Search Results: NaturallyCurly

How to Plop Curly Hair: A Curly Girl’s Guide

If you were blessed with curls, then you have probably discovered by now that when your hair is wet, your curls are smooth and defined, but when it’s dry, it’s a different story. Not only do you lose the curl definition, but you’re susceptible to frizz. What you do to your hair in-between its wet and dry states is crucial to having a good hair day, which brings us to the curly-hair method of plopping.

What is plopping?

Plopping is a drying technique that was born here on NaturallyCurly’s forums, in which you tie your wet hair up in a T-shirt or microfiber towel after you’ve applied your styler and before you start to dry your hair. It will accordion your curls, helping them keep their defined, spiral shape, even after they dry. Once you master plopping, it can become an indispensable step in our routine.

curly girl plopping her hair

Should you plop with a T-shirt or towel?

Traditional terry cloth towels “absorb too much moisture, which curly hair needs,” explains Lorraine Massey, author of Curly Girl: The Handbook. “The harsh fiber will ruffle the hair’s cuticle, causing frizz.” So the first step is to stop using terry cloth and opt for a t-shirt or microfiber towel instead. Both methods work, and we’re not here to sell you an extra tool that you don’t need so if you decide to use a t-shirt then follow the steps below for plopping with a t-shirt, and if you have a microfiber towel then we have a tutorial for you down below.

You can also get creative and find what works for you, some curlies plop with a veilnet, some even use a lingerie bag.


Step 1

After you get out of the shower, scrunch out excess water and apply your leave-in conditioner (we like Kinky-Curly Knot Today) and stylers. For many curlies, the order of application is leave-in, oil, then curl cream — which is also known as the LOC method. Now, it’s time to plop.

Step 2

Lay a T-shirt (long-sleeved works best) or a microfiber towel out on a chair or bathroom counter with the sleeves at the end closest to you.

Step 3

Flip your head forward, bending at the waist, so that all of your hair is in the center of the towel and on top of your head.

Step 4

Take the flap of fabric that is behind your head and flip it up over your neck, then tie the long sleeves of the shirt (or extra fabric of your microfiber towel) behind your head in a knot.

If you have extra material or used a long-sleeved shirt, wrap the extra length of the sleeves around to the front and tie the ends in a knot. This will make your turban more secure.

What are the benefits of plopping?

The T-shirt will soak up moisture without creating frizz while your hair dries, significantly cutting down your drying time. Curlies rejoice, you know drying can take forever!

The T-shirt  or towel will also help absorb any excess product, so you don’t end up with hard, crunchy curls.

If you have fine hair or looser waves, plopping can help make your hair curlier and create lift at the roots, since your hair is drying on top of your head rather than being weighed down. And if on some days your waves or curls tend to disappear or look limp, this will enhance your curl pattern by scrunching up the curls while they dry.

These days there are plenty of microfiber towels made specifically for curlies on the market. We suggest the Hair Remedie Frizz Eliminating Towel and the AQUIS Hair Turban Waffle Luxe.

If you use a chair or counter to place your hair in the towel, this will create an “accordion” effect encouraging your curls to form. If you do not use the chair (as we did in the second set of photos) this will stretch your curls out as they dry.

Many women plop for 10-20 minutes before they diffuse or air-dry their hair, and some even keep their hair like this overnight. Experiment with the duration and find what works best for you!

How to Plop Curly Hair: A Curly Girl’s Guide

For a live demonstration, watch the OG Waterlily716 share her routine.

And if plopping is not for you, you can try micro-plopping.

Do you have your own method of plopping? Share it in the comments!

6 Ways to Use Aloe Vera Gel

Calling all curly coily ladies out there! Are your curls thirsty? Has harsh weather made your hair stiff? This natural ingredient is an oldie (as in ancient Egypt and Greece) but a goodie. Aloe vera has long been used to promote shine and moisture in hair, which makes it an excellent tool for the curly girl who is extra careful with the ingredients she uses on her curls. You can either use products formulated with aloe vera or DIY your own all natural aloe vera gel to get the hair benefits from this amazing plant.  Today we’ll show you 5 ways to use aloe vera gel on naturally curly hair. 

Natural aloe vera gel vs. store-bought aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is an all-natural hair ingredient that consists of water, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 200 phytonutrients! You can access all of this goodness by cutting open a leaf of the aloe vera plant (which you can find at most plant stores and nurseries). Many people use this method to naturally tend to sunburns and moisturize skin, and curlies have found many ways to incorporate aloe vera gel into their hair routine as a styling gel and conditioner.&nbsp

But what about the “aloe vera gel” you can purchase from the store? Our Curl Chemist Tonya McKay says “most ‘100% pure Aloe vera gel’ available for purchase is a mixture containing some aloe, polymers for viscosity modification, preservatives and other additives. These additions will necessarily change the impact of the aloe vera on your hair.” If you’re not a DIY-er you can always purchase aloe vera gel products like Fruit of the Earth (one of the most popular brands in the curly community),  just know that they will likely contain additives. Another way to get the benefits of aloe vera gel for low maintenance naturals is to use curl products with aloe vera as an ingredient, as it is used for its emollient, moisturizing and humectant properties. 

Here are 5 popular ways to use aloe vera gel on curly hair. 

1. Pre-Poo

Use aloe vera gel as a pre-shampoo treatment to reduce buildup and dandruff. Aloe vera’s natural enzymes destroy the excessive dead skin cells and fungus that leads to dandruff (malassezia) while also leaving the scalp’s pH level balanced and hair moisturized. Apply to your scalp as a treatment before your wash and give yourself a fresh start! 

How to do an aloe vera gel pre-poo: 

Massage the gel into your scalp and leave it for ten minutes, then rinse before shampooing or co-washing as usual.

You can also use aloe vera juice to the same end. For a lighter pre-shampoo treatment, mix aloe vera juice, coconut milk and wheat germ oil. The proportions will depend on your hair type, it’s best to test out the formula and find the best combination for your hair and scalp. 

2. Aloe Vera Shampoo

Aloe vera gel can make a great moisturizing shampoo. Some shampoos (even sulfate-free shampoos) can leave your hair dry and stiff. Aloe vera’s naturally moisturizing properties will leave your hair strong and moisturized.

How to shampoo curly hair with aloe vera gel:

Look for aloe vera in the top 5 ingredients on your shampoo’s ingredients list, or add some aloe vera gel to your current favorite!

3. Aloe Vera Conditioner

For women with tightly coiled strands, natural oils are trapped at the root. Products with amino acids promote moisture and condition our hair. Aloe vera has 20 amino acids!

How to use aloe vera gel to condition curly hair:

You can use a ready-made aloe vera conditioner or you can mix aloe vera gel with the conditioner that you already use. If you’d rather go all natural, here’s a very simple conditioning recipe:

DIY Aloe Vera Conditioner

  1. Cut the aloe vera leaf from the stem upward
  2. Use a spoon to remove all the gel
  3. Apply it to damp hair, starting at the scalp and working your way down to the ends
  4. Wrap your hair in a warm, damp towel and let the treatment sink in for at least 15 minutes
  5. Wash your hair as usual after the treatment

4. Aloe Vera Gel

Looking for curl definition? Many use aloe vera gel to define and moisturize their curls simultaneously. Defined curls always look the best when they are conditioned well. For Type 4 Coilies, this may not work so test on a small section of hair first to see if you like it.

How to use aloe vera gel for curl definition:

DIY Styler

  1. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your hands after washing and conditioning
  2. Scrunch it into wet hair just before your go-to styler or gel

For some curlies, this is enough to create a light hold and they don’t need to add any other products, for others you may need to follow up with a curl defining product. 

5. Detangling

If you are looking for natural detangling products that are gentle on your child’s or your own curls, you can skip the store aisle and make your own. According to Curl Chemist Tonya McKay aloe vera “imparts detangling and conditioning by forming a polymer film on the surface of the hair, thereby smoothing the cuticle.”

How to use aloe vera for detangling curly hair:

Simply combine the following ingredients in a spray bottle:

  • 8 oz distilled water
  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
  • 1-2 drops glycerin
  • 1-2 drops essential oil (e.g., lavender, jojoba)
  • 10-15 drops grapefruit seed extract

Then section the hair and apply the mixture to each section as you detangle.

RELATED: 4 DIY Detanglers

6. Hair Growth

YES! We all love to see our hair gain some length. As we mentioned above aloe vera is a common salve for healing sunburned skin, and it has also been used similarly for scalp healing, anti-inflammatory properties for the scalp, and improved cellular regeneration for hair growth. Use aloe vera on your “special” areas that need a little extra help, or even bald spots. The enzymes in aloe vera will attack skin cells clogging your hair follicles leaving two gifts (moisture and shine). While helping to unclog your follicles the nutrients that promote hair growth can do their thing.

