp, strengthen hair, and provide vital nutrients that restore growth.

                              Let’s explore some of the top picks that are ideal for family-friendly hair care routines:

                              1. PROUDLY Hair Care Collection 4-Piece Bundle

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              PROUDLY stands out due to its dedication to hydration and suitability for susceptible skin, making it perfect for babies. This collection is pediatrician—and dermatologist-approved, hypoallergenic, and free from harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and synthetic fragrances.

                              The 4-piece bundle includes products that nurture developing waves, curls, and coils. It features gentle-for-baby ingredients that cleanse, nourish the scalp, soften, define hair patterns, and enhance manageability. This bundle helps revive natural curl patterns while removing dirt, impurities, and residue without the harsh elements of many adult hair care products.

                              2. PROUDLY Nourishing Hair & Body Oil

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              Natural oils are excellent hair moisturizing, detangling, and softening agents. They are mild, green, and sustainable, and their hydrophobic nature allows them to form a delicate, fine coating on scalp hair. Additionally, they moisturize the scalp surface and prevent water loss, enhancing the overall health of the hair and scalp. A blend of natural oils and butter is ideal for conditioning baby hair, as it provides gentle and effective care without the harsh chemicals in many traditional products.

                              This plant-based oil by Proudly exemplifies these benefits with its blend of premium oils, including jojoba, sunflower seed, and rosehip, all enriched with squalane and vitamin E. Its light and non-greasy formulation makes it perfect for both hair and body application, ensuring that a small amount goes a long way in providing moisture and nourishment. Suitable for babies and adults, this oil not only soothes and protects the skin but also reinforces the skin’s natural barrier, offering essential hydration and supporting overall skin and hair health.

                              3. FROBabies Hair Detangle Me Baby Leave-in Conditioner

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              FROBabies Hair’s Detangle Me Baby Leave-in Conditioner is tailored for babies 12 months and older. It’s a superb detangler that doubles as a nourishing leave-in conditioner. Made with honey, it strengthens hair strands and protects against breakage. This product simplifies combing, styling, and managing your child’s hair, making it an indispensable part of a daily hair care routine for kids with tender scalps and prone to tangles.

                              4. Cara B Natural Baby Shampoo & Body Wash

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              Cara B’s product offers an all-in-one solution, such as baby shampoo and body wash. Its tear-free formula provides a soothing bath experience with an extra-rich lather that leaves hair and skin silky and clean. This product is particularly beneficial for children with eczema, featuring ingredients like vitamin E and aloe to moisturize and soothe, complemented by a calming all-natural chamomile fragrance.

                              Infants’ hair is delicate, fine, and fragile, and it gains diameter and texture with age due to the maturation of follicle activity. This development underscores the importance of using gentle ingredients in baby shampoos. Non-ionic surfactants, such as decyl glucoside found in this shampoo, are the optimal choice because they provide superior cleaning abilities, are mild, and have a low irritation risk. This makes them suitable for the sensitive and evolving nature of baby hair and scalp.

                              5. Coconut Baby Oil for Hair & Skin

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              Coconut Baby Oil is an excellent organic moisturizer for hair and skin care. It’s particularly effective for treating cradle caps, soothing irritated skin, and promoting a healthy scalp. This chemical-free oil is designed for extra-sensitive skin and includes organic coconut oil that protects, softens, and moisturizes. It’s versatile enough to be used as a daily moisturizer for babies and adults, providing gentle and effective skincare.

                              These products meet the highest standards for baby safety and offer the quality and effectiveness that parents expect. They provide a practical and enjoyable way to care for both mother’s and baby’s hair and skin, making them ideal for shared routines and strengthening the bonding experience through personal care rituals.

                              6. Bask & Bloom Herbal Infused Hair & Scalp Oil

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              The Herbal Infused Hair & Scalp Oil from Bask & Bloom is an excellent choice for new moms experiencing postpartum hair thinning and scalp sensitivity. Infused with potent herbs like Nettle, Horsetail, Amla, and Burdock Root, this oil is rich in minerals such as silica and sulfur, which are known to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth. 