Our curls, coils and waves vary greatly and so do our scalps, so it’s best to patch test new ingredients when introducing something new into your routine. Many curlies have found benefits from using aloe vera gel on their curls, but some have found this natural ingredient to be drying. If you are protein-sensitive then be aware that aloe vera does contain protein lectin. 

Do you use aloe vera gel? How did it work on your hair?

SHOP: Top 15 Aloe Vera Products for Mega Moisture 

This article was written by Kala Gardner and Claire Aviles in 2013 and has been updated for grammar and clarity.

What is Frizzy Hair & How to Stop It

Curls come in many shapes and sizes, but one thing we all have in common is frizz. For some curlies, the fight against frizz is a daily battle, so it is vital that you know your enemy. Do you know what frizz is? Do you know what is happening to your hair when it frizzes? Understanding this is the key to getting the flyaways under control.

What is frizz?

Frizz can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, frizz is the messy tangle of hair that sits upon your head from time to time. As a verb, “to frizz” means to form your hair into knots, tight curls, or some other snag. We have no idea why someone would *want* to frizz her hair (some straighties still tease their hair!”>. Still, it’s the result of a mess of hair atop your head.

What causes frizz?

Regardless of what makes your hair appear frizzy, the underlying cause is usually the same: a raised cuticle layer. As a result, the hair looks dry and frizzy instead of laying flat. On the contrary, the hair appears smooth when the cuticle layer stays flat.

Curlies tend to have frizz more often than Straighties for one simple reason: dehydration. In general, curly hair is drier than straight hair. This leaves our hair susceptible to frizz. Another reason stems from the way we style our hair. As Curlies, we have to be extremely careful NOT to brush our hair. If we do, we encourage the cuticle layer to rise, resulting in frizz.

3 Types of frizz

Did you know that there are different types of frizz?

  • Surface frizz is frizz you get only on the outside of your hair (not underneath”>.
  • Halo frizz is only on the crown of your head but doesn’t appear elsewhere.
  • In-the-curl frizz kills the look of smooth curls as it frizzes its way through them.

Before you can do anything about your frizz, it’s a good idea to figure out what your frizz type is!

4 ways to avoid frizz

These days, almost any hair care product you pick up will claim to “fight frizz.” Unfortunately, too many of them are just gimmick advertising claims for products loaded with ingredients we should avoid. Instead of investing money in useless products, you can try being proactive about avoiding frizz!

1. Get a curly cut

Make sure you only see a stylist who is trained in how to wash, detangle, and style curly hair. A bad haircut on curly hair will usually lead to a frizzy mess. Trust us!

2. Shampoo less

Limit the ‘poo to just a couple of times a week and make sure to use a very mild cleanser. Ditching shampoo completely can sometimes result in more frizz. However, everyone has different results, so try going no-poo but if you start seeing more frizz, add a mild cleanser a couple times a week.

3. Choose products for your hair type

Make sure that you only use hair products that are right for your hair type. Knowing your curl pattern and more importantly your porosity level will help you narrow it down. If you don’t know yours, luckily we have a Texture Typing Quiz. It can be challenging to find what’s right for you, especially when it seems you keep finding information about what to avoid everywhere you turn. As a result, you may feel like you should just give up on putting ANYTHING aside from water on your hair! On the contrary, avoiding everything can lead to limp, dry curls that have a tendency to frizz. Chances are, you’re either using the wrong products or using the products incorrectly.

4. Check the weather

The weather, and more specifically the dew point, will cause frizz. If you have ever lived in or visited a humid place then you know this firsthand. The products and techniques that make your curls defined on one day will not necessarily work the next day – thanks to the weather. Understanding how products and ingredients like humectants affect your hair will help you problem solve for this. Generally, you may want to avoid humectant products on high dew point days because these can lead to puffy, bloated or frizzy hair curls.

Check out how to choose the right products for the weather.

How do you fight frizz? Tell us in the comments!

This article was written by Tasha Swearington, originally published in May 2013, and has been updated for grammar and clarity.

18 Summer Hairstyle Ideas to Try at Essence Fest

The NaturallyCurly team is packing our bags, planning our looks, and loading up on humidity-fighting products as we head to Essence Fest 2023 in New Orleans! Come get your photo taken at the NaturallyCurly booth, the Curly Experience, at BeautyCon. We’ll be hosting product giveaways, expert consultations, braiding competitions, styling touch ups and everything you need to look and feel your best at festival. And you won’t want to miss Texture On the Runway where NaturallyCurly will take the stage with Mielle Organics Founder Monique Rodriguez and Celebrity Stylist Tater Pazon to pay homage to the iconic hairstyles of hip hop.

If, like us, you’re looking for your next hairstyle for the summer and festival season, we’ve got you covered. Here are the creative looks we’re loving right now whether you’re booking time with a stylist, have a DIY spirit, love to go bold or prefer to go minimal – there’s something here for everyone.

1. Long Ponytail Braid

18 Summer Hairstyle Ideas to Try at Essence Fest

A long ponytail braid like Jorja Smith’s may be just the accessory you need to complete your Festival look. 

Check out: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Heading To Essence Fest

2. Box Braids

18 Summer Hairstyle Ideas to Try at Essence Fest
Image: @_mila.xo_

Box braids are the most popular style of summer 2023 – and there are countless ways to style them and make them your own.

3. Two Toned Box Braids

18 Summer Hairstyle Ideas to Try at Essence Fest
Image: @bluehairguru

Can’t commit to one hair color? The two toned hair color trend is for you. This style works best with a dramatic contrast between the two shades, so have fun with it!

4. Money Piece

@alchemy_salon LAURA 💎 Refreshing her iconic blonde money pieces! #alchemysalon #melbourne #curlyhair #moneypiecehighlights ♬ Push Up (Original Mix) – Creeds

You don’t have to dye all of your hair to make a bold impact. This low-maintenance hair color trend involves face framing hair dye known as “money pieces.” It’s giving us all the early-aughts nostalgia.

Find out how to achieve a stunning money piece on curly hair.

5. Money Piece with fantasy colors

@offbeatlookofficial I was craving a new hair color so I decided to do a pastel pink and purple curly moneypiece inspired look which is perfect for the Spring! I used the @revlon Colorsilk Digitones dye in the colors Pastel Lavender and Pastel Pink to achieve this look and am so happy with how well it came out 🥰 #RevlonPartner #RevlonDigitones #MakeYourMove #ad #RevlonPartner ♬ original sound – Camille

You can also experiment with fantasy colors to create your money piece. Customize this trend to fit your own personal style.

6. Heart Part

If you’re looking for a creative way to dress up your braids this summer, consider the heart part! Braider @pearlthestylist__ created this heart part with large boho knotless braids ❤️.

7. Heart Knotless Braids

Giving hearts a little extra love, we’re amazed by @braidbarldn‘s attention to detail with these long knotless braids. 

8. Double Ponytail Braids

Why stop at one when you can have two? Double the drama with two long ponytail braids.

9. Marley Twists

If you have the patience to do it yourself, check out Priscilla’s Marley Twist tutorial. But don’t let the short and snappy edit fool you, this admittedly takes her about 7 hours so set the time aside before your trip.

10. Blonde Marley Twists

And if you love Marley Twists, you can also play with color by going blonde.

11. Bubble Braid

If you’re short on time or patience, here’s a less time-intensive styling option: consider a bubble braid!

12. 2 Bubble Braids

Another simple bubble braid look you can create at home. Watch Jasmine Brown aka @jasmeannnn‘s tutorial for how to get the look here. 

13. Elastic Bands with Fulani Braids

We love this intricate pattern that transitions into Fulani braids, which you can get with or without extensions.

14. Rainbow Box Braids

Packing your suitcase full of color? This look is for you.

15. Half Up Half Down with Flat Twists

Here’s a festive style for the minimalists at heart – @curlbellaa‘s silver hoops give just the right glint to her curls.

16. Bantu Knots with a Metallic Twist

If jewelry is your statement-maker, here’s another creative way to twist metals into your look. 

17. 90’s Nostalgia

We’re feeling all the butterfly clip 90’s nostalgia with this simple style by @hermela. This is an easy way to show off your juicy curls while keeping your hair out of your face in the NOLA heat. 

18. Layered Headwraps

Looking for a way to give your headwrap more height and volume? Try layering one on top of the other like this.

18 Summer Hairstyle Ideas to Try at Essence Fest
Image: @fanmdjanm

See you at Essence Fest!

We’ll see you at Essence Fest 2023! Come check out the NaturallyCurly booth, the Curly Experience, at BeautyCon all weekend, and watch Texture On the Runway on Saturday, July 1 at 3:20pm.

And even if you won’t be in attendance, you can join us virtually on Instagram by following @naturallycurly where we’ll be going live from the event. 

How to Wear a Graduation Cap with Natural Hair

The day is finally here. For the past few years, you’ve been waiting for this exact moment – your graduation. You’ve done the work, and the feeling of receiving your graduation cap couldn’t be better—except you need to figure out how to get it to sit perfectly over your big curls. How do you actually wear a graduation cap with natural hair?

Not only do many caps have a “one size fits all” tag attached to them (which is laughable to some of us), your school may have specific rules on how you can sport your cap. Many institutions require caps to be worn straight and not tilted. We’re sensing feelings of anxiety and confusion from our curly community about the fight between the graduation cap and your natural hair.

Finding the perfect style for your big day, where you can show off both your texture and the precious cap that you earned, does not have to be a chore.

Here are a few techniques for fitting your graduation cap onto your curls!

Headband method

If hair clips and bobby pins aren’t your thing (or you find them uncomfortable), this method will be helpful for you.

Here’s how to use a headband to secure your graduation cap with ease:

Bianca Renee followed a similar method, using duct tape instead of hot glue to tape down the fabric of her graduation cap and attach a headband in place.

Braided method

Don’t want to wear your hair down on graduation day? Maybe you and your curls can meet somewhere in the middle. Here’s the perfect half-up look that will make you and your curls happy. Let Honestly Erica show you how it’s done.

Tuck and Roll Method

With a few hair tools you can really make this work! Give this cute side swept style from Brittany Kyss a try.

Overall, here are a few tips to keep in mind when fitting your graduation cap around your curls:

  • Avoid updo styles as your cap most likely won’t fit over them.
  • If using bobby pins, be sure to place them in a comfortable position so you don’t experience any pain when your cap places a little pressure on them.
  • Have fun with your styling! Don’t feel as if you have to wear your curls down. Get creative with twists and braids.

We had a little fun trying on graduation caps here at the NaturallyCurly office to see what styles we could make work. Watch to see how we did.

Share your graduation cap photos, dilemmas and success stories below!

This article was originally published in 2013 and updated to reflect new style recommendations.

Leaders in Curl: RevAir Is Changing the Way We Dry Our Hair

For many curlies, heat styling tools call to mind the faint burning smell and sore arms from hours spent styling our curls into submission. This has often been followed by breakage and heat damage that lasts long beyond the stretched hairstyle. So when RevAir launched an innovative dryer that uses reverse air technology and less heat to cut down styling time, it wasn’t long before it made waves on social media and in the textured hair community. In 2021 the RevAir Pro was voted by the NaturallyCurly community as the Most Innovative Product for Type 4 Coily Hair

revair founder

NaturallyCurly got to ask RevAir Founder and CEO Scott Thomason why he channeled his background in product development, cosmetics manufacturing, and a degree in mechanical engineering into developing the RevAir – and how other entrepreneurs can continue to innovate in this industry. 

How was the idea for the RevAir born out of your experience as a father?

A colleague of mine and his sister called me one day and said when he was a single father of two daughters, he did not know how to give them ponytails so he would put a band on the end of his vacuum hose, pull the hair in with the vacuum, and then roll the band on the hair to make the ponytail. We decided to try and make a device that would easily do this so I did some quick design work and made a 3D printed prototype. I had my 11 year old daughter test it with her friend and it worked. The device, connected to a vacuum, would pull a large section of hair in and when a trigger was pulled, they had a ponytail. BUT, the next day my daughter commented on how soft and silky her curly hair felt so I called my friend and his sister and we decided there could be something more important happening here so I began to prototype a device for drying hair. After hundreds of prototypes and trials we knew we could make a life-changing device so we founded RevAir and started building the company to bring this to the market.

During testing I realized that because of the natural aerodynamics of the reverse air flow, high heat was not needed to achieve great results. 


What has the process of building this tool looked like from idea to development?

I have developed many products in my career but getting this concept to work great, and work great on all hair types was challenging. The internal profiles to control the aerodynamics and hair movement along with managing the thermal response throughout the system took hundreds of prototypes and over a year to perfect. Once the technology was nailed down we began work on the detailed design to get it ready for injection molding and production.

What unique business challenges did you face, and how were you able to overcome them in launching this technology? 

There were many challenges. The biggest challenge, and we knew it would be, was the fact that this product and process of using reverse-air (or suction) to dry hair was so different from anything ever done before, that it would take time to convince the world that this really does work and provides hair care options never seen before. We knew it worked and we knew it could be life changing for so many people so we were willing and determined to overcome that challenge and the many others. The amazing team at RevAir was also up to the challenge.


For our readers who are curious but haven’t yet tried the RevAir, what do you want them to know about this product? 

  • If drying, stretching, or smoothing your hair is a lengthy process, RevAir will save you a LOT of time. My wife saves 45 minutes per day drying and straightening her hair 🙂 
  • RevAir will leave your hair soft, smooth, and silky like you have never seen before.
  • Less heat for less time will go a long way on your healthy hair journey.
  • Because the reverse-air flow aligns the hair strands and does all of the work, a brush is rarely needed. Brushing wet hair is a common cause for hair damage and breakage
  • At RevAir we stand behind our product and company 100%. We want every single customer to love their RevAir and love every interaction they have with us.

Do you have any advice for other budding entrepreneurs who also want to create a business in an untapped market?

  • Innovate on products/services that make a real difference.
  • Build a great team that is passionate about the mission.
  • Treat your team, customers and vendors like family.
  • Never give up. There will always be foreseen and unforeseen challenges.
  • Do not focus on immediate profits. If you have a great product/service, take care of your customers and team, and do the right things, success will come.

You recently launched the New RevAir, what improvements did you make and what lead to this exciting launch? 

Smaller, lighter, quieter, more efficient and better looking. We took everything we learned from our original device in the market and things we learned while working on other products to make the best new version of RevAir.

What can we look forward to from RevAir in 2023?

We will continue our focus on delighting our existing customers with new programs and offering them new product innovations.

You can save $50 on a RevAir or RevAir Total Package with the discount code CURL50. The code will be automatically added to your cart at checkout when you click this link.

This article is sponsored by RevAir.

NaturallyCurly’s Most-Read Stories of 2022

These are the most-read articles we published on NaturallyCurly this year. From new takes on nostalgic hairstyles to must-see transformations and the latest in anti-humidity technology, we always strive to support this community in every step of your curly hair journeys. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

15 Cornrow Styles to Show Your Braider For Your Next Look

These nostalgic braids were super popular and just as culturally relevant now as they were in our childhood–and in the many generations before us. Find your next look here. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

Does the Mielle Rosemary Mint Scalp Oil Live Up to the Hype?

This viral hair growth oil was the talk of TikTok – but is it worth the hype? Read on to find out. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

15 Short Haircut Ideas for Type 3 Curls

This was the year many of you went short! And you were looking for short haircut inspiration on natural curls. We delivered. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

20 Silicone Free Curl Styling Products

Combing through product labels for silicones can be time-consuming and confusings so we rounded up a handy list for you. Find your next silicone-free styler here. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

15 of The Best Braided Styles of 2022

The combination of classic braid styles with splashes of new trends and creativity means there’s no end to the innovative braided styles. Here are some of the best we saw this year.

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

Sophie-Marie’s Curly Girl Method Transformation

We love a good curly hair transformation, and these before and afters are a must-see.

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

26 Frizz Fighting Products to Try in 2022

This year we saw a number of new product offerings that leverage the latest technology to keep your curls bouncy and defined, even in the most humid weather. Find the latest frizz fighters here. 

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

Have Low Porosity Hair? These Cleansers are for You

Curl pattern is helpful to know but it’s your porosity level that will really impact your product regimen. Low porosity comes with its own unique challenges, and these cleansers will help you master them.

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

13 Styles That Will Convince You to Try Chunkier Braids

The install time for these chunky braided styles can be a lot less than traditional box braids or cornrows, and there’s no sign of this trend waning. These styles will convince you.

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

8 Protective Styles That Are Gentler Than Box Braids and Passion Twists

If tender edges and a sore scalp caused by protective styling sounds familiar to you, it may be time to try something gentler.

NaturallyCurlys Most-Read Stories of 2022

If Plopping Doesn’t Work, Try Micro-Plopping

Everyone says curly hair involves trial and error – and we love to help you with both. If the popular plopping technique isn’t for you, here is an alternative. 

Thank you for spending part of your 2022 with NaturallyCurly. We look forward to serving you in 2023!

Ultimate Curlfriend’s Gift Guide: Gift The Best Selling Products of 2022

Take the guesswork out of gift giving this season.

We all know the curly hair journey comes with its fair share of trial and error. Luckily we have a thriving NaturallyCurly community who sharing the ups and downs and their Holy Grail products to make the process easier to navigate. 