                              Additionally, it features a blend of scalp-friendly oils like Sacha Inchi, Moringa, and Sweet Almond Oil, which soothe and repair dry, irritated scalps. Its lightweight formula with Avocado, Jojoba, and Grapeseed Oil locks in moisture and adds a healthy sheen to the hair, addressing the dryness often seen in postpartum hair.

                              7. HAIRBURST Postpartum Vitamins 

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              HAIRBURST specifically formulates Postpartum Vitamins to combat post-pregnancy hair loss while ensuring safety for breastfeeding mothers. These vitamins feature a blend of Biotin, B Vitamins, and Folic Acid, which are crucial for hair growth and overall recovery during and after pregnancy. They support the physical aspects of hair growth and combat pregnancy fatigue, serving as a dual-action solution for new mothers.

                              8. Melanin Haircare Plumping Deep Conditioner

                              This deep conditioner enriches moms with postpartum brittle, dry, or damaged hair. It uses hyaluronic acid, known for its intense hydrating properties. It helps hair attract and maintain moisture, reducing frizz and softening brittle strands. Bamboo Extract and Biotin enhance the conditioner’s effectiveness by adding shine, improving elasticity, and strengthening hair, making it a powerhouse for enhancing hair health postpartum.

                              9. Mielle Rosemary Mint Strengthening Shampoo & Conditioner

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              Mielle’s Rosemary Mint line is ideal for mothers looking to restore the strength and vitality of their hair. The shampoo cleanses gently yet thoroughly, infused with nutrients like biotin and organic oils such as coconut and babassu seed oil. These ingredients provide intense moisture and promote an unrivaled slip, which helps prevent breakage during washing. The accompanying conditioner detangles and softens hair instantly, improving manageability while supporting longer, healthier hair growth.

                              10. Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Leave-In Conditioner

                              The Best Mommy + Me Products to Keep Handy

                              This leave-in conditioner is superb for moms who need to control frizz and detangle postpartum curls without hassle. Formulated with Jamaican Black Castor Oil and fair-trade Shea Butter, it nourishes and moisturizes the hair, enhancing elasticity to resist breakage when detangling. 


                              As we conclude this comprehensive guide during Black Maternal Health Month and International Black Women’s Month, it’s clear that hair health and care during and after pregnancy are pivotal aspects of motherhood that require thoughtful consideration and action. Whether navigating the challenges of postpartum hair loss experienced by new mothers or ensuring the gentle care of a baby’s sensitive hair and skin, choosing the right hair care products cannot be overstated.

                              Integrating suitable, gentle, and effective products into daily routines ensures that both mother and baby enjoy optimal hair health. For mothers, particularly those managing unique and diverse natural hair textures, using sulfate-free shampoos and hydrating conditioners/masks and adopting protective hairstyles provide a strong foundation for maintaining healthy hair. For babies, selecting shampoos and conditioners free from harsh chemicals and using natural oils and butters for conditioning protects and nurtures their delicate hair and skin.

                              Ultimately, the products chosen for both mommy and baby play a critical role in not only addressing the specific needs of each but also in fostering a nurturing environment that supports their overall well-being. This approach helps maintain healthy, well-managed hair and strengthens the bonding experience through shared personal care rituals, enriching the journey through motherhood.

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads

                              Coachella isn’t just a music festival; it’s a vibrant canvas where artistry and self-expression are encouraged and celebrated with enthusiasm—and nowhere is this more evident than in the spectacular array of hairstyles that unfold under the California sun. This cultural phenomenon has become a haven for hair enthusiasts, where the desert becomes a runway for the most daring dos, from the sleek Type 1s that shimmer in the sunlight to the voluptuous Type 4s that speak volumes of heritage and pride.

                              Image Source: @ashleeswest

                              As we explore 18 standout Coachella hair moments, we pay homage to the creativity and diversity of styles gracing the festival grounds. Braids aren’t just a style; they’re statements woven with stories. Sleek ponytails rise to the occasion with gravity-defying grace, and colors meld into the strands as if painted by the sunset. 

                              Join us as we explore the chronicles of Coachella’s hair history, where every coil, curve, and color is a melody in the symphony of style.