Whether you have a loved one in your life who’s a natural hair beginner or a full fledged Product Junkie, we’ve gathered the top selling curl products of 2022 so you can add to cart with confidence. 

Save 20% now

Save 20% plus free US ground shipping on all of these products and more right now at SHOPNaturallyCurly by entering the code HGG2022 at checkout. 

Ultimate Curlfriends Gift Guide Gift The Best Selling Products of 2022

1. KinkyCurly Curling Custard

This OG custard gel, also known as KCCC, gives shine, curl definition, and moisture with botanical ingredients. It is loved by all curl patterns from wavy to coily, it’s just a matter of how much you apply. And don’t forget to scrunch out the crunch!

Regular price: $16.99

With deal: $13.59 for 8 oz.

2. The Doux One Love CoWash 

If your curly loved one is at the beginning of their journey, they may be switching from traditional shampoos and conditioners to a gentler cleanser like this one. The Doux One Love CoWash is a gentle hair and scalp cleanser and deep conditioning treatment in one product. 

Regular price: $12.99

With deal: $10.39 for 16 oz.

3. KinkyCurly Knot Today 

For the minimalist in your life, this long-time Holy Grail product serves as a leave-in, a detangler, or a rinse out conditioner. It works for all curl patterns from wavy to coily – they will just alter the way they use it to suit their own hair needs. 

Regular price: $11.99

With deal: $9.59 for 8 oz.

4. Darshana Natural Indian Hair Oil 

This has won both the NaturallyCurly Editors’ Choice award and the community-voted Best of the Best award – need we say more? If you’re looking for a hair oil to treat your loved one, this is it. And a little goes a long way!

Regular price: $38

With deal: $30.40 for 6 oz.

5. Botanika Beauty The Mendor 

For anyone dealing with damaged or weakened hair, a protein-enriched treatment is a must-have. Use this once every 4-6 weeks to help curls bounce back to a healthier state. 

Regular price: $11.99

With deal: $9.59 for 12 oz.

6. Dippity-Do Girls with Curls Curl Shaping Gelee 

Every curly needs a go-to styling product in their lineup, and this tried and true gelee controls the frizz without drying out your curls. This is an ideal gift for the Type 2 wavy or the Type 3 curly in your life. 

Regular price: $7.49

With deal: $5.99 for 11.5 oz

7. Mielle Organics Rosemary Mint Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil 

This hair oil is making the TikTok rounds for a reason. If your loved one has hair growth goals for 2023, this nutrient-rich Mint Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil will help them achieve them. 

Regular price: $9.99

With deal: $7.99 for 2 oz.

8. LONG AID Curl Activator Gel for Extra Dry Hair 

For Type 3c to Type 4c curlies and coilies, this Curl Activator Gel has the moisture that everyone is seeking. The soft hold will give coils a natural, touchable look that stays hydrated all day. 

Regular price: $8.49

With deal: $6.79 for 32 oz.

9. The Doux Mousse Def Texture Foam 

Another NaturallyCurly Best of the Best award winning product voted by the community, this product gives you the volume of a mousse without the crunch, flaking, or drying ingredients. It can be used for curl definition as well as making straightened styles humidity-resistant.

Regular price: $14.99

With deal: $11.99 for 7 oz.

10. Thermal Hair Care Stellar Hot Head

For the Product Junkie in your life who truly needs no more products in their bathroom cabinet, this accessory will simply help to make the treatments they already own work even better. The Hot Head helps open up the cuticle so that it can better receive the benefits of your favorite deep conditioner, hair masque, oil, or any hair treatment.

Regular price: $29.95

With deal: $23.96


Now feel free to add these Holy Grails to your own wish list too!

Read next: 10 Favorite Curly Products by Small Businesses

Texture Tales: @leslie.joanny’s Curly Girl Method Transformation
Texture Tales leslie.joannys Curly Girl Method Transformation

Want your curly hair journey featured on NaturallyCurly? Share it with us here to be a part of our Texture Tales interview series!

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up I found myself, at such a young age, wondering why my hair was different than the girls around me, than the girls in movies, magazines, etc. I grew up desperately wanting my hair to be straight, to be able to just run my fingers through, and to simply just love my hair. In most of my schools (I went to quite a few”>, there weren’t many girls with my kind of hair, if not any at all. I remember wanting straight hair so bad, after I’d wash my hair, I would wear it in a sleek, tight bun before bed so that in the morning my hair would be dry and my curls all stretched out to the point of being straight. Once I hit High School, I started just embracing my curls the way they were, still lacking proper knowledge on how to care for them.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

After I started High School, the desire for straight hair quickly faded. I was more focused on just wearing my hair to where it looked good in my eyes. I would feel uncomfortable in straight hair, feeling like it was frizzy or not straight enough. I didn’t want to deal with that on a daily basis. Although I wore my hair curly throughout my life, I didn’t quite have the proper knowledge on how to care for it. After years of using the wrong ingredients, then pregnancy hormones, and bleaching it at home, I decided no more! I went deep into research on how to restore the health of my curls and I’ve never looked back.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment in my hair journey had to be when I came across the Curly Girl Method. While, I didn’t/don’t 100% follow the method (I tweaked it to work for me”>, it opened my eyes to so much more, to products I had never even thought to try, to a community I had no idea existed, and to a love for my curls I should have had from the start.

Texture Tales leslie.joannys Curly Girl Method Transformation

What is your curl pattern?

Type 3b

How do you protect your curls at night?

To protect my curls at night (most nights “>, I have my beloved silk pillow case from LilySilk, as well as a silk bonnet that surprisingly stays on the whole night. I also pineapple my hair whether I wear the bonnet or not.

Who is your curl crush?

To name a few, I’d say Hortencia @stylefeen, Michelle Ana @lovemichelleana, Mel @manesbymel, Rocio @larocioisabel, Merian @herbalmmo and I could go on and on.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My curly girl essential that I can’t live without would have to be Righteous Roots Oils. I use this every single day for scalp massages, to scrunch out the crunch, and to pre poo. This holy grail oil has been a part of my routine since March 2017.

Texture Tales leslie.joannys Curly Girl Method Transformation

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current routine is quite simple. My wash days consist of a good clarifying shampoo, conditioner/deep conditioner, a leave in or light weight cream, a gel with good hold, the CurlyCo Diffuser and Righteous Roots Oils to scrunch out the cast. I also love a good one and done product for styling. Some of my absolute favorite brands right now are LUS Brands, Rizos Curls, Curlsmith, Flora and Curl, Breahni, Ouidad, TreLuxe, Not Your Mother’s Natural, My Soigne, Aunt Jackie’s, RealSelf Works, to name a few.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment in my journey has been probably achieving volume while also keeping my length. Wanting a specific type of volume and not accepting my own. Some days I want long hair, other days I want it short. Another frustration I hardly mention is parting my hair. Parting my hair can be such a struggle because my hair tends to part however it wants and it’s usually not how I want.

Read more: I Have Fine, High Porosity, Type 3b Curly Hair

Texture Tales leslie.joannys Curly Girl Method Transformation

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

I would have to say I had no clue what scrunching out the cast was. It was mind blowing what was hiding underneath my gel cast. All my life, walking around with crunchy hair, who knew right? Another thing was, deep conditioning and scalp massages have made such a huge impact in the health of my hair. And another thing I had no knowledge of was diffusing. Diffusing for me, helps me achieve that volume I strive to achieve.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice to those who still struggle to love and accept their natural texture is to never stop finding ways, finding reasons to embrace it. To really sit back and embrace the very beauty of what makes you, YOU. Every texture is unique and learning to see the beauty in it, accepting what you have will not only allow you to feel beautiful inside but will radiate on the outside for others to see.

Read next: Texture Tales: A Cancer Diagnosis Lead to My Naturally Wavy Journey

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

Whether you’ve been looking to splurge or save, stock up on your favorites or try out something new, Black Friday is your time to shine. This Black Friday SHOPNaturallyCurly is offering 20% off sitewide with free US ground shipping. All you have to do is enter the code 20BF22 at checkout!

Everything in the SHOP is on sale, but if you need help narrowing down your options these are the top selling curl products to put on your radar!

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

1. The Doux Mousse Def Texture Foam 

List Price: $14.99 With Deal: $9.59

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

2. Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai Twisting Butter 

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $13.59

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

3. SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Frizz-Free Curl Mousse

List Price: $10.99 With Deal: $8.79

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

4. The Doux One Love CoWash

List Price: $12.99 With Deal: $10.39

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

5. EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea Pudding Souffle 

List Price: $9.29 With Deal: $7.43

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

6. Jane Carter Solution Curls to Go Curl Cocktail Conditioning Cream

List Price: $11.99 With Deal: $9.59

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

7. Jane Carter Solution Natural & Curly Hair Essential Travel Kit

List Price: $20 With Deal: $16

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

8. Design Essentials Agave & Lavender Thermal Protection Creme 

List Price: $7.99 With Deal: $6.39

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

9. Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Don’t Shrink Flaxseed Elongating Curling Gel 

List Price: $8.49 With Deal: $6.79

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

10. Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Flaxseed Recipes Fix My Hair Intensive Repair Conditioning Masque 

List Price: $8.39 With Deal: $6.71

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

11. EDEN BodyWorks JojOba Monoi Natural Deep Conditioner 

List Price: $9.29 With Deal: $7.43

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

12. Alikay Naturals Wake Me Up Daily Curl Refresher 

List Price: $13.99 With Deal: $11.19

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

13. KinkyCurly Spiral Spritz 

List Price: $11.99 With Deal: $9.59

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

14. Mielle Organics Rosemary Mint Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil 

List Price: $9.99 With Deal: $7.99

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

15. KinkyCurly Curling Custard 

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $13.59

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

16. As I Am Dry & Itchy Scalp Care Olive & Tea Tree Oil Conditioner 

List Price: $10.99 With Deal: $8.79

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

17. Thermal Hair Care Comic Hot Head

List Price: $29.95 With Deal: $23.96

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

18. UNITE 7SECONDS Shampoo

List Price: $28.50 With Deal: $15.96

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

19. Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil 

List Price: $13.99 With Deal: $11.19

These Top Selling Products are 20% Off Right Now at SHOPNaturallyCurly

20. Botanika Beauty The Mendor

List Price: $11.99 With Deal: $9.59


Remember to enter the code 20BF22 at checkout!

30 of Amazon’s Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

The Amazon Black Friday deals are live for everything from appliances to sneakers to your favorite leave-in conditioners and deep treatments. These are the curl stylers, moisturizers, and wash day must-haves that are on sale at Amazon this Black Friday. 


30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

1. Redken Curvaceous Ringlet Shape Perfecting Lotion

List Price: $24.00 With Deal: $16.80

If you like to use stylers with a lotion consistency, the Redken Curvaceous Lotion offers lightweight hold for Type 2 and 3 waves and curls. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

2. Color Wow Dream Coat for Curly Hair

List Price: $24.00 With Deal: $16.80

Wavies and curlies love the super lightweight hold and frizz control this spray provides. It’s recommended for Type 2a-3b waves and curls, and those with fine hair even find it helps with volume. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

3. Bed Head by Tigi Hair Wax Stick for Strong Hold

List Price: $19.99 With Deal: $12.99

This TikTok-favorite contains Castor Oil and can be used around the hairline for sleek hairstyles and wigs.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

4. Design Essentials Natural,Almond & Avocado Honey Curl Forming Custard

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $15.95

This nourishing styler gives medium to firm controllable hold that’s perfect for wash and gos, finger coils, twists, Bantu knots and more. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

5. Carol’s Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey Shine Pomade For Curly, Damaged, Natural Hair

List Price: $11.99 With Deal: $10.70

This multi-use styler can be used for smoothing edges, protection for heat styling, adding shine, touching up kids’ curls, and providing anti-itch relief and moisture for the scalp. It will work hard in your curl regimen. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

6. Moroccanoil Hydrating Styling Cream

List Price: $36.00 With Deal: $25.20

This Moroccanoil styler provides more hydration and hold than the Curl Defining Cream above and can be used as both a leave-in and a styler. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

7. IGK BEACH CLUB Texture Spray

List Price: $32.00 With Deal: $22.40

For undone, beachy texture without the salt, this Texture Spray provides a bit of grit and soft hold in a non-drying formula. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

8. Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk

List Price: $20.00 With Deal $14

This Holy Grail, plant-based dry shampoo will buy you a few extra days in between wash days.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

9. SexyHair Big Powder Play Volumizing & Texturizing Powder

List Price: $18.95 With Deal: $13.27

Sprinkle this powder on your roots for extra lift and fullness to your waves or curls. 


30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

10. Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3 Repairing Treatment

List Price: $30.00 With Deal: $24

This game-changing treatment was formulated to repair extreme damage caused by chemical treatments. You can learn more about how Olaplex No.3 works on curly hair here.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

11. Carol’s Daughter Goddess Strength 7 Oil Blend Hair & Scalp Oil

List Price: $13.99 With Deal: $10.39

This blend contains some of our all-time favorites: castor oil, oilve oil, vitamin E, jojoba oil and black cumin seed oil. Use it to nourish the scalp or protect your ends from breakage this winter.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

12. L’Oreal Paris Elvive 8 Second Wonder Water Lamellar, Rinse out Moisturizing Hair Treatment

List Price: $10.99 With Deal: $8.39

This award-winning, innovative liquid treatment formula is activated by water and may even give you a warming sensation in the 8 seconds it takes to treat your hair. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

13. Olaplex No 6 Bond Smoother

List Price: $30.00 With Deal: $24

This leave-in strengthens and hydrates curls damaged by chemical treatments, hair dye or heat styling. If your hair is feeling brittle from any of the above, give this a try. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

14. PURA D’OR Organic Vitamin E Oil

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $9.99

Whether you’re consuming Vitamin E capsules or applying the oil to your hair, Vitamin E can have amazing benefits for your curls and your skin. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

15. Mother’s Shea Mother’s Shea Whipped Shea Butter 100% Pure Raw Unrefined African Shea

Price: $17.99 with 20% off

Shea Butter can fill so many roles in your natural hair regimen! It can soothe your scalp, offer heat protection, soften brittle hair, and even shield you from ultra violet rays.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

16. Viva Naturals Organic Castor Oil for Eyelashes and Eyebrows

Price: $13.99 and has a $4 coupon

This castor oil comes with a convenient kit so that you can easily apply the hair growth benefits to your eyebrows and eyelashes.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

17. Aussie Deep Conditioner For Dry Hair with Avocado, Paraben Free, 3 Minute Miracle Moist

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $14.97

This triple pack of Aussie’s 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner will keep you moisturized for the rest of the year and beyond. 

Leave-Ins and Detanglers

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

18. SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Leave-in Conditioner Treatment

List Price: $10.99 With Deal: $6.90 

SheaMoisture’s Coconut Oil Leave-In was formulated to help you detangle and improve the manageability of your curls and coils – without the use of silicones. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

19. MIZANI 25 Miracle Milk Leave-In Conditioner

List Price: $25 With Deal: $15

If this multi-tasking product is a heavy hitter in your regimen, this is the perfect time to pick up the larger bottle of 13.5 fl oz.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

20. Kenra Daily Provision Leave-In Conditioner 

List Price: $16.99 With Deal: $10.19

This lightweight leave-in can aid in your detangling on wash day or refresh your dry waves and curls on day two or three. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

21. UNITE Hair 7SECONDS Detangler Leave-In

List Price: $32.50 With Deal: $22.75

If you’re going to be spending time out doors or using heat styling tools, this leave-in detangler provides the added benefit of protecting you from UV and thermal damage. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

22. Pantene Conditioning Detangler Spray, Nutrient Boost, Pro-V Repair and Protect for Damaged Hair, 8.5 oz, 3 count

List Price: $17.99 With Deal: $14.97

If you have fine hair that’s prone to fairy knots, this triple pack of detanglers could come in handy.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

23. Aussie Kids Moist Detangler for Kids, Sulfate Free and Paraben Free, 8 fl oz, Triple Pack

List Price: $14.91 and has a 20% coupon

And here’s a triple pack of detanglers for the curly kiddos in your life. 

Cleansers & Conditioners

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

24. Olaplex No. 5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner

List Price: $30.00 With Deal: $24

This highly-moisturizing, reparative conditioner works to re-link bonds in damaged hair that’s suffering from frizz, split ends and frizz. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

25. BIOLAGE Ultra Hydrasource Conditioner | Anti-Frizz Deep Conditioner 

List Price: $37.00 With Deal: $25.90

Wish your conditioner came in larger quantities? This jumbo size bottle contains over 33 ounces of conditioner.

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

26. Aussie Kids Shampoo, Conditioner, and Detangler

Price: $14.98

Curlies love the slip and the value of the Aussie Moist line – and your curly kiddos will love them too. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

27. Olaplex No. 4C Bond Maintenance Clarifying Shampoo

List Price: $30.00 With Deal: $24

Olaplex’s latest cleanser is a clarifier that’s non-drying and pH balanced. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

28. WOW Skin Science Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo & Conditioner Set

List Price: $30.64 With Deal: $23.36

If you want the clarifying benefits of an apple cider vinegar rinse without actually using a bottle of acv, this shampoo and conditioner were formulated to open clogged hair follicles and breaks down itchy build-up. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

29. Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Curly Hair Sulfate Free Shampoo and Conditioner Set

List Price: $18 With Deal: $13.50

Carol’s Daughter Founder Lisa Price made Black Vanilla in her kitchen over 20 years ago, and curlies have been loving its moisturizing effects ever since. 