                              Type 1 Straight Hair

                              1. Gwen Stefani’s ‘90s Revival

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @gwenstefani / Instagram

                              Gwen Stefani’s Coachella look channeled her ’90s roots with a sleek, straight blonde ponytail that added a polished and nostalgic touch to her ensemble, perfectly embodying her iconic style with a modern twist.

                              2. Space Buns

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: Photographed by Emily Malan /

                              This Coachella attendee rocked playful space buns with her straight hair, adding a fun twist to her festival look.

                              3. Fiery Passion Braided Ponytail

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @chloejane / Instagram

                              An attendee made a statement with their bold red long braided hairstyle, featuring waist-length braids in a vibrant shade of red that added a striking and passionate touch to their Coachella look.

                              Type 2 Wavy Hair

                              4. Vanessa Hudgens’ Boho Waves

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @vanessahudgens / Instagram

                              Vanessa Hudgens embraced the boho look with loose, beachy waves, perfectly complementing her festival attire.

                              5. Pink Rodeo

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @niki / Instagram

                              Pairing the classic charm of a cowboy hat with pink hair, this look effortlessly merges Western style with a pop of bold color, creating a lively and eye-catching Coachella ensemble.

                              6. Boho Bead Waves

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @justinemarjan / Instagram

                              This hairstyle exudes a bohemian vibe with its soft pink waves gently cascading, intricately adorned with beads, charms, and chains that catch the light and add a playful, artistic flair to the look.

                              7. Whimsy Waves

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @shananananbanananaa / Instagram

                              This enchanting hairstyle features gentle waves with a dramatic splash of cobalt blue swept to the side in a cascade of color. 

                              8. Glam Waves

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source:@lucii_lba / Instagram

                              This hairstyle brings a touch of glamour to the Coachella scene. Its lush, flowing waves and face-framing tendrils are complemented by accent twists that add a playful yet sophisticated look.

                              Type 3 Curly Hair

                              9. Curly Peacock Palette

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @stayreddy / Instagram

                              A woman with shoulder-length curly hair captivated onlookers with her hair’s peacock-inspired palette, blending shades of blue and green highlights throughout her curls for a vibrant, mesmerizing effect.

                              10. Wavy Curly Sunset Spectrum

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @beautylaunchpad / Instagram

                              A woman with wavy curly hair past her shoulders turned heads at Coachella with a stunning gradient of colors: pink roots that transition seamlessly into shades of orange, yellow, green, blue, and finally purple at the ends, creating a vibrant, sunset-inspired look.

                              11. Festive Dual-Toned Buns

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @nicholerayartistry / Instagram

                              Check out this eye-catching Coachella hairstyle, featuring bouncy curls cascading down and two large buns intertwined with vibrant pink and green hues for a lively festival look.

                              12. Sunlit Bantu Tendrils

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @jaz.mcnew / Instagram

                              This look is playful and stylish. Soft medium brown highlights cascade through shoulder-length curls, complemented by two petite Bantu knots sitting charmingly at the front, framing the face with delicate tendrils to enhance the carefree vibe.

                              Type 4 Coily Hair

                              13. Natural Bloom Crown

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @naturalhairweekly/ @chocolatesparkle / Instagram

                              A radiant celebration of natural beauty, this hairstyle showcases the rich texture of type 4 coily hair, crowned with a halo of white flowers that provides a striking contrast against the deep, ebony coils.

                              14. Playful Petal Coils

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @neworleansnaturalhairexpo / Instagram

                              This hairstyle is a delightful expression of carefree elegance. It features luscious coily hair in its full glory, playfully accented with bright purple and yellow flowers that add a touch of whimsy to the voluminous, textured mane.

                              Mixed Hairstyles

                              15. Edgy Dreadlocks

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @jessicaxgolich / Instagram

                              This hairstyle is a bold and edgy statement. It features long, thick dreadlocks lifted high and paired with a bandana, creating an adventurous look as daring and free-spirited as the festival itself.

                              16. Festive Braid Waves

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source:  @leesiepinto / Instagram

                              Effortlessly chic, this hairstyle features long, slender braids that flow like a cascade, their sleek texture embodying the spirit of Coachella’s laid-back yet stylish vibe.