30 of Amazons Best Black Friday Deals on Curly Hair Products

30. Goody Ouchless Womens Elastic Hair Tie – 27 Count

List Price: $7.79 With Deal $6.17

These always seem to go missing just when you need them – might as well stock up while they’re on sale!

What will you be treating your curls to this Black Friday? 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

We know Product Junkies don’t need an excuse to save on their favorite products, but just in case, we’re sharing 20 below. These are the top-selling products of October on SHOPNaturallyCurly, read on to see what fellow curly girls (and guys”> have been snapping up this season. And because it’s the season for tricks and treats, you can save 20% on all the products listed below as well as storewide on SHOPNaturallyCurly when you enter the code 20TREATS22 at checkout. And as our treat, get free shipping on orders of $50 or more. 

1. CURLS Curl Souffle 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $12.80

Regular price: $16

2. HPO Simply Curly Conditioning Styling Pudding 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $14.40

Regular price: $18

3. DevaCurl No-Poo Original 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $17.60

Regular price: $22

4. DevaCurl One Condition Original Creamy Daily Conditioner 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $17.60

Regular price: $22

5. Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Moisture Milk 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $11.99

Regular price: $14.99

6. Oyin Handmade Hair Dew 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $11.19

Regular price: $13.99

7. tgin Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Conditioner 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $11.99

Regular price: $14.99

8. The Mane Choice Exotic Cool Laid Minty Guava & Kiwi Shampoo 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $11.19

Regular price: $13.99

9. Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker Marshmallow and Agave Leaf Extract 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: 

Regular price: $21.99

10. Uncle Funky’s Daughter Midnite Train Leavein Conditioner 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $17.59

Regular price: $10.99

11. CURLS Curl Ecstasy Hair Tea Conditioner 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $16

Regular price: $20

12. Uncle Funky’s Daughter Heal & Renew Intensive Hair Masque 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $15.19

Regular price: $18.99

13. Uncle Funky’s Daughter Good Hair Conditioning Style Creme 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $14.39

Regular price: $17.99

14. Botanika Beauty The Mendor

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $9.59

Regular price: $11.99

15. Luster’s SCurl Free Flow Natural Wave Butter 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $7.19

Regular price: $8.99

16. MIZANI Coconut Souffle Light Moisturizing Hairdress 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $16

Regular price: $20

17. KinkyCurly Curling Custard 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $13.59

Regular price: $16.99

18. Palmer’s Manuka Flower Honey Finishing Hair Oil 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $6

Regular price: $7.50

19 The Mane Choice Proceed With Caution Killer Curls & Brutal Bounce Stop The Damage Pre or Post Poo Mask 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $14.39

Regular price: $17.99

20. The Mane Choice Pink Lemonade & Coconut Super Antioxidant & Texture Beautifier 5-Minute Reviving Mask 

20 Popular Curl Products that are 20% Off Right Now

On sale for: $14.39

Regular price: $17.99

Read next: 20 Silicone Free Curl Styling Products

What treats are you wanting to try this season?

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

The Amazon Prime Early Access sale is here, and to us that means a chance to save on our Holy Grail curl products and a low-risk way to try something new. You could get a head start on your holiday shopping or simply re-stock on your tried and true favorite products. 

What is Prime Early Access?

The Prime Early Access sale is an Amazon Prime members-only sale being held on October 11-12, 2022. These deals are included with your Prime Membership.

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

The Prime Day discounts range from home appliances to shoes and more, but we are zooming in on the curly hair product savings and sharing them with you for easy shopping. We’ve rounded up the curl stylers, gentle cleansers, moisturizing conditioners, diffusers, styling tools, hair growth products and deep treatments that we know curly girls are looking for.


45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

1. OUIDAD Advanced Climate Control Heat & Humidity Gel

Deal Price: $51.14 for 33.8 fl oz

You save: $23.86 (32%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

2. Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3 Repairing Treatment

Deal Price: $24 for 3.3 oz

You save: $6.00 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

3. PURA D’OR Anti-Thinning Biotin Shampoo & Conditioner

Deal Price: $39.99 for two 16 oz bottles

Get 5% back ($1.99 in rewards”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

4. Olaplex No. 4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo

Deal Price: $24.00 for 8.5 oz

You save: $6.00 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

5. Xtava Black Orchid Hair Diffuser

This popular diffuser attachment is made for blow dryers with 1.8 inch diameter nozzle – check yours before you add to cart!

Deal Price: $11.20

You save: 20%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

6. Organic Aloe Vera Gel KinRose Care

Deal Price: $9.59 for 12 oz

You save: $2.40 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

7. All About Curls Lo-Lather & No-Lather Cleanser

Deal Price: $9.80 for 15 oz

You save: $4.20 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

8. ABBA Moisture Conditioner, Olive Butter & Peppermint Oil

Deal Price: $30.00 for 32 oz

You save: $10.00 (25%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

9. Olaplex No.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner

Deal Price: $24.00 for 8.5 oz

You save: $6.00 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

10. Viviscal Women’s Hair Growth Supplements

Deal Price: $57.90 for 180 tablets

You save: $37.09 (39%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

11. Hair Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush

Deal Price: $6.98

You save: 30%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

12. UNITE Hair 7SECONDS Detangler Leave-In Conditioner

Deal Price: $22.75 for 8 oz

You save: $9.75 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

13. OUIDAD Advanced Climate Control Featherlight Styling Cream

Deal Price: $19.50 for 5.7 oz

You save: $6.50 (25%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

14. L’ANZA Neem Plant Healing Strength Serum

Deal Price: $27.30 for 3.4 oz

You save: $11.70 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

15. amika perk up talc-free dry shampoo

Deal Price: $20.80 for 5.3 oz

You save: $5.20 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

16. Olaplex Bond Intense Moisture Mask

Deal Price: $24.00 for 3 oz

You save: $6.00 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

17. Gold ‘N Hot Professional Ionic Soft Bonnet Hair Dryer

Deal Price: $34.30

You save: $30.69 (47%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

18. ABBA Moisture Shampoo, Olive & Peppermint Oil

Deal Price: $25.50

You save: $8.50 (25%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

19. 9-Row Cushion Nylon Bristle And Travel Brush 2 Pieces Hair Brush

This is not a Denman brush but curly reviewers find it comparable!

Deal Price: $10.98

You save: 22%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

20. Peach not Plastic Conditioner Bar

If you’re looking for eco friendly ways to decrease plastic use in your beauty routine, consider shampoo and conditioner bars like this one.

Deal Price: $11.66 for 2.8 oz

You save: Get 5% back in rewards

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

21. Olaplex No 6 Bond Smoother

Deal Price: $24.00 for 3.3 oz

You save: $6.00 (20%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

22. Color Wow Root Cover Up

Deal Price: $24.15

You save: $10.34 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

23. ZIMASILK 22 Momme 100% Mulberry Silk Sleep Cap

Deal Price: $26.39

You save: 20%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

24. TWIST Weather Up Gel Weightless Curl Defining Gel

Deal Price: $8.99 for 10.5 oz

You save: $3.00 (25%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

25. Paul Mitchell Pro Tools Express Ion Unclipped 3-in-1 Ceramic Interchangeable Curling Wand

If you ever use a curling wand to shape your curls, the cone-shaped wands and various sizes in this set create a more realistic look to the curls.

Deal Price: $80.49

You save: $34.50 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

26. PURA D’OR Apple Cider Vinegar Thin2Thick Set 

Deal Price: $28.49 for two 16 oz bottles

You save: Get 5% back ($1.42 in rewards”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

28. R+Co High Dive Moisture and Shine Crème

Deal Price: $23.80 for 5 oz

You save: $10.20 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

29. Unwash Bio-Cleansing Conditioner

Deal Price: $24.65 for 13.5 oz

You save: $4.35 (15%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

30. DevaCurl DevaFuser

The DevaFuser attachment is a cult favorite but is not a universal attachment. Its barrel is 1.75 inches wide so check your dryer before purchasing.

Deal Price: $38.50

You save: 30%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

31. Living Proof Curl Defining Gel

Deal Price: $19.59 for 5 oz

You save: $8.41 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

32. TWIST Hit Reset Light Clarifying Shampoo

Deal Price: $7.27 for 13 oz

You save: $4.72 (39%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

33. Wella Professionals Fusion Intense Repair Hair Mask for Damaged Hair

Deal Price: $16.15 for 5 oz

You save: $2.85 (15%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

34. Unwash Wide Tooth Detangler Comb

Deal Price: $8.50

You save: $1.50 (15%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

35. Unwash Charcoal Detox Scalp Scrub Shampoo with Tea Tree Oil + Peppermint for itchy scalp

Deal Price: $24.65 for 8.8 oz

You save: $4.35 (15%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

36. YANIBEST Satin Bonnet Silk Bonnet Hair Bonnet

Deal Price: $8.34

You save: 69%

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

37. PURA D’OR Organic Jojoba Oil

Deal Price: $14.97 for 4 oz

You save: Get 5% back in rewards

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

38. Grande Cosmetics GrandeLASH-MD Lash Enhancing Serum

Deal Price: $25.20

You save: $10.80 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

39. DevaCurl DevaDryer

Deal Price: $122.50

You save: $52.50 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

40. ABBA Gentle Conditioner, Cherry Bark & Aloe

Deal Price: $14.96 for 8 oz

You save: $4.99 (25%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

41. Unwash Anti Residue Hair Cleanser: Gentle pH Balanced Clarifying Shampoo

Deal Price: $8.50 for 2.5 oz

You save: (15%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

42. All About Curls Luxe Leave-In Detangler

Deal Price: $9.80 for 7.5 oz

You save: $4.20 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

43. Living Proof Curl Elongator

Deal Price: $26.59 for 8 oz

You save: $11.41 (30%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

44. TWIST Weather Up Lotion Super Light Styling Lotion

Deal Price: $9.19 for 8.45 oz

You save: $2.80 (23%”>

45 Amazon Prime Day Deals to Shop Today

45. All About Curls Boosting Foam

Deal Price: $9.80 for 6.7 oz

You save: $4.20 (30%”>

 What will you be adding to your curly hair regimen during the sale? 

Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week

Curl products, diffusers, texture experts, defined curls and coils were all present at the Fe Noel runway show at New York Fashion Week. And we are here for it!

“For so long, and even now, some model feel so traumatized that they come with their hair already done, because they don’t know that there are people that are actually going to be at the show that know how to handle their hair” Unilever Stylist & Celebrity Hair Artist Lacy Redway told us backstage with the TRESemmé team. “So we’re just trying to make sure that everybody’s hair type gets the same amount of attention and address their hair needs.” 

Read more: Lacy Redway on Styling ALL Hair Types at Fashion Week

NaturallyCurly photographer Kadar Smalls went backstage to bring the fashion week looks to our curly community, no matter where you are in the world. 

Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week Our Favorite Hair Moments from Fe Noel at New York Fashion Week

All photos taken by Kadar Smalls for NaturallyCurly

5 Ways to Get Hold Without Hairspray

Image: @hif3licia

As the humidity rises in many areas of the country –  including here in NaturallyCurly’s home in Austin, TX –  I usually reach for my trusty can of hairspray to set my curls and ward off the frizz that can set in as the day progresses.

But like many curlies, sometimes I want an alternative to hairspray. Many curlies don’t like the feel or the smell of hairsprays. Don’t despair! When you are looking for non-hairspray options that give you the hold of hairspray, there are several good options. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Turn to Texturizing Spray

A texturizer spray won’t give you the same hold as a high hold hairspray, but if you are looking for a lighter hold or just a way to set your style while adding some extra texture, this is the best answer without hairspray. This is a lightweight choice that will leave hair less weighed down than your typical hairspray while still giving you a little control. Some good ones to try are Volaire Air Magic Texturizing Spray, Dry Bar Triple Sec 3-in-1 and Garnier Fructis De-Constructed Texture Tease.  

2. Try Dry Shampoo

Another one of the best alternatives to hairspray is dry shampoo. This works because it removes excess oils which may keep hair closer to the scalp at the roots. By eliminating the extra oil, roots are given an instant boost similar to applying hairspray. With this method, just be careful not to overdo it since it can lead to dryness if used every day. And make sure you find one that works with your hair color. Some brands can leave a light/white cast on dark hair. Some to try include Alex Anderson Curl System Morning After Dry Shampoo, Batiste Dark Dry Shampoo and DevaCurl No-Poo Quick Cleanser.

3. Use a Sugar Spray

Another way to get an impressive hold without the hassle or crunch of hairspray is probably already in your pantry. Sugar cane extract has curl enhancing capabilities, as well as hold. When used directly on the scalp, it can also unclog pores and act as a clarifying treatment to exfoliate and promote hair growth. Sugar is known to give some hold without making hair too hard. It is also a really easy DIY approach that only requires two ingredients. Just check out this recipe.

4. Use a little Shea Butter

Shea butter may be one of the most beloved ingredients for curly girls around the world. But one attribute that may not get as much attention is its ability to provide  a decent amount of hold for your curls when used as a pomade to avoid the use of hairspray. Simply take some pure shea butter and rub in between your hands before applying to your hair. This will give some hold while also offering hydration for thirsty strands. There are some great shea butter options: TGIN Organic African Shea Butter, SheaMoisture Shea Butter Infused with Coconut & Hibiscus and Kreyol Essence 100% Natural Haitian Shea Butter.

5. Pomade in heaven

Hair pomade is one of those styling products that many people are confused about. Contrary to popular belief, it’s available in different holds, finishes, and textures. Pomades of the past were usually beeswax or petroleum based for heavy styling. Although newer editions may contain traces of both wax and petroleum, other additives create a smoother, lighter finish. To set your curls, rub a little pomade rubbed between the palms, pull your hair back like your making a ponytail or bun and than twist it. When you let it go, your curls should be more defined, and the pomade will add hold to keep them looking good throughout the day. If your hair does start to look frizzy, just redo the process. Some good pomades to try include Darcy’s Botanicals Organic Coconut and Cupuacu Natural Hair Butter Pomade, Ouidad Clear Control Pomade and Mielle Mongongo Oil Pomade-to-Oil Treatment.

If you do like hairspray or want to try it, check out these articles:

10 Fixes for Frizzy Hair (That Actually Work”>

Do You Really Need to Use a Finishing Hairspray?

12 Best Hairsprays

The Major Change That Helped My Hair Grow
The Major Change That Helped My Hair Grow

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I did not necessarily grow up with naturally textured hair. I got my hair relaxed at age 12. Prior to a relaxer, my hair was straightened using a pressing comb, so I never really experienced curly hair as a child.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

Over 10 years ago, I noticed that my hair started to get thinner and thinner, although it was super long, it was thin. I didn’t wear weave. I didn’t use permanent color. I washed my hair weekly. I gave my hair moisturizing and protein treatments. So the only thing I could contribute it to was the relaxer. So, I sat in my stylist’s chair and told her to cut it all off’.

As a cosmetologist, I am no stranger to switching up my look! But that time, it was different. That time, it felt like I saw my true self for the first time at age 33. And I have never looked back!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey was surprisingly not the moment I went natural, but the day I decided to embrace my GREY natural hair.

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey was surprisingly not the moment I went natural, but the day I decided to embrace my GREY natural hair.

I am an artist. I love color – both in my fashion choices and my hair. I have worn my hair pink, red, burgundy, purple and everything in between.

About 5 years ago, I noticed the crown of my hair started to grey more and more. As opposed to covering the grey, I decided I would rock it! Grey is ‘colorful’ as well.

What was most empowering was the realization that my hair is still fabulous (and so am I”> even with grey. I think I get just as many compliments with my grey hair as I did without it. It doesn’t age me. It just makes me more authentically me.

The Major Change That Helped My Hair Grow

How do you protect your curls at night?

I hate bonnets! I sleep with a silk pillowcase. I typically wear my hair in a twist out so a few times per week I put it in about 5 big chunky twists, and lay on my silk pillowcase.

If I wear my hair in a wash n go, or curl definition style, I just sleep on the silk pillowcase.

Now on rare occasions when I actually get my hair styled in a twisted up, I will wrap it up with a satin scarf for bed.

Who is your curl crush?

Believe it or not — I DON’T HAVE ONE! Lol! I guess because my hands have been in thousands of textures and curl patterns, I have a true appreciation for all curls. Even though we have a curl typing system, I have never seen a curly girl’s hair that was exactly like someone elses. So my curl crushes would be all of the thousands of women who have sat in my chair and allowed me to treat and style the many curls, textures, types, and patterns! I love them all!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My curly girl essential is GLYCERIN (in water”>. My hair loves moisturizers and styling products with vegetable glycerin. I will even mix glycerin in my water bottle and just give it a spray.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My hair regimen involves regular cleansing of my hair AND scalp. We forget about the importance of proper scalp care. I think that infrequent shampooing, particularly for those with kinky curly hair, result in poor scalp hygiene and compromised hair growth.