                              17. Festival Chic Twists

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source @hallebailey / Instagram

                              This captivating hairstyle by Halle Bailey features twists pulled to the side and back. It combines the elegance of neat, protective twists with the relaxed, free-flowing vibe of loose ends, making it a stylish and practical choice for the festival event.

                              18. Blue Infusion Knotless Braids

                              18 Coachella Hair Moments That Turned Heads
                              Image Source: @cityofindianwells / @laisribeiro / Instagram

                              This mesmerizing array of knotless braids falls effortlessly, each adorned with striking blue embellishments, creating a regal and modern expression of Coachella hair artistry.

                              Conclusion: Celebrating the Crowning Glories of Coachella

                              As the final chords of Coachella’s resounding lineup fade into the warm desert night, we carry more than just memories of the music and the art; we take inspiration from the festival’s tapestry of bold and inventive hairstyles. 

                              From sleek Type 1 locks catching the sunlight to Type 4 coils adorned with the valley’s flowers, Coachella’s hair moments are as much a part of the festival’s identity as the iconic palm trees that frame its horizon. It’s a place where hair isn’t just a style but a statement—a canvas for personal expression that defies norms and transcends boundaries. 

                              As we bid farewell to another year, the hairstyles of Coachella serve as a potent reminder that creativity knows no bounds and that beauty is a constantly evolving masterpiece that we each have the power to shape and redefine. 

                              Until the gates open again, let these 18 head-turning hair moments inspire us to dream a little bolder, dare a little bigger, and style with the full force of our individuality, using our hair as a tool for personal expression.

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair

                              Anyone in a salon chair knows it can be difficult to find Black natural hair stylists and salons. Effectively working with textured hair requires skill, dexterity, and a deep understanding of how to manipulate each texture best.


                              Do short layers intimidate you?? During my Texture Talks series I’ll be sharing some of my client consultations where we discuss hair history, desired results, current hair issues, and more! #nchairstylist #nccurlspecialist #charlottecurlspecialist #raleighhairstylist #raleighcurlyhairstylist #consultation #texturetalks #layeredhaircut #curlyhaircut

                              ♬ Cumbia Buena – Grupo La Cumbia
                              Image Source: @itshif3licia

                              The problem is that there are a disproportionately low number of professional stylists who understand how to work across all hair types—and, more specifically, the intricacies of Black hair—which means people with natural textures are often left out of the conversation. Most stylists outside of the Black community have little to no education about Black hair. 

                              The bigger issue is that many stylists are not taught to work with and appreciate curly hair, let alone coily, or kinky hair types. We’re often left to deal with the lack of education and salon service around natural hair, and on top of that, we might find ourselves in a situation where we’re left feeling demeaned and belittled at the hands of a stylist trying to put all textures into one box and method.

                              Image Source: @frizzandfrillzz

                              After being frustrated that hair school curriculums weren’t adequately training stylists on natural hair, Aisha Gatlin, who founded the Beautiful Luxe School of Cosmetology, said “Stylists are educated in pretty much one hair type because they don’t need to know more for their state exam—but when they get into the salon, it’s like they’re back in beauty school again.” Only 19 states require specific training for it.

                              The focus should not be on passing the state exam but on truly leaving with the knowledge to manage all hair types. Without the foundation of what constitutes healthy hair for a range of textures, stylists aren’t equipped with the full scope of knowledge they need to help their clients. More educators who are well-versed in all hair textures are needed. 

                              With all that being said, I’m sharing Black natural hair stylists and salons to follow and support in this article. To celebrate the work of the talented and underrepresented Black hair artists, you can start by supporting their work on social media.

                              The Daze Studio

                              Location: San Diego, CA

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              Image Source: @thedazestudio

                              Daisy Henson, aka Curly Daze, owns The Daze Studio curly hair salon in San Diego, CA. Curly Daze is known for her beautifully shaped, transformative, curly cuts. She is also a hair educator for Cosmo Prof and was named Modern Salon’s Top 100 for 2020. 

                              Huetiful Hair Salon

                              Locations: Arlington, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, Chicago and Atlanta

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              SOURCE: @HUETIFULSALON

                              Ken Burkeen, the creator of the Huetiful Hair Steamer, founded Huetiful. Ken’s mission is to introduce clients to “The 4 Healthy Hair Pillars” (cleansing, hydrating, conditioning, and strengthening).

                              They specialize particularly in helping women and men with hair transitions for chemically damaged hair.

                              Taji Salon

                              Location: Raleigh, NC

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              Image Source: @TAJISALON

                              This salon specializes in natural hair styling and braiding. Taji has trained natural hair professionals who aim to help you reach your goals. While traveling and performing, Taji discovered that natural hair is an art form. Understanding the creative potential of our natural hair has always been a driving force for Taji.

                              Fifteen years ago, in the Triangle, when natural hair was not in vogue, Taji continued to pursue her dream of starting a natural hair movement in the area. She styles, cuts, and colors hair and holds workshops for those looking to learn more about their natural hair. 

                              Fabulocs Salon

                              Location: Capitol Heights, MD

                              Image Source: @fabulocsnaturalhair

                              Fabulocs is one of the most sought-after natural hair salons on the East Coast, specializing in kinky and coily textures. All their stylists are evaluated, tested, and trained to ensure their ability meets Fabulocs professional standards. Also, Fabulocs takes the time to ensure that their customers are educated about their natural hair too.

                              More Than Curly

                              Location: Aurora, CO

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              Image Source: @MORETHANCURLY

                              More Than Curly is a natural and chemical-free salon that Melissa and Jason Vaz founded. They are stylists and strongly focus on teaching about curly hair. They also live by this creed: “We DO NOT perform Brazilian blowouts, Dominican, Keratin straightening treatments, or all-over relaxers.

                              Why? Most of our clients live in Colorado, a semi-arid environment, and costly services performed on natural hair will alter your curl pattern, dry out your hair, cause even more frizz, and require more product application to hydrate your hair.” They’ve been featured as an ELLE Magazine Top 100 Salon. 

                              Hair Rules

                              Location: Manhattan, NY with pop-ups in LA

                              Image Source: @heatherdollandtaman

                              The Texture Guru Anthony Dickey founded Hair Rules. He carried with him a dream of celebrating all textures and the knowledge of how to do it for decades. In 2003, Dickey shared his knowledge and wrote his first book, Hair Rules! The Ultimate Hair Care Guide for Women with Kinky, Curly, or Wavy Hair. This extensive guide of texture talk, tips, and tricks was the first step toward educating all textures on the beauty of their natural hair. He’s been educating curlies ever since! 

                              A Natural Affair

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              SOURCE: @ANATURALAFFAIR1

                              Location: Jackson, TN

                              Takeisha Berry-Brooks of A Natural Affair is a pioneering hair care specialist, stylist, and beauty expert with more than 15 years of experience caring for clients with chemically processed and natural hair. Essence Magazine has recognized Takeisha as one of the’ 25 Most Beautiful and Inspiring Black Women in the World,’ and A Natural Affair Salon was named one of the Essence Top 30 Salons in the US.

                              Diaspora Salon

                              Location: Baltimore, MD

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              Image Source: @DIASPORASALON

                              Diaspora Salon was founded by Yasmine Young, a Level 3 Master Deva Certified Stylist. Her mission for Diaspora Salon is to focus on “the preservation and continuance of various Diasporic cultures and heritages outside of Africa through hairdressing.” They specialize in 100% naturally curly and coily hair, curl discovery, advanced curly hair cuts, DevaCuts, advanced color services, holistic hair care, protective styling, and professional and consumer education.

                              LunaBella Makeup & Hair Salon

                              Location: Santa Barbara, CA

                              Top Black Natural Hair Salons Specializing in Natural Hair
                              Image Source: @curlfactor

                              LunaBella Makeup & Hair Salon in Santa Barbara, CA, was co-founded by Christin Brown, aka Curlfactor. She is a Level 3 Master Deva Certified Curl Specialist specializing in transformative Deva Cuts and Pintura color. She has styled the natural hair of Yara Shahidi and Tamera Mawrey, and she loves educating her clients on making their curls pop. 

                              Have you visited any of these salons? Let us know in the comments!

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              As the calendar turns and the promise of spring renews our spirits, the Sephora Savings Event emerges as the pinnacle of beauty enthusiasts’ excitement. This is not just a sale; it’s a curated journey through high-quality haircare, innovative tools, and groundbreaking skincare. Imagine a world where the best in beauty converges, offering treasures that revolutionize your routine and elevate your self-care to an art form.