I use the entire Curl House Hair Restoration Collection. The entire product line is designed with the health of your scalp in mind. My favorite product in the collection is the Curl House Follicle Stimulating Growth Drops which are a blend of botanicals that hydrate and stimulate the hair follicles to promote growth. The drops are water based, as opposed to oil. I think so many women run to oils or ‘grease their scalp’ but what they really need is moisture, which is only attained through water.

I also love the Hair Nourishing Leave-In Conditioner, and use it daily.

I cut all of my hair off in May 2020, used the Hair Restoration Collection, and my hair grew like wildfire.

The Major Change That Helped My Hair Grow

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my natural hair journey was when my hair started to fall out in 2018. The hair fall out was triggered by excessive stress, but the underlying condition was genetic hair loss – also called female pattern hair loss. I am a certified Trichologist (hair loss and scalp specialist”> so I know why women lose their hair. And I have treated and helped hundreds of women to restore their hair. However, I didn’t think that I would have to be my own patient. Initially, it was very discouraging, but as a result, I could better relate to and empathize with my clients.

And, I also had to make the very lifestyle changes that I encourage my clients to make. Exercise more. Drink water. Manage your stress. Incorporate more whole fruits and veggies. Take vitamins. Let my lifestyle become my medicine. After about 6 months of treatment and changes, my hair started to flourish again.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Some people say my hair “grows like weeds.” Maybe that was the case in my 20s or even my 30s, but now that I’m in my 40s (with hot flashes and the other hormonal changes that come with age”>, it requires a little more work to maintain the health of my hair.

I have adopted a healthier lifestyle (mentioned above”> that has made the biggest difference in the health of my hair. For example, I exercise regularly, which increases blood circulation to the scalp for maximum growth.

To keep this hair growing strong, the other major change I made was to start caring for the health of my scalp!

To keep this hair growing strong, the other major change I made was to start caring for the health of my scalp! Healthy hair grows from a healthy scalp. I cleanse my hair and scalp about once per week. I use the Follicle Stimulating Growth Drops and apply to my scalp 2-3 times per week. The quality of my hair is so much stronger as a result.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

I would encourage any woman who is struggling with loving their natural texture to give it time. In a relationship, love at first sight is unrealistic for most people. It takes TIME to get to know and fall in love with your partner. You have to get to know them, understand their unique qualities, accept the things you may not like about them, and eventually choose to love them.

The very same principles apply to your hair. You can’t love something you do not know. I encourage you to take the time to get to know your hair. Learn your texture and curl pattern; how to style and maintain the style, and what styles work best; what products are best, etc. Over time, you will grow to understand the unique characteristics of your hair, and eventually, love the texture God gave you. You are one of a kind – and so is your hair.

You can follow Karen’s hair journey on her YouTube channel

Ask a Curl Expert: How to Get Myha’La Herrold’s Bantu Knot Hairstyle
Ask a Curl Expert How to Get MyhaLa Herrolds Bantu Knot Hairstyle
Photo by Monaé Everett

Myha’la Herrold’s been busy. She stars in the HBO workplace drama Industry and the slasher flick of the summer, Bodies Bodies Bodies, both of which premiered last week. And you may have noticed she’s been rocking inspiring natural hairstyles on and off the red carpet too. 

We caught up with celebrity hair stylist Monaé Everett to see how she created Herrold’s Bantu knot style for her latest photoshoot with Ssense, and to get the scoop on how you can create the look at home! 

Ask a Curl Expert How to Get MyhaLa Herrolds Bantu Knot Hairstyle

Monaé loves to educate, she launched her “The Monae Life Academy” specifically to teach people how to style hair of all textures, and she recently released her second book “Get Out of Your Own Way.” 

We love the asymmetrical look of Myha’la Herrold’s Bantu knots, which were inspired by Monaé’s “love of organic styles and odd numbers.” 

“Another creative aspect of this hairstyle is the fact that the Bantu Knots are not in a singular line, we choose a more organic style than the ever so popular faux hawk.” Keep reading to see how you can get the look at home. 


Ask a Curl Expert How to Get MyhaLa Herrolds Bantu Knot Hairstyle
Photo by Monaé Everett

How to get the look

Step 1. Start with damp hair

To prepare the hair for this style simply shampoo and condition as usual. I used Qhemit Biologics Egyptian Wheat Grass Cleansing Tea and Moringa Tree Conditioning Gee. I styled the hair while damp.

Step 2. Create three sections (be creative!”>

I divided the hair into 3 different size sections. The cool thing about Bantu Knots is that the creativity doesn’t stop with the knots. The creativity of this style continues with your sectioning.

The first part I created started at the arch of the left eyebrow and continued to top of the right ear creating a triangle. I then began another part from behind the top of the right ear to back of the left ear. 

Step 3. Braid each section

Then I created a three strand braid and wrapped them down onto themselves into bantu knots leaving the ends exposed. I used Qhemet Biologics Aethiopika Hydrate & Twist Butter to smooth the 3 large braided Bantu knots. Plus this butter locks in hydration and makes the hair shine something fierce! 

Pro tip: For fuller bantu knots, add hair extensions. Choose a texture similar to your own and color that matches the ends of your hair.

Step 4. Leave the ends of the braids out

I secured the Bantu Knots with an elastic bands and bobby pinned the loose hair to the base of the Bantu Knot to give the hair added texture and display the lighter hair color.

Pro tip: To keep the ends of the hair luminous and tangle-free, add a serum like the Qhemet Biologics Coconut & Green Tea Softening Serum.

Ask a Curl Expert How to Get MyhaLa Herrolds Bantu Knot Hairstyle
Photo by Monaé Everett

Watch Monaé Create the Look

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Hair by Monaè Everett @MonaeArtistry

Makeup by Tim Mackay @timmackaybeauty

The Essential Bedtime Routine for Curly Kids

Learning to care for your curly hair should start young.

sleeping child with curly hair

OneBlueLight — Getty Images

If your little ones are rocking natural curls, their hygiene and self-care routine may be a little bit more involved than their straight-haired classmates at school, and that’s okay! Curly-haired babies are beautiful and by making hair care part of their daily routine, keeping their curls beautiful and healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Mornings before daycare or school are hectic, so we like to do some of the heavy-lifting at bedtime instead. Here’s a bedtime routine your curly and coily little ones can implement with ease:

1. Have a set schedule

Just like with tooth-brushing, PJ time, and stories before bed, hair care should become second-nature to your children. If extra hair care steps are a surprise some nights, you might get pushback or catch your child in the wrong mood to sit and work through their curls patiently. Skip the fight and fuss by teaching your child that like baths and meals, this is just a normal part of the day. Let them know that your curls need to be cared for, too, and you can do some of these bedtime steps together.

2. Moisturize

We wash our bodies, and we must also moisturize them so that our skin is pliable, healthy, and resilient to the elements. It is important to teach your child that the same is true for our hair. While all types of hair should be conditioned, your child should understand that their special, gorgeous curly hair also needs some extra moisture to stay strong and happy. Choose natural leave-in conditioning products for your child to keep their scalp and hair healthy. Helping your little one understand that this is extra love and not extra work will keep this routine easy and pleasant.

sleeping child with red curly hair

Ulkas — Getty Images

3. Detangle as needed

We recommend to never detangle dry hair. As you probably know, trying to pull your fingers or a detangling comb through dry curls is painful, often too difficult, and always results in more damaged, messy results. With moisturizing product still in their little curls, occupy your child with a book, puzzle, or toy and work your comb or fingers through tangles to separate, define, and reduce strain on individual strands. Older children can handle this themselves, but it’s good to remind them to moisturize liberally beforehand and go slowly. Talk to your child as you detangle together and use this as a time to bond and celebrate your curly hair.

4. Seal strands with oil

The best way to seal and solidify your strands end to end and bolster wellness is applying an oil treatment to the ends of your hair. This step comes in after the leave-in conditioner and the detangling to lock-in moisture. We love heavy oils like this jojoba oil or this coconut oil because their dense formulas are enough to lay down the cuticle without weighing down your child’s curls.

curly kids with curly pineapple and silk pillowcases

Photo @naturallycurlykids

5. Wrap or pineapple hair

If you’ve been natural for a while, protecting your hair at night is just a typical part of your nighttime routine. While wrapping or pineappling hair before bed is second nature to many grown-up naturals, your little ones should be following in your footsteps to reap the same benefits. The earlier you start this routine, the more familiar it will be. Your child will need to learn how to make good choices for their hair over time so encourage them to help choose a satin bonnet or satin scrunchie in their favorite color or one of your old cotton t-shirts to use with the plopping method. Wrapping hair before bed helps to eliminate tangles, breakage and helps to lock in hydration throughout the night. Pineappling will help prevent extra friction from tossing and turning on a pillow. All of these benefits will help make the next morning easier for you and your kids.

If you like this content for curly kids, share it with your curl friends and remember to follow @NaturallyCurly on Instagram.