                              Yet, the Sephora Savings Event is more than just a sale; it’s an exclusive gathering under the banner of beauty, where the only ticket required is seizing this chance to take advantage of remarkable discounts.
                              We have carefully curated a selection of 25 essential beauty picks. These are not just products; they are gateways to new realms of beauty.

                              From game-changing haircare that caters to every hair texture type to tools that redefine precision and skincare formulations that cater to your skin’s deepest needs—this is your opportunity to embrace the transformation that awaits.

                              1. Briogeo Scalp Revival Soothing Solutions Set

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Kicking off our selection is a godsend for anyone grappling with an oily, itchy, or dry scalp: the Briogeo Scalp Revival Soothing Solutions Value Set. This meticulously curated collection alleviates discomfort and lays the foundation for healthy hair growth.

                              It does so by marrying the detoxifying capabilities of Binchotan charcoal with the soothing trio of tea tree, peppermint, and spearmint oils and the hair-fortifying powers of panthenol and biotin, ensuring it meets the needs of various hair types and textures.

                              2.  Bread Beauty Supply Hair-Foam

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Next in our lineup is the Bread Beauty Supply Hair-Foam: a curling mousse that transcends typical styling solutions. Designed for wavy to coily hair of all textures, this mousse delivers a soft to medium hold, free from stickiness or crunchiness.

                              More than a styling product, it repairs keratin fibers and shields hair from humidity with TeraBond™ technology, probiotic ferment, and amino acids, transforming it into a holistic enhancer for hair health and style.

                              3.   PATTERN by Tracee Ellis Ross Curl Cocktail Hair Set

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Traveling essential alert: the PATTERN by Tracee Ellis Ross Curl Cocktail Hair Set ensures your curls look their best, no matter where you are. This compact kit is tailored for wavy to coily hair and includes mini versions of the brand’s top products.

                              It’s perfect for enhancing ponytails, puffs, wash-and-go curls, or touch-ups on protective styles. It’s an indispensable ally for maintaining beautiful, vibrant curls on the move, even for color-treated hair.

                              4.  Sunday II Sunday Revive Me Daily Moisturizer

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              This product is perfect for those with medium to thick hair textures seeking effortless styling and care. It seamlessly combines the benefits of a leave-in conditioner with a texturizing spray. Ideal for wavy, curly, and coily hair, this innovative formula revives curls, fights frizz, hydrates, and brings calm to dry itchy scalps.

                              Key ingredients like Bio-Marine Active to reduce scalp irritation, Himalayan Mushroom Complex to reduce redness and flakiness, and argan oil for cuticle nourishment and shine are indispensable solutions for vibrant, healthy hair.

                              5. Melanin Haircare Signature Line Hair Travel Kit

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              This is a comprehensive solution for on-the-go styling. It features four travel-sized products, perfect for all hair types and textures. This kit addresses dryness, styling hold, and scalp build-up, all packaged in an exclusive waterproof-lined canvas bag for ultimate convenience and style.

                              6. Verb Ghost Dry Conditioner

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              The Verb Ghost Dry Conditioner is a must-have for anyone looking to keep their hair salon fresh. It offers a lightweight conditioning oil that extends blowouts, detangles, and boosts shine. Ideal for straight, wavy, and curly hair types that are fine to medium, it combats dryness and frizz with the help of nourishing moringa oil, refreshing hair and adding a silky-smooth finish.

                              7. Vegamour GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Set 

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Continuing with our top picks, this shampoo and conditioner set stands out for its unique blend of vegan b-silk™ protein, designed to restore and protect hair and enhance its texture with an incredible shine and smoothness.

                              Suitable for all hair types, this color-safe duo tackles thinning, volumizing, and damage repair. It features microencapsulated phytoactives and Karmatin™ for visibly thicker hair and strengthened cuticles, while a rich mix of marula, baobab, and murumuru butter ensures hydration and protection against free radicals.

                              8. COLOR WOW Mini Dream Coat Supernatural Spray

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              As we delve further into our curated beauty selections, the COLOR WOW Mini Dream Coat Supernatural Spray emerges as a revolutionary solution for anyone battling frizz.

                              This transformative spray works wonders on straight, wavy, and curly hair, offering up to three to four shampoos’ worth of silky, glass-like smoothness and unmatched frizz control, thanks to its anti-humidity complex, chamomilla extract for color protection, and glycerin for added moisture and shine.

                              9. Ouai Treatment Mask

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Next, the Ouai Treatment Mask is a must-have for deeply nourishing and rejuvenating fine or medium hair textures. Infused with shea butter, panthenol, and hydrolyzed keratin, this mask tackles dryness, frizz, and damage by hydrating, strengthening, and adding a luminous shine. It ensures your hair emerges healthier and more resilient against breakage.

                              10. Curlsmith Mini Bestsellers Hair Set for Curly Hair

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              For those with curly, coily, or wavy hair, the Curlsmith Mini Bestsellers Hair Set offers a perfect introduction to a range of haircare essentials designed to enhance and define natural curls. This trial kit includes four of Curlsmith’s most beloved products, packed with nourishing ingredients like Babassu Oil for moisture and shine, Flax Seed Extracts for improved elasticity, and Abyssinian Oil for protection against environmental stressors, making it an ideal choice for taming frizz, ensuring hold, and safeguarding against heat and UV damage.

                              11. dae Fairy Duster Volumizing Dry Shampoo Powder

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              The dae Fairy Duster Volumizing Dry Shampoo Powder is a game-changer for anyone looking to refresh their style and add volume without using aerosols. This talc-free, transparent powder is perfect for all hair types, absorbing excess oil and boosting the body with a warm citrus scent.

                              Key ingredients like Mojave yucca, prickly pear seed oil, and cactus flower extract work together to balance the scalp, nourish hair, and enhance manageability, making it essential for extending the life of your style between washes.

                              12.  Nécessaire The Hair Essentials – Trial + Travel Set

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              This travel set introduces a trio of scalp-nurturing products to address concerns like dryness, thinning, and scalp flakiness across all hair types. This set, featuring a blend of clinically effective ingredients including a Biomimetic Peptide Blend, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, and Panthenol, promises to hydrate, soothe, and restore hair to a visibly thicker, fuller, and healthier state, making it an essential travel companion for those seeking to maintain scalp health on the go.

                              13. Amika Perk Up Talc-Free Dry Shampoo

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Amika’s reputation for creating standout dry shampoos is well-earned, which is why the Perk Up Talc-Free Dry Shampoo is a must-include on our list. It is known for its ability to absorb oil and instantly refresh hair without leaving any white residue; this product is suitable for all hair types and textures. It restores your hair’s natural volume and ensures your color stays vibrant, making it an indispensable part of your hair care routine.

                              14. Morrocanoil Mini Frizz Shield Spray

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Continuing with hair essentials, the Moroccanoil Mini Frizz Shield Spray is a timely addition as the days grow warmer and humidity rises. This mist keeps frizz, the eternal curly hair foe, in check, while HydroResist Technology and nourishing argan oil ensure a shiny, manageable mane protected from thermal damage.

                              15. Dyson Limited Edition Supersonic Hair Dryer 

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Shifting our focus to hair tools, the Dyson Limited Edition Supersonic Hair Dryer offers a high-tech approach to haircare. With a suite of magnetic attachments tailored for all hair types and textures and intelligent heat control to protect hair from heat damage, it’s engineered for fast, controlled styling and a flawless finish.

                              16. Shark Beauty Shark® SpeedStyle™ RapidGloss™ Finisher and High-Velocity Hair Dryer 

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              For those with curly and coily hair, this Shark hair dryer stands out as a powerhouse in efficient and protective styling. It harnesses high-velocity airflow to rapidly transition hair from wet to dry with a silky, high-gloss finish, ensuring no heat damage and leaving curls enhanced and frizz-free.

                              17. Fable & Mane Scalp Massager Comb

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              As we continue exploring hair tools that nurture and style, the Fable & Mane Scalp Massager Comb stands out for its dual functionality. This eco-friendly comb gently detangles all hair types and offers a soothing scalp massage to promote strong, healthy hair growth and increased circulation.

                              18. Slip Silk Pillowcase

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Every curly knows the transformative power of a good silk pillowcase, and the Slip Silk Pillowcase—Standard/Queen is the secret weapon for maintaining bouncy curls and radiant skin. Made of the highest-grade mulberry silk, it minimizes bedhead, prevents sleep creases, and ensures skin and hair retain natural moisture and products. Thus, it is a luxurious and essential element for the beauty-conscious sleeper.

                              19. Crown Affair Hair Towel

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              The towel is an innovative solution to reduce drying time while protecting your hair from the frizz and breakage of traditional terry towels. Its secret sauce is its custom waffle fabric and unique design, which cater to all hair types. This promotes smoother, healthier hair and transforms your post-shower routine into a damage-minimizing ritual.

                              20. Drybar Hair Clips

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Drybar’s Hair Clips are the overlooked home styling essential. With their alligator jaw design, these clips securely section off wet and dry hair without slipping, ensuring a seamless styling experience without tugging or leaving any dents.

                              21. Brown Girl Jane Discovery Set

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              If you’re new to the world of Brown Girl Jane’s fine fragrances, their discovery set offers a perfect introduction. Sampling six of their bestsellers, including Bahia, Casablanca, Lamu, Dawn, Dusk, and Dare, provides a unique opportunity to explore and layer scents crafted with technology designed to evoke emotion and celebrate heritage and artistry.

                              22. OUI the People Featherweight Hydrating Body Gloss Oil with Squalane

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Diving into our additional beauty highlights, the Oui the People Featherweight Hydrating Body Gloss Oil with Squalane offers a novel approach to skin hydration, merging the rich moisture of an oil with the quick absorbency of a serum.

                              This blend, enriched with squalane, rosehip seed oil, and organic avocado oil, promises softer, firmer skin, available in the refreshing orange blossom scent or fragrance-free, catering to every skin type’s needs and organic avocado oil, ensuring your skin remains soft, firm, and increasingly capable of retaining moisture with every application.

                              23. Topicals Faded Under Eye Brightening & Clearing Eye Masks

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Continuing with our curated beauty finds, the Topicals Faded Under Eye Brightening & Clearing Eye Masks are a soothing solution for anyone looking to diminish dark circles and discoloration. These cooling hydrogel masks, suitable for all skin types, leverage caffeine, kojic acid, and arbutin to invigorate and even out the under-eye area while adhering to vegan, gluten-free, and cruelty-free standards.

                              24. Fenty Skin Cookies N Clean Detox Face Mask 

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              Just as curly hair benefits from a clarifying shampoo to rejuvenate and cleanse, our skin requires a deep detox, and the Fenty Skin Cookies N Clean Whipped Clay Pore Detox Face Mask with Salicylic Acid + Charcoal is the perfect solution.

                              This non-drying, whipped clay mask purifies pores. It combats oiliness thanks to its potent blend of clay, charcoal, and salicylic acid, ensuring your skin’s texture is visibly improved and shine-free throughout the day.

                              25. Drunk Elephant Call It A Night Glycolic Serum + Moisturizer Duo

                              Your Haircare Must-Haves During The Sephora Savings Event

                              For an evening skincare routine that mirrors the rejuvenating effects of a good night’s rest, the Drunk Elephant Call It A Night Glycolic Serum + Moisturizer duo is a standout. This essential set, offering a visibly refining glycolic serum to exfoliate dead skin paired with a deeply hydrating whipped cream moisturizer, is the perfect ‘nightcap’ for your skin, suitable for all types and addressing concerns like fine lines, dryness, and uneven texture with vegan and cruelty-free formulations.

                              Wrap-Up: Essential Beauty Picks: From Scalp Care to Skincare

                              In wrapping up our deep dive into the Sephora Savings Event, we’ve curated an exclusive collection of beauty essentials, weaving together the finest in curly hair care, styling tools, and groundbreaking skincare.

                              From Briogeo’s scalp-reviving formulas to Drunk Elephant’s nighttime indulgence, each selection is crafted to elevate your beauty routine comprehensively, addressing diverse hair and skin concerns. This assembled guide is your gateway to a season filled with beauty renewal, presenting a holistic view of indispensable products poised to transform your regimen